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£30 to £1000


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I think glory hunts should be to reach a given target(£) not how long before you go bust. So Betdaq are giving away a bet to nothing offer (bet £30 get it back if you lose plus 2.5% comm for a while) so I have signed up for it and put in £30 Im going to try and make this to £1k then start again. Obviously if my first bet loses I get back my £30 and start again. All bets will be place only and will be horses chosen from my A.I thread at my discretion,all in till 1k :dude or bust :$ Todays bet is Pymans Theory 3.50 Leic 3 places £30 @ 1.35 to win £10.85 :hope :ok

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Re: £30 to £1000

I'll stick a screenshot up for you , wouldnt like you to think I dont put my money where my mouth is unlike some...... Infact it should be mandatory 74718150.png
I am not sure why you think posting screenshots should be mandatory. Personally I think its fair enough if someone asks for one then you can send it to a mod. When I do glory hunts I can have 10's of bets each day, uploading each one would be a pain in the arse... Good luck with your thread :ok (You seem to have got your odds wrong and didn't win as much as you quoted on post 1)
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Re: £30 to £1000 In post 1 i posted the ave odd quoted in betdaq when the bet was placed the true odds are what I got in post 2 hence the screen shot.(this tends to happen when you actualy put money down) If the people who actualy say they 'put money on' their glory hunts showed their screenshots then they would be more believable.

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Re: £30 to £1000

In post 1 i posted the ave odd quoted in betdaq when the bet was placed the true odds are what I got in post 2 hence the screen shot.(this tends to happen when you actualy put money down) If the people who actualy say they 'put money on' their glory hunts showed their screenshots then they would be more believable.
I do not bet with net/online bookmakers so could never put a screenshot up, but I'd put a scan up of a receipt etc. I think you are totally spot on, I honestly do not some believe people put the cash on, some just play with points and are spurious with their claims. Every bet I put up is put on, glad you have joined dude.
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Re: £30 to £1000 todays bet Thirsk 1.50 Iceblast 3 places :hope Matched 17:15 Thirsk - Place Market BACK 6 Iceblast 1.34 £39.53 1.34 Copy and paste didnt come out too good will put up s/shot if wins If looses end of GH :lol :ok

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Re: £30 to £1000 I've never really looked at the purple place. I can't see past Betfair, and yes I know it has it's failings, but I suppose it's like a pair of your favourite slippers. A sad analogy methinks. Any reason why you prefer Betdaq?

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Re: £30 to £1000 I prefer betfair actualy . Just using betdaq to keep this GH away from my other betting. IF the bets get over £100 I cant realy see there being enough liquidity without dropping to very low odds so I think I will have to just take whats available at the front of the market at the time as Betdaq does not have a take sp option. (or if it does I've not found it :\ )

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Re: £30 to £1000 Missed out on a couple of good days due to being out :@ so lets see how today goes. Dumped the lot on High Samana (good 5.30) asked for 1.5 only £10 matched so far will let it run till the off then it will auto cancel whats left over. screenshot if a winner :hope :ok

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