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England V SA

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Re: England V SA I thought the draw all along, but I did begin to doubt when everybody else was laying it, I just didnt think the weathermen could be that wrong!! If they are tho, the only winners from here are England, and if its cloudy tomorrow I fully expect SA to follow on. Mind you, I had SA at the start so what the f**k do I know?

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Re: England V SA I cant decide whats worse, the bowling in this match or the weather forecast! CNN now says partly sunny/showers for today, rain sunday, partly cloudy monday. SA are 1.83 at mo to score below 380, I like the look of that. Mind you I thinj I've backed virtually everything going in this test so far! Dont think Vaughan would have declared if he'd known the sun was coming out, which makes a massive difference. Still think a lead of 150 is big, but if tomorrow washed out, then draw for sure. Might have a look to see how many overs you have to lose for the follow on target to be reduced to minus 150....

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Re: England V SA Still rain tomorrow, cloudy monday. Mind you, it was supposed to be cloudy this morning! How are you supposed to make a living with crap weather forecasts! Hills say SA 11.0 Eng 13.0 draw 1.07 Pitch still looks good too, shows what I know, and I've worked on cricket pitches for 12 years!!!

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Re: England V SA Can't see anything bet the draw now. England need 10 wickets in 2 sessions, and with a depleted bowling attack will surely struggle. South Africa simply need too many runs, and if they are struggling will probably come off for bad light:@ Looks like it's going to go down to the 5th test

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Re: England V SA 25-3!! We could be in here!! Havent looked at the odds but that 10/1 at 11.00 looked good! Mind you, I've backed everything here at some point so I'm ok if england win, up if draw, (up if SA win as well but we wont dwell on that) Might have to check my maths here....

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Re: England V SA Youve got to say thats a top result, apparently the first time a test team has been bowled out in 2 sessions to win a test in over a decade. I'm not even bothered my biggest bet didnt come in! I'm well impressed with england, they came back after losing the third test brilliantly, but even more impressive they've come back from 2 or 3 really rough sessions. I mean Hoggard bowled like a donkey on saturday morning and look at today! I made a small profit in the end as I thought those big england odds saturday night just werent worth ignoring and jeopardising my money. Thank f**k for in-running!! Somebody said earlier in this thread that in-running is the way to go with cricket and this is a brilliant example why. I thought the wicket would misbehave more due to it wasnt a typical Joburg wicket at the start IMO, but I never thought (along with many others) there would be enough play for a result, the draw odds being ridiculous at one point. England cant lose the series now and without looking at the Centurion stats, youve got to fancy a draw. Englands bowling attack is shot and thers only 3 days rest, but more to the point if the doctors wont let Graeme Smith play SA are in trouble as he is one of the main batsmen, and if you think he is negative, I cant wait to see Boje captain, cos it didnt sound good while Smith was off. After your earlier post, Dave, I went back into Cricinfo and it still said 25/3, WTF happened I dont know

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Re: England V SA Good point. If we bowl we are up against it, but I still think we have to back our batsmen to at least equal theirs. I know Kallis and Gibbs are class acts but if Smith is out its looks a bit wafer. I dont think we should be scared of that muslim bloke coming back in. If a footballer gats concussion he is out for a fortnight isnt he? The other thing is SA are not naturally agressive and dont score there runs at a great lick, so thats got to be a bonus. I suppose they would like to bat for 2 days and go for the follow on ideally, whilst we are f****d! But if Boje has to captain it puts him in a nasty position and he has to stand up and be counted. I just thimk SA will be too negative and we should bat well enough to keep out of trouble. The best bet for SA if Smith is out is to make Pollock captain again, at least he has the xp, but they surely wont as they've sacked him once already.

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