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Ouch - this type of thing makes you think twice about how random online poker actuall


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Re: Ouch - this type of thing makes you think twice about how random online poker act There's been literally billions of online poker hands played... so at sometime someone somewhere is going to be on the wrong end of one of the mathematically possible really bad beats... and maybe this was your time. Remember, if it's mathematically possible then it's possible. Simple as that.

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Re: Ouch - this type of thing makes you think twice about how random online poker act Not even close to a bad beat though, nor is this just thought it rather funny we all ended up with a set and the hand was dealt as I was looking at this thread last night.


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  • 3 months later...

Re: Ouch - this type of thing makes you think twice about how random online poker act If these types of things never happened then I would question how random things are, and besides pocket jacks have a 15% chance of winning the hand as you were all in pre so ofcourse it's going to win occasionally, the fact it won by rivering quads is irrelevant.

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Re: Ouch - this type of thing makes you think twice about how random online poker act i was in the last 30 of a tourne last night (650 entries $5 freezeout 3k gaurantee) played the best i had played for along time... Got Ad Ah in the cut off and was reraised by the BB, i then pushed all in and they snapped (3/4 of there chips) and showed AsKd. Flop 5s Qs 5h Turn 9s River 3s......... Gives him the nut flush!!! I know it happens but its fu..... **** when it does!!!!!!!!

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