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Did I do the right thing?


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Re: Did I do the right thing? heres a hand from my last session: $0.02 NL - Holdem - 6 players SB: $0.47 Hero (BB): $2.12 UTG: $2.73 MP: $2.46 CO: $0.59 BTN: $3.50 SB posts SB $0.01, Hero posts BB $0.02 Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has Ah 5s UTG calls $0.02, MP calls $0.02, fold, fold, SB calls $0.01, Hero raises to $0.08, UTG raises to $0.14, fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.26, UTG raises to $2.73, Hero calls $1.86 Flop: ($4.28, 2 players) 4s Ks Jh Turn: ($4.28, 2 players) Qs River: ($4.28, 2 players) Kd Hero shows Ah 5s (One Pair, Kings) (Pre 46%, Flop 33%, Turn 39%) UTG shows 3h 3d (Two Pair, Kings and Threes) (Pre 54%, Flop 67%, Turn 61%) UTG wins $4.02 Bare in mind I already had the villain down as a fish, was I right to call his last bet? how would anyone else of played this?

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Re: Did I do the right thing? And this one: $0.02 NL - Holdem - 8 players UTG: $0.56 UTG+1: $0.84 Hero (MP): $2.07 MP+1: $4.48 CO: $2.27 BTN: $1.96 SB: $1.94 BB: $3.84 SB posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02 Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has Ad 4d fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.04, MP+1 calls $0.04, fold, fold, fold, fold Flop: ($0.11, 2 players) 2d 7s 3d Hero bets $0.06, MP+1 calls $0.06 Turn: ($0.23, 2 players) 4s Hero bets $0.08, MP+1 raises to $4.38, Hero calls $1.89 River: ($4.17, 2 players) Ah Hero shows Ad 4d (Two Pair, Aces and Fours) (Pre 60%, Flop 56%, Turn 66%) MP+1 shows 5s 3s (Straight, Five High) (Pre 40%, Flop 44%, Turn 34%) MP+1 wins $3.91 I thought I played this quite well, it was the same fish but I definitely had the odds to be calling the river bet. Anything anyone would have done differently?

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Re: Did I do the right thing? Well if I have read the first post right, there's nothing wrong with the raise to cut out the limpers but I'm never calling of with a5 as so much is dominating you. nothing too much wrong with the 2nd one you have such a strong hand once that flop hits the money is going all in.

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Re: Did I do the right thing? Hand 1: Right idea, punish the limpers, not convinced A5o is the best hand to do it with though, if you miss the flop you'll be out of position with not much equity. Hand 2: You can bet bigger on flop and turn to put more pressure on and give yourself a better price on calling any shove. Feel free to post more hands :ok

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Re: Did I do the right thing? cheers guys going to play for a bit today no doubt I'll have some more hands will try and take any advice off here i'm given i'm still making a few mistakes. I'm beating the level but I feel I could be making my ROI so much higher with a few tweaks. Be back later on with a few hands...

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Re: Did I do the right thing? another one... $0.02 NL - Holdem - 9 players UTG+2: $2.06 MP: $5.08 MP+1: $5.60 CO: $2.65 BTN: $2.04 Hero (SB): $3.13 BB: $2.00 UTG: $1.72 UTG+1: $3.01 Hero posts SB $0.01, BB posts BB $0.02 Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has Ad Qc UTG calls $0.02, fold, fold, MP calls $0.02, fold, CO calls $0.02, fold, Hero raises to $0.08, fold, UTG calls $0.06, MP calls $0.06, CO raises to $2.65, fold, fold, fold CO wins $0.34 Should I have called the player that raised was so loose it was unbelievable?

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Re: Did I do the right thing? 1.Unless I'm reading this wrong you raised in the bb with a/5 and proceeded to get all in preflop. No!!!!!!!!! 2.You might have got it in good but 9 times out of ten your behind. You dont have the odds to call unless you know his cards $1.89 into a 30 cents pot???? 3.a/q to call for 130 bbs?. Good luck, but you'll learn nothing playing $0.01/$0.02nl, people dont play like this even at $0.02/$0.04 Hopefully it wont take you too long to win enough to step up a level:ok

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Re: Did I do the right thing?

1.Unless I'm reading this wrong you raised in the bb with a/5 and proceeded to get all in preflop. No!!!!!!!!! 2.You might have got it in good but 9 times out of ten your behind. You dont have the odds to call unless you know his cards $1.89 into a 30 cents pot???? 3.a/q to call for 130 bbs?. Good luck, but you'll learn nothing playing $0.01/$0.02nl, people dont play like this even at $0.02/$0.04 Hopefully it wont take you too long to win enough to step up a level:ok
thanks for the reply, basically I wanted to start with $40 (20bb)-(another thread in the challenges section) and work my way up to $80 to up to the next level but you at this level so low its like a free for all, you either get stuck very quickly in a table full of nits so have to move on, or you just get bombarded with these pre flop all ins from the fish and some of the luck they get can be so sick, but I suppose you expect that at this level. The thing is I think it is do-able to get to that $80 just have to get on a bit of a heater and leave this level before the bad habits stick. The downswings at this level can be shocking though as your full stack gets pushed in alot and you get sucked out on most of the time. But i'll stick at it until my 20bb are gone or I move up :eek
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Re: Did I do the right thing? Yeah full ring, I assume most regs and nits must at least have an idea of what there doing they only ever play premium hands, I try to find the fish/loose players and exploit them but been running pretty bad over last couple of sessions or playing hands badly like you've seen above :wall Just feels like its alot more luck at this level and people waiting for AA or KK, I'm not losing money but I'm not making what I think I could if I could crack these levels though. Have you played any micro levels? Is there alot of difference between levels?

