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What would you do?


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I apologise straight off the bat if this has already been discussed but last night I was on a night shift with a few of my poker mates and we got talking about hands and whether we could/would/should lay them down. We came up with one which led to a heated debate between us which lasted most of the night. Here it is: You have won a Satellite to a Major Poker Event WSOP Main Event for example and have played well all week but are now on the Bubble and are sat the Shortest stack on the table with only 6/7 BB's left. You are on the Button and you look down at Aces. You look to get involved in the hand but the next shortest stack has gone all in, another has reshoved and the Big Stack of the table has called that. The action comes to you and you have a choice. Fold with a very good chance that you are going to make the money unless the Short Stack has the best hand and then the second best hand wins the side pot. Almost sure to get into the money which will be a nice boost being you got the seat off a satellite anyway. Call you are getting it in with the best hand and face the chance that the pot is 3 way you may take the beat but if they hold up then well you are getting a nice quadruple up at least and will be left with a 25-28BB stack. My opinion was that I would probably fold in this situation as I am almost guaranteed to get into the money and should even the short of middle stack wins you still have another 7 hands before you are going to be the BB so there would probably be someone going out on one of the other tables, last thing I would want to happen would be to call in this situation and be outdrawn and played for so long without anything to show for it other than one hell of a bad beat story (but what a Story it would be!) My mate argued that the call is an absolute no brainer you have to call as you have the best hand regardless of where you are in the tournament, would you fold it early on in the tournament, so why because it is right on the bubble should you fold. The chances are they have less chance to hit as well as they are probably sharing outs and one of them you would suspect to have an Ace so would have to hit the board hard as he only has one live card. He is a little more reckless than me and although I would hamper the rest of tournament and will probably go out just after the bubble I would rather that and take some money, but its probably the only case I can ever think of for folding a hand like Aces Pre flop. Smaller money tournaments I would also be calling but an event like WSOP with a substantial cash out even on the bubble I would take the security of taking at least some money.

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Re: What would you do? Depends on the money at stake. If it was for $2k i think i would probably be brave and call. Upwards of this would get me thinking and $5k would be a definite fold and keep fingers crossed. I suppose it all depends on everyones circumstances also. To some people $2k is a lot of money but to others its affordable to risk. Regardless if one did fold you would always spend the rest of your days wondering what would have happened after you see that Aces would have quadrupled and KK was dealt to the person in your seat next hand.

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Re: What would you do? If you need to satellite in you have to fold. Even if you win you are still pretty short and not really increased your chances of much more than a min cash any way. If it was a smaller field with the same buy in were the chips would move you up a higher % of the field, that is another matter.

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Re: What would you do? If ever there was a case for folding AA preflop, then this is it. Even if you win the hand you are still faced with the prospect of not getting further up the prize ladder. The pay out structures in WSOP events tend to be very flat in the early stages, so fold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What would you do? interesting situation, if theres a short stack all in and 2 callers like you said theres a very good chance of getting the ticket with folding. if it was for such a big prize i think i fold. if not i call.also aa 4 way isnt exactly a monster anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: What would you do? For me its a insta shove AA is the best starting hand you have gained entry for min amount through a satellite and yes were on the bubble but 4 people are in the pot get it in and hope they hold up and then you have around 30 bb and a chance of running deeper in the tournament. Always play for the win and never be scared to be the bubble boy.

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As soon as two players are all in before with that its probably best not to look if you know the money is important , heck both AK and KK best aces on bubble this yearat WSOP. In your normal game its a auto call and hope the blinds don't come along. This is the exact scenario the pros love to abuse as they are playing lots of large tourneys whereas lots of players at WSOP taking a shot so difference between bubbling and min cashing is a 30k swing one the pros will have gone through so many times its a auto call , whereas to most us on here we would probably be happy to accept locking up 20k and trying to triple up straight after the bubble bursts. Therigdoctor81 : At what level buy in are you folding aces when on bubble and another shortie is likely to be knocked out? Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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Re: What would you do? Im never folding aces on the bubble, yes you could fold and min cash and probably bust after the bubble or you could take your chance with the aces against 3 players and if you win you stand a real chance of running deeper and making more money and possibly win ( especially if i'd satty'd in probably never have another chance at the wsop "no guts no glory"). In fact id be looking to get it in with weaker hands a lot of people play really tight on the bubble so it can be a good time to loosen up your range, But timing is everything you have to pick your spots carefully so before the bubble comes up i'd play really tight so your image is like a nit waiting for premium cards then when you shove you will get credit for having stronger hands than you actually have.

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