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Event 35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em (Completed)


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Day 1 Ends With Andre Akkari On Top.

bb1acfb60ff.jpg Day 1 has come to a close here at the Rio with Andre Akkari and his 108,700 bagging the most chips. A field of 393 players came in today and only about 85 came out the other side. Last year saw Matt Matros take home the gold bracelet. This year someone else will take their seat on the throne; Matros was eliminated early on and won’t be defending his title. Top Chip Counts [TABLE=class: chipsCount tal, width: 640] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]1[/TD] [TD]Andre Akkari[/TD] [TD]53-48c10d929ac11.png[/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]108,700[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]Michael Malm[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]92,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]David Williams[/TD] [TD]53-48c10d929ac11.png[/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]81,400[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]Frank Kassela[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]72,800[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]Isaac Baron[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]71,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]6[/TD] [TD]Salman Behbehani[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]69,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]7[/TD] [TD]Ray Sumon[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]65,900[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]8[/TD] [TD]Bryan Devonshire[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]65,300[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]9[/TD] [TD]Randy Haddox[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]62,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]10[/TD] [TD]James Dempsey[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]60,500[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

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Re: Event 35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em (Day 1 Completed) Phil Ivey Makes Fifth Final Table of the Summer

bd4bf142ff8.jpg Will this be the one Ivey finally wins? Day 2 of Event 35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em began with 87 players returning to action and finished with nine remaining. Sitting at the top of the list is Joep van den Bijgaart with 605,000 in chips. He'll hold the lead coming into Wednesday's final table. Only 45 spots were set to get paid and it didn't take too long to get down to the bubble with 46 players left. The bubble, though, lasted roughly an hour and a half before Dario Sammartino finally went out at the hands of Michael Malm. Malm came from behind with tens versus jacks to bust Sammartino and send everyone into the money. Of those who finished the day with a cash were Dan Harrington, Gabriel Nassif, Randy Lew, David Williams and start-of-the-day chip leader Andre Akkari. Top Chip Counts [TABLE=class: chipsCount tal, width: 640] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]1[/TD] [TD]Joep van den Bijgaart[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]605,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]Samuel Golbuff[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]526,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]Michael Gathy[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]418,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]Erik Cajelais[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]368,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]Chris Tryba[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]347,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]6[/TD] [TD]Salman Behbehani[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]253,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]7[/TD] [TD]Phil Ivey[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]169,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]8[/TD] [TD]Brent Wheeler[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]158,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd, bgcolor: #F2F2F2] [TD]9[/TD] [TD]Michael Foti[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD=class: numeric, align: right]105,000[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

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Re: Event 35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em (Day 2 Completed) Congratulations to Chris Tryba, Winner of Event #35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em ($210,107)!

bd583e4214d.jpg Bracelet Winner Chris Tryba After three hard-fought days of Texas Hold'em, both in its limit and no-limit formats, Event #35: $2,500 Mixed Hold'em is in the books with Chris Tryba standing tall as champion. Final Table Payouts [TABLE=class: usertable] [TR=class: even] [TH]Place[/TH] [TH]Player[/TH] [TH]Prize[/TH] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]1[/TD] [TD]Chris Tryba[/TD] [TD]$210,107[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]2[/TD] [TD]Erik Cajelais[/TD] [TD]$129,766[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]3[/TD] [TD]Salman Behbehani[/TD] [TD]$93,842[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]4[/TD] [TD]Joep van den Bijgaart[/TD] [TD]$68,576[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]5[/TD] [TD]Michael Gathy[/TD] [TD]$50,640[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]6[/TD] [TD]Samuel Golbuff[/TD] [TD]$37,793[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]7[/TD] [TD]Brent Wheeler[/TD] [TD]$28,494[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD]8[/TD] [TD]Phil Ivey[/TD] [TD]$21,699[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD]9[/TD] [TD]Michael Foti[/TD] [TD]$16,692[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

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