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where you playing tonight? tuesday 28th Feb.


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Re: where you playing tonight? tuesday 28th Feb. Paddy Power : as Love2Gamble89 $1.10 Paddys Pantsdown $100 added - 169/254 Nut Flush and Gut Shot Draw vs Set vs Lower Flush Draw $5.50 Naill Smyth Bounty Game : 142/255 AK > QJ done damage then 3 bet A3 into 66 $2.20 Paddys Pantsdown $200 added - 55 /140 QQ into KK then 2nd pair vs flush draw on flop

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Re: where you playing tonight? tuesday 28th Feb. Out of league, didn't manage to avoid the aquatic lifeforms. :wall First I get crippled with a guy stealing my blind from BU with J7o against my AA. Then after I've doubled up once with trip 9's, another jack-the-lad can't seem to fold his AK against my TT on a 7 high board that pairs the 7 on the turn and keeps on calling until he hits the ace on the river.

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