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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Daily MTT Winnings March 2010 Congratulations teaulc, Out of 23 players in Tournament 7899228 (VIP Poker League Buy-In), you came in 4th and have won $5.75. You've also been awarded 15.4 FPP for participating in the tournament. Best wishes, The Cake Poker Team

  2. Re: Grandslam Poker havent played on there since i was accused of colusion during the leagues games and they took my winnings away, but just booted it up and it is still running. where did you get your info from?

  3. Re: BPP Winter Olympic Challenge Screenshots

    Yes, the fish raised, I then re-raised .......which he called :wall:wall:wall...and the rest, as they say, is history :moon ....thinking about it, I would say for it to be a steal....technically.....hasn't it got to get through unchