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Tiffy last won the day on August 21 2018

Tiffy had the most liked content!


About Tiffy

  • Birthday 09/14/1968

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Tiffy's Achievements

  1. Brighton 1.91 Notts Forest 2.62 Bournemouth 1.75 £10 Treble Please
  2. Brighton 4.4 Notts Forest 2.70 Liveepool 1.44 £10 treble please
  3. Lol, yeah sorry, it's my fat fingers...... 🤣
  4. Liverpool V Brighton O2. 5-1.40 Wokbes 1-2.60 Man UTD 1-2.60 £10 Treble Please
  5. Brighton 1.61 Chelsea 1.8 Aston Villa V Bournemouth O2. 5 - 1.61 £10 treble please
  6. Fulham V Aston Villa O2. 5-1.7 Man U V Brentford X - 4.3 Ipswich V Everton 1- 2.4 £10 Treble Please
  7. Arsenal V Southampton 1.36 Leicester V Bournemouth 1.61 Chelsea V Forest 1.57 £10 O2. 5 Goal Treble Please
  8. Brentford V Wet Spam 1.67 Chelsea V Brighton 1.53 Ipswich V Aston Villa 1.73 £10, O2.5 treble,
  9. @avongirl I'm posting my selections for the next 2 weeks here as I am away from Monday 9th.There is no Wk3 thread this week due to the break Week 3 Brighton Liveepool Aston Villa All to win - £10 Treble Week 4 West Ham V Chelsea Fulham V Newcastle Southampton V Ioswich O2. 5 Goals - £10 Treble Many thanks 👍
  10. Brighton 8.50 Ipswich 3.10 Chelsea 1.65 £10 Treble please
  11. Brighton 2.5 Luton 2.25 Spurs 1.44 £10 treble please Sooooo good to be back
  12. Luton 3.5 Burnley 5.5 Bournemouth V Brighton X 3.9 £10 treble please
  13. Chelsea 4.50 Coventry 5.50 Luton 3.10 £10 treble please
  14. Burnley V Brighton x 3.9 Cambeidge V Charlton x 3.4 Crewe V Grimsby 1@ 2.1 £10 Treble Please
  15. Everton V Burnley 1.73 Fulham V Newcastle 1.44 Wolves V WHU 1.67 O2.5 Treble, £10 please
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