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Sunday Million II - 3rd of June - ooblio


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Re: Sunday Million II - 3rd of June - ooblio rollercoaster for me - was down to 6k then up to 15k....just had to fold a massive AQ hand when i called an all in for 5k to be then squeezed off the hand to a bet for another 9k behind me.... i tank folded thinking he must be strong.....turs out he had aj and the all in had 88 for the frigging ace to come on the river - woudl have had 30k +. Anyways got 9k at break....

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Re: Sunday Million II - 3rd of June - ooblio

Mark - wp - keep it going.... I am having a disaster.......card dead......only hand i have had in 1hr is tt and had to fold it to a kqx board....will be shipping my 3k in very soon....GL me.
GL :hope
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