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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. dont think this has been discussed too much,but you know the bastid is sticking it to the table but he bets enough to put you off your game,even if you call what do you do when you miss the flop,you know he is gonna raise no matter what... do you leave and find another table or wait for the top hands and try to win something that way...

  2. Re: Home Game - 28th February 2009 thankyou all for coming,made my evening and even got a bad beat out of it ( didnt i steve?):rollin:rollin whats the matter Hen? you not like Badger? i dunno, Poles these days are so fussy :tongue2:tongue2

  3. Re: what would you do next? call or fold? just keeping you lot on your toes,,dont want you all to think i am any good at this :tongue2:tongue2:tongue2 all part of the master plan ;) of course its an obvious fold and one i didnt even think about,i was more curious in what you thought he had

  4. BossMedia Game #1482517090: Table Table TH 390 - €0.05/€0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:19:51 - 2009/03/01 Seat 1: berlin79 (€8.52) Seat 3: D00MTRAIN (€18.86) Seat 4: sanaga (€9.51) Seat 2: hooligann (€4.90) Seat 5: Roy_all (€9.52) sanaga posts the small blind of €0.05 hooligann posts the dead blind of €0.15 Roy_all posts the big blind of €0.10 D00MTRAIN is the button *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to D00MTRAIN [6d Kd] berlin79 calls €0.10 hooligann checks D00MTRAIN calls €0.10 sanaga calls €0.10 Roy_all checks *** FLOP *** [2h 2d Jd] sanaga checks Roy_all checks berlin79 checks hooligann checks D00MTRAIN bets €0.55 sanaga folds Roy_all goes all-in with €9.42

  5. Re: Home Game - 28th February 2009

    wouldnt do that mate so will drive home but will be bringing the laptop cause just qual for the 10.5k weekly on paradise and its sat at 20.30 so can i connect to the internet more of a reasonable request :lol
    well as you will only last 10 minutes,,,no problem dont forget the quad lnb and if you have a spare one (ordinary) my bro-in-law would be very grateful :ok
  6. Re: Home Game - 28th February 2009

    If need be Alan and only if you have room wud me and keith be able to stay over if not will drive home:ok
    well you have a choice........... you both share the single bed in the spare room or i kick connor out of his room and you both share his double bed :spank:spank:spank
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