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Why are English race callers so indecisive??

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Ive noticed it as long as ive watched racing from the UK and it starts to get frustrating. As i am watching them on TV its not so bad because i can see for myself who has won but if i want to tune in on the radio i may as well just wait for the results to come through. Sitting at home i can quite easily tell if a horse has won but these race callers continue to sit on the fence when there is a neck in it at the end! Seriously what are they getting paid for? Watching the last race at Musselburgh just pushed me over the edge on it tonight. Just stop sitting on the fence and do what you're paid to do!

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? I agree with you somewhat as I, too, seem to be able to spot the winner in a close call now and again but isn't it best to wait for the official call? They often give an unofficial call but mention that it can look a bit misleading to the naked eye due to camera angle.

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? I am sure they have to wait for the official call. You can bet on the outcome of the photo for a start so if there is even a slight bit of doubt they shouldn't be calling it just in case. There have been times I have thought a horse has won, only to see on the photo it hasn't. I know you are talking about when it seems a bit more obvious but still it's not worth it

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? I don't mind waiting a minute or 2 for the official result , usually I get it the result right , although some camera angles are a bit tricky. The 5.35 Roscommon race yesterday ( 3rd Sept) was a photo finish , betting shop punters thought it the fav had won but Des Whathisname the Irish oncourse commentator instantly called the correct result . I think sometimes the commentators box is different to where the camera is situated. Sometimes they need to see a replay / a closeup .

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? They dont have to say 100% "x" horse won, but unless they hit the line at the same time have a go and say "I think 'x' has got up" or something. They are getting paid to call the race so dont take the easy way out. Some of them are just ridiculous when they dont have a go. If they get 1 wrong every now and then, then oh well at least have a go. Most of the races in Australia even if a horse gets up by a short half head they still has a go in some way. Greg Miles' call in the 2008 Melbourne Cup is a very good example, the biggest race in the country with everyone watching and he has a go on a nose margin


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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? Irish commentators are streets ahead of the English ones in my opinion. Hardly ever make a mistake, very laid back, don't stutter, don't talk crap like Thommo, just simply tell you how the race unfolds in a professional manner.

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive??

Irish commentators are streets ahead of the English ones in my opinion. Hardly ever make a mistake' date=' very laid back, don't stutter, don't talk crap like Thommo, just simply tell you how the race unfolds in a professional manner.[/quote'] You reckon Aidy i'm not so sure after watching this!
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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive??

Ive noticed it as long as ive watched racing from the UK and it starts to get frustrating. As i am watching them on TV its not so bad because i can see for myself who has won but if i want to tune in on the radio i may as well just wait for the results to come through. Sitting at home i can quite easily tell if a horse has won but these race callers continue to sit on the fence when there is a neck in it at the end! Seriously what are they getting paid for? Watching the last race at Musselburgh just pushed me over the edge on it tonight. Just stop sitting on the fence and do what you're paid to do!
Back in the day (and NO - I am not old enough to remember this!!), before all betting shops had pictures (actaully - I have worked in a couple of them), I think the commentators were meant to metion as many horses as possible during the final furlong and nearly always call a photo if there was as much as a length between the winner and the 2nd... Just what I am told!! Kept the punters in the shops for longer and raised the excitement levels... Maybe it's a throw back to that attititude.... Or maybe they are just afraid of the backlash and repurcussions if they call it wrong. Am sure he has, but cannot remember the last time Simon Holt made a mistake... Cue You Tube Clips!! Not recently anyway and often calls tight ones...:unsure
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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? Slightly off topic - but the Racing Post could certainly do with upgrading there text commentary! I don't use it too often thanks to audio commentary being easily accessible on smart phones, but many times i've seen text commentary stating "horse A wins well - Result 1st: horse B 2nd: horse C 3rd: horse A" I imagine it must be an automated service.

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Re: Why are English race callers so indecisive?? If you saw where some of the commentary boxes were placed at racecourses in this country then you would also struggle to tell who has won. I think a commentator should only call the winner if he is certain and if he isnt then just leave it to the judge, I really dont see the point of taking the gamble.

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