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DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO*


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My challenge is to not go broke and make some money , my starting point is $51.45 Today I've been playing cash games and quickly started off well winning $10 at to 2c/5c Omaha tables in just 100ish hands 2 tabling my all in EV was actually only around $7 to go to over $61 but when I got back after a food break fired up more tables and continue to play lots of hands forgetting hard to get reads while 6 tabling. Needless to say I began to leak money and switched to the NL5 where again my fortune didnt change however I picked up a VIP reward that I've added back to my balance , I then did the mistake to play $10 PLO cash table however I managed to run $1 above EV and take down $9.19 profit. A bit of a come back but I'm still not badly patiently when opening more tables. So over 297 hands I lost $26.30 , but EV over these hands was (-$7.83) . I know only a small sample but a bit a frustrating start. Now on $45.18

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge I quickly realised was playing too many tables and moved back to playing one or two , so played a few 6 max and a couple of heads up games in a short session that moved me back up. Currently : $52.31 Played a little more cash omaha before rounded off with $3.50 mixed 8 game SnG 6 max win and then Hyper HU games where won 10 of 21 (grr why) End the night : $52.39

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Just wanted to wish you all the best Dan, saw your other thread and started drafting a post but couldn't quite get it right and others input was spot on already. I would echo Al's advice above and would probably go further in stating that you should be setting (sensibly with plenty of breaks) volume based targets as opposed to $ based. Obviously with a "Stop-Loss" of stopping early if you feel tilted, have lost several buyins in quick succession or just can't find good table selection. The trouble with constantly monitoring the $ swings during the session is that if you're up, you'll be subconsciously pushing wider & quicker to grow it further and if your down, you'll be doing similar desperately trying to pick it back up. By setting out a set number of hands and/or a set time limit for your session, you subconsciously tend to settle into the session better and relax into your game without financial pressure. As with BRM, it's important that you stick to your chosen session guide though, with the exception of your stop-loss or indeed if a session is going particularly well on a certain table, then set yourself an "agreed extension" of time in which to profit from it, but recognise the time to leave when conditions turn/fish leave table etc. I would at this point stress that I absolutely suck at cash tables, I get bored quickly and start to chase the action breaking the above golden rule. As a result I've always run at a slight loss and break even only after rakeback. The above method is the concensus of many coaches/high stakes grinders that I've worked with over the years and I'm sure you have better ability & patience at sticking to it than I ever did. Every faith in you, best of luck buddy, but slowly slowly catchy monkey ;)

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Still got a ton of improving to do with regardless to game selection and sensible bankroll management but after a slight win in Omaha cash , I played and won a $3.50 6 Max SNG , and then decided to play hyper heads up again I really want to stop playing these till my roll is much larger. I did stick to my stop target though of not going below $50 ( already didnt need stop I know I would have unlike before ) and after going down to right on that line run it up to $90.96 my high point the night. Going to stick to 2 Tables of PLO Cash most the time now . unless I think a few tourneys that take my fancy. Current Roll : $90.96

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Well done Dan :ok keep it going. Think I'll probably resurect my old blog soon too as it does help with keeping focus/discipline during the grind, although I'm still only grinding micro mtts for...... hmm I was going to say "fun", but even that's to be confirmed at times :eyes :lol

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Cheers Bart yeah I used to write a blog post though admittedly quite irregular , I never used a tracker currently running the 30 day trial on holdem manager - not sure its true value in micro stakes games though as seeing im running below EV tilts me and running above EV I start taking flips instead of better spots. That said it seems a sensible purchase. Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Played a late session of heads up games had up swing then down swing then finished on a positive against a opponent who caused me a few problems. BR: $115.58 Got greedy played a $15 PLO Hyper HU Bankroll now : $129.96

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Though playing higher than should be I've be focusing on Heads Up games and this has seen me increase my bankroll on stars even further. Rounding of the session of with minimum of $30+ profit and finishing with a hyper $7 9 Man SNG. Bankroll : $161.24

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Lost a little last to go down to $152 , decided to withdraw £50 so im deffo still in profit for the challenge and a bankroll of $74.47. Playing a bit of 8 Game now brought in for $4.47 Bankroll : $74.47 WIthdrawn : £50

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Had a rough time on the tables partly due to not playing optimal I reckon and partly some rough hands. Right down to $20 now so glad withdrew the £50 else that could been gone to

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge Stupidly ridiculous session from me went bust so reloaded a £10 back in from the withdrawal. Then started to have a bit of luck and pulled it back , still unhappy with my play and lack of BRM. But so far Profit : £40 Bankroll : $85.85

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Withdrawal another £40 to try minimise tilt risk , disappointment in the Micro Millions shootout after won first table but looking to play few more MTTs once back from gfs as she hates it , might play bit on 888 too Sent from my GT-I9100P using PL Forum

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO* Not much advice I can give, as I'm tournament player. I have never gone busto (7-8 years), as I play cash as little as I can. Probably few times a year. I just know, that playing MTTs only, I will never have to put my hard earned money in.

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO* TBH I pretty much know my problem was tilt I was doing the all in flips and things like that which is pretty idiotic. I am going to try stick to solely micro stakes MTTs for awhile , and see how that goes.

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO* As a fellow "degenerate gambler" who hasn't worked for years, my current game plan is to play a sprinkling of omaha 8 tables along with as many added value micro's as possible. Usually start at about 18:30 and continue until the tournies are done and I have hit whatever VIP goal I have set for the night at cash. If I have had a good night I pour a wee dram, sit in front of the fire and watch some TV. If the night has been bad I frantically look for money anywere online I can play the slots with to try and recover losses. Some nights I dont even think I want to win at poker, I just want to get straight to the real adrenaline rush. How I have lasted close to 12 years with no cash injection is completely beyond me and everyone who knows me. My advice........ Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ******* big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin can openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of ******* fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the **** you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing ******* junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pissing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, ******-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life . . . Screw that hit the re-raise button.

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Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO* I think the real problem is that you're too keen to withdraw money rather than build a bankroll so you're obviously uncomfortable playing for hard cash. Knock it on the head untill you can play with money that you can afford to lose.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: DanShot Renewed Focus $50 Bankroll Challenge * BUSTO* Well guys I have come back renewed and more determined and focused still playing a bit on the gambling side regarding bankroll management but not on permanent like was before , and ready to roll with the highs and lows , I injected £10 on to Stars that equates to about $15. So far I have run it up to $106 in less than 16hrs which includes some sleep time

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