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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. playing this tonight as a filler and just for fun, ** Game ID 2545644854 starting - 2009-04-14 20:12:07 ** FREEROLL GRAND PRIX[2904655]:Table 15 [Hold 'em] (20.00|40.00 NL - MTT) Real Money - superman43 sitting in seat 1 with 2220.00 - probablyme sitting in seat 2 with 2460.00 [Dealer] - spanishjoe sitting in seat 3 with 2350.00 - bicki30 sitting in seat 4 with 1950.00 - adaskooo sitting in seat 5 with 1420.00 - cashmere302 sitting in seat 6 with 1500.00 - yelir sitting in seat 7 with 1470.00 - rabmil sitting in seat 8 with 1250.00 - teaulcsg1 sitting in seat 9 with 1160.00 - blueblud1 sitting in seat 10 with 1470.00 [sitting out] spanishjoe posted the small blind - 10.00 bicki30 posted the big blind - 20.00 ** Dealing card to teaulcsg1: 8 of d, 8 of s adaskooo called - 20.00 cashmere302 called - 20.00 yelir folded rabmil called - 20.00 teaulcsg1 called - 20.00 blueblud1 folded superman43 folded probablyme raised - 80.00 spanishjoe called - 80.00 bicki30 raised - 500.00 adaskooo folded cashmere302 called - 500.00 rabmil folded teaulcsg1 went all-in - 1140.00 probablyme folded spanishjoe folded bicki30 raised - 1820.00 cashmere302 folded bicki30 shows: A of d, A of c ** Dealing the flop: 7 of d, 6 of d, 9 of d ** Dealing the turn: 10 of d ** Dealing the river: 10 of s teaulcsg1 wins 3020.00 from the main pot End of game 2545644854

  2. Re: a hand from last nights APAT Irish Championship satellite

    Could,nt quite understand what the guy was on about to be honest:unsure. Just a standard hand you were pretty sure he did,nt have aces or kings and were happy to race. did you win a seat in the end Al? After crippling my captain with your AJ against her aces;).
    yes i did mate,,,was the 2nd time on my table aces got done
  3. in this hand i am short stacked and upon getting 9/9 had decided to push. Washman had already pushed as he was in same position,and knowing his range of play wasnt too worried.now Greener got a bit miffed and called me a few names which i found quite funny. now if i had been in Greener`s position i would folded,what would you have done?? GAME #-2107636283: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2009-04-13 21:44:54 Table APAT Irish Online Champs Sat, 284523572, 2482313001 (Tournament: APAT Irish Online Champs Sat Buy-In: $10+$1) Seat 1: teaulcpl ($2,175.00 in chips) Seat 2: RiverAsUsual ($5,315.00 in chips) Seat 4: pokernuts07 ($3,735.00 in chips) Seat 5: greener1982 ($5,875.00 in chips) Seat 6: Washman5 ($1,625.00 in chips) Seat 7: lynch1 ($7,215.00 in chips) Seat 8: travel52nearly ($7,075.00 in chips) Seat 9: suzy666 ($3,340.00 in chips) DEALER Seat 10: kosh101 ($7,172.50 in chips) kosh101: Post Ante $25.00 teaulcpl: Post Ante $25.00 RiverAsUsual: Post Ante $25.00 pokernuts07: Post Ante $25.00 greener1982: Post Ante $25.00 Washman5: Post Ante $25.00 lynch1: Post Ante $25.00 travel52nearly: Post Ante $25.00 suzy666: Post Ante $25.00 kosh101: Post SB $100.00 teaulcpl: Post BB $200.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcpl [C9 S9] RiverAsUsual: Fold pokernuts07: Fold greener1982: Call $200.00 Washman5: Raise (NF) $1,600.00 lynch1: Fold travel52nearly: Fold suzy666: Fold kosh101: Fold teaulcpl: Allin $1,950.00 greener1982: Call $1,950.00 *** FLOP *** [HK H10 D8] *** TURN *** [s2] *** RIVER *** [D9] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $6,225.00 Rake -$25.00 greener1982: Shows [CK SA] Washman5: Shows [D10 HA] teaulcpl: wins $6,225.00

  4. got a bit of needle with this hand,but also some support. i had already folded AJ the hand before when one player had gone all-in,so felt if i had folded again i was showing weakness. GAME #-2107972167: Texas Hold'em NL Tournament 2009-04-13 20:04:36 Table APAT Irish Online Champs Sat, 284523572, 2482313001 (Tournament: APAT Irish Online Champs Sat Buy-In: $10+$1) Seat 1: nyerunwxm ($2,590.00 in chips) Seat 2: DewiJ ($2,460.00 in chips) Seat 3: harapin ($2,840.00 in chips) Seat 4: 523ise ($2,470.00 in chips) Seat 5: kosh101 ($2,230.00 in chips) DEALER Seat 6: teaulcpl ($2,260.00 in chips) Seat 7: mousebob ($2,710.00 in chips) Seat 8: goater1414 ($2,500.00 in chips) Seat 9: spursf002 ($2,440.00 in chips) teaulcpl: Post SB $10.00 mousebob: Post BB $20.00 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcpl [HA CK] goater1414: Fold spursf002: Fold nyerunwxm: Fold DewiJ: Raise (NF) $80.00 harapin: Call $80.00 523ise: Call $80.00 kosh101: Fold teaulcpl: Raise (NF) $420.00 mousebob: Fold DewiJ: Fold harapin: Raise (NF) $2,840.00 523ise: Fold teaulcpl: Allin $1,840.00 *** FLOP *** [H2 H3 H4] *** TURN *** [H8] *** RIVER *** [D4] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $5,280.00 Rake $0.00 harapin: Shows [D10 S10] harapin: wins $580.00 teaulcpl: wins $4,700.00

  5. APAT Irish Online Poker Championship takes place this week APAT are pleased to confirm details of the Irish Online Poker Championship, taking place at Blue Square from 8pm on April 18th. IMG_9962.JPG Yates: Welsh Online Champion The entry fee for the event is $50 + $5, and players entering will start with 10,000 chips and 12 minute blind levels. The winner of the event will receive a significant cash prize, National Title & Gold Medal and an entry to a £1,000 buy in Grosvenor UK Poker Tour main event. The top three players will receive APAT National Medals and an option to enter the Irish Amateur Poker Championship in Dublin on May 30th & 31st, where their Online Championship Medals will be presented. Satellites to the Online Championship event will be available at Blue Square on Monday April 13th and Tuesday 14th at 8pm. Monday’s satellite will be a $10 + $1 freezeout, while Tuesday’s will be a $5 + $0.50 rebuy. The previous event in the Online Championship series; the Welsh Online Championship, was won by Brian ‘BOINGBLITZ’ Yates. Good luck to all participating players

  6. Re: Team South

    Ok Goater, Fonzie and Ooblio welcome. I think we will close the team now for the time being 7 players should be enough.
    cant let heniek get away mate,,,he is a must :ok
  7. Re: A difficult decision?

    Playing in the regular Aspers Newcastle £22 Freezeout last night. Tourney has 110 runners with 10 places paid. Very first hand of the tournament I pick up :Ac: :Ad: The blinds are 25/50 and everyone has a starting stack of 4k. I'm on the button and have 3 limpers in the pot... I put in a raise to 225 and get 3 callers!!! (this tourney is widely known as the Aspers Friday night bingo due to all the 'fish' they generally get in there).. The flop comes down :7h: :8h: :9c: ... first to act checks and the next player pushes all in!!!! It's folded to me.... What is the best play here? I have no info on the player at all? :unsure
    fold :dude
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