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Re: Did I do the right thing? I would say the difference between the very bottom level and the next up is the biggest in poker, although I never played higher than $1/$2nl. I struggle to beat anything past $0.05/0.10 these days which is why I play 99% omaha cash. I was lucky when I started of the smallest stakes were $0.12/$0.25 so all the bad players had to play there. You hear stories of a handful of pro's starting of with zero and now playing the nose bleeds. You dont hear a lot about the 20 billion who started of with zero and still have zero. As I said the sooner you get up a levels the better not just for the chance to win more noticable amounts but also the education value. Don't know what site your on, but unless you need massive table choice stay clear of pokerstars that's were all the micro stakes grinders live.

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Re: Did I do the right thing?

I would say the difference between the very bottom level and the next up is the biggest in poker, although I never played higher than $1/$2nl. I struggle to beat anything past $0.05/0.10 these days which is why I play 99% omaha cash. I was lucky when I started of the smallest stakes were $0.12/$0.25 so all the bad players had to play there. You hear stories of a handful of pro's starting of with zero and now playing the nose bleeds. You dont hear a lot about the 20 billion who started of with zero and still have zero. As I said the sooner you get up a levels the better not just for the chance to win more noticable amounts but also the education value. Don't know what site your on, but unless you need massive table choice stay clear of pokerstars that's were all the micro stakes grinders live.
I normally steer clear of Stars except for the tournaments there. I normally play most cash at 888 or Partyp where I think there is still money to be made. If things keep going the way they are though and some of the maniacs going in with 4-2o and the such and hitting on the river I might have to think things through with the BRM and maybe take a shot at the next level and see how I go. Cheers for the info though and GL with the Omaha :ok
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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Did I do the right thing? with the a5 against 33 even if you do have him down as a fish its pretty ridiculous just calling with a high because if he is a fish then his range is massive so just think what you beat and what u lose to he could have kx qx jx even bloody 4x which still beats you plus any pair, so if you think you beat more hands that you lose to then make the call but here you clearly lose to much more hands than you actually beat so its an easy fold for me. gl

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: Did I do the right thing?

And this one: Pre Flop: (pot: $0.03) Hero has Ad 4d fold, fold, Hero raises to $0.04, MP+1 calls $0.04, fold, fold, fold, fold Flop: ($0.11, 2 players) 2d 7s 3d Hero bets $0.06, MP+1 calls $0.06 Turn: ($0.23, 2 players) 4s Hero bets $0.08, MP+1 raises to $4.38, Hero calls $1.89 I thought I played this quite well, it was the same fish but I definitely had the odds to be calling the river bet. Anything anyone would have done differently?
I am defo calling this one, he/she could be shoving any two cards at this level and you have a few draws to win just unlucky here
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Re: Did I do the right thing? My move on the flop is? Cheers #Game No : 470105019 ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 470105019 ***** $0.03/$0.06 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** Table Zografos (Real Money) Seat 9 is the button Total number of players : 5 Seat 1: womblePL ( $1.36 ) Seat 2: ravenhold ( $4.30 ) Seat 4: mavictor123 ( $2.91 ) Seat 7: stockbridge8 ( $7.58 ) Seat 9: namnit09 ( $6.01 ) womblePL posts small blind [$0.03] ravenhold posts big blind [$0.06] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to womblePL [ 3d, 3c ] mavictor123 folds stockbridge8 folds namnit09 raises [$0.18] womblePL calls [$0.15] ravenhold folds ** Dealing flop ** [ 4h, 4c, 8h ] womblePL checks namnit09 bets [$0.31]

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Re: Did I do the right thing? and again am stuck with middle pair on middle cards flop - thoughts? Cheers #Game No : 383061062 ***** Cassava Hand History for Game 383061062 ***** $0.03/$0.06 Blinds No Limit Holdem - *** Table Babrujsk (Real Money) Seat 7 is the button Total number of players : 6 Seat 1: Coincidence ( $6.14 ) Seat 2: womblePL ( $1.33 ) Seat 4: eggbap ( $4.65 ) Seat 6: gruntz0101 ( $19.04 ) Seat 7: Mixery_ML ( $6 ) Seat 9: namnit09 ( $6 ) namnit09 posts small blind [$0.03] Coincidence folds womblePL posts big blind [$0.06] ** Dealing down cards ** Dealt to womblePL [ 7h, 7d ] eggbap folds gruntz0101 calls [$0.06] Mixery_ML raises [$0.27] namnit09 folds womblePL calls [$0.21] gruntz0101 folds ** Dealing flop ** [ 3h, 5h, 8d ]

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Re: Did I do the right thing? If your buying in short you really shouldn't be playing these hands preflop, unless you want to re-raise shove, even then I dont think you would win long term. I don't know if these are full ring tables that have got short handed or plain short handed tables.and I don't know if I'm right in saying it is next to impossible to shortstack shorthanded tables but thats the gut feeling I have had in the past. I used to shortstack higher stakes tables at one point to get rake related points for freerolls, bonuses etc and I lost a lot more at the shorthanded tables. As played you could reraise shove hand A and shove first in on flop hand B and you might be up against overs and your hand might hold up. Far too many ifs involved playing small pkt pairs prelop and post flop short stacked oop

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