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WPT Mag. and TitanPoker Freeroll 5/12/10


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Re: WPT Mag. and TitanPoker Freeroll 5/12/10 Full. 2500 in for 10 places paid. Should be interesting.I guess more than half the field will be sat out.Also I think players will be all in for a few hands. Good Luck to anyone playing and :hope you get one of the prizes.

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Re: WPT Mag. and TitanPoker Freeroll 5/12/10

Came 50 somethingth last night after almost 4 hours of play' date=' got up to 11th at one point. Called a knob who was constantly pushing, my AJs v his 89o, hits 9 of course. :wall[/quote'] nearley as bad my K/K,i raised preflop and on the flop and all in on turn,he has Q/8..... Queen on the turn and 8 on the river,has to be expected in games like this though so not too bothered. about time the magazines in general made them all a reasonable buy-in.
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Re: WPT Mag. and TitanPoker Freeroll 5/12/10

nearley as bad my K/K,i raised preflop and on the flop and all in on turn,he has Q/8..... Queen on the turn and 8 on the river,has to be expected in games like this though so not too bothered. about time the magazines in general made them all a reasonable buy-in.
Unlucky Teaulc, ditto with the buy-in idea
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