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Funny joke i've seen today


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Was playing a 6 handed game today and there was one guy who was very aggressive and went all in on the river . Think the limit was 0.05/0.10 stake . Playing this to improve my hand reading skills though Board cards are as follows Flop Ac 2s 4s Turn As River 3d He min raised pre-flop (Been doing a lot of times now so i suspect his range was huge) I call on the 1 seat with AJo Min bet on flop Pot sized bet on turn And all in on river As he was all in on river , i did a funny thing . Use the time bank and try to let the time run out was my option at the moment . (Thought of folding as might be beat as he could have got a flush on the turn) As the time ticked off , he spoke on the chat box , asking me to mug it which was a surprise as i don't expect people to use the chatbox when all in . So i asked him , will you show me if i mug ? He started scolding me . Another player who was on the same table typed in lol . I was trying my best to laugh now on my computer screen , and trying to see if i could get him to reveal his hand just like people do in live games . So i carried on asking him "What you got" . He said "Straight" and continued scolding me . Doesn't make sense to me to be honest as you did a pot sized bet when the turn came . I figured he was lying and called with 1 sec on the time bank left . He turned over Q4o for a nothing hand . :rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin:rollin

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