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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. on my table during the BlackBelt Poker Live,this situation arose: 2 players have played to the river,upon the river card being turned over,player 2 mucked his cards,whereupon player 1 thinking he has won the hand mucks his too? neither player has shown their cards. the dealer then splits the pot between the 2 players. now player 1 is a bit upset over this. tell me what you think is the correct ruling.

  2. Re: Big Chips v MASSIVE Chips...

    If he has King Al' date=' he's beating me with a higher full house! ;)[/quote'] ooops didnt reads that right did i? okay still making the call but he dont have a king :dude:dude he has AQ,AJ or small pair
  3. Re: Big Chips v MASSIVE Chips... i am calling, he has King with a low kicker,probably a 2 or 3 and has made trips on the turn (just to say i havent spoken to Gaz about this),and he is seeing weakness in your betting.

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