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Stan James Bet and Play Promotion - Free $10 tickets


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Re: Stan James Bet and Play Promotion - Free $10 tickets I hoped I might induce a call by appearing weak.... when there was a 2nd call to my shove I sensed I may be in trouble :loon

** Hand # 4361832005 starting - 2012-03-29 20:23:55** $8,000 Guaranteed Frenzy[5545900]:Table 29 [Multi Table Hold'em] (100|200 NL - MTT) Real Money Saint_Cajetan sitting in seat 1 with 10090.00 brownmar sitting in seat 2 with 3395.00 misiupysiu sitting in seat 3 with 13145.00[Dealer] Eltrucko sitting in seat 4 with 1990.00 ToffeePete sitting in seat 5 with 8140.00 ProStack sitting in seat 6 with 11800.00 ezel83 sitting in seat 7 with 2620.00 elf83 sitting in seat 8 with 3610.00[sitting out] KamenitsaKid sitting in seat 9 with 6185.00 MischiefMonkey sitting in seat 10 with 8975.00 Eltrucko ante'd - 20.00 ToffeePete ante'd - 20.00 ProStack ante'd - 20.00 ezel83 ante'd - 20.00 elf83 ante'd - 20.00 KamenitsaKid ante'd - 20.00 MischiefMonkey ante'd - 20.00 Saint_Cajetan ante'd - 20.00 brownmar ante'd - 20.00 misiupysiu ante'd - 20.00 Eltrucko posted the small blind - 100.00 ToffeePete posted the big blind - 200.00 ** Dealing cards to ToffeePete: Kh, Ks ProStack folded ezel83 folded elf83 folded KamenitsaKid called - 200.00 MischiefMonkey called - 200.00 Saint_Cajetan folded brownmar folded misiupysiu folded Eltrucko called - 100.00 ToffeePete went all-in - 7920.00 KamenitsaKid went all-in - 5965.00 MischiefMonkey went all-in - 8755.00 Eltrucko folded ToffeePete shows: Kh, Ks KamenitsaKid shows: 10c, 10d MischiefMonkey shows: As, Ac ** Dealing the flop: Js, 9c, 7h ** Dealing the turn: 3d ** Dealing the river: 2h ToffeePete shows: Kh, Ks MischiefMonkey wins 18895.00 from the main pot MischiefMonkey wins 3910.00 from side pot 1
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