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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Pokerstars SCOOP freeroll Sat.11th April

    Nah, was my own fault. Should have just let her keep doing it until she met a hand from someone else. Think in future in massive freeroll MTT's Ill sit out the first half hour or so and let it calm down a bit and the all in every hand players get on with it without being tempted by a big pair.
    well it is the reverse for me,,,i am the aggressor as you see in the suck-out thread,and it is a battle between me and 1 other with me on top at mo,well i was till one of the sit-outs came back when i had QQ, diamonds on the flop and i bet into it ,,he calls rag on turn so i push and he calls with A/K and sucks out a King to take 2k off me.still in good shape though:ok
  2. Re: PokerPlayer Magazine and Pokerstars SCOOP freeroll Sat.11th April

    :rollin:rollin:rollin@ all of you whinging. I subscribe to both magazines only for strategy to improve my game. Even If there is no freerolls I will be getting both mags till my days of poker are over. One cock up and you guys makeing huge deal of it. The guys are just humans after all and sometimes make mistakes. Its Easter as well, so difficult to catch anyone around. To editors of IP and PP: get rid off those freerolls and you will never have a single complaint about your mags. You doing fantastic job. Keep it up! To PL guys: get a grip FFS!
    must be the time of the month :tongue2
  3. anyone else finding the new update blooody awful?? i thought it was just Paradise last night but just logged into Virgin and it is really bad. the text is all bold and child like,,:puke

  4. Re: ** Poker Monday 6th April ** just a couple of games tonight,,bwin $5k freeroll and Stan James mini-bounty. have hit a bit of a barren spell at mo,so might be time for the pokergods to start smiling on me again

  5. Re: Virgin Festival 4th-5th April / Newcastle

    Played 88 badly on a J42 board and lost 3/4 of my stack 1st hand after break im all in with 575 chips, 2 callers and i have QQ board A 8 9 10 3 David Lloyd shows pocket 10's for the str8 Totally gutted
    :unsure has trips now become a straight?????:loon unlucky graeme
  6. Re: ** Poker Tuesday 31st March ** i will have a go at focus,but having major problems with i-poker at mo since the upgrade,as aol sees ipoker as psp software so difficult to keep connection... boylepoker is the most stable so will be using the nickname of D00MTRAIN

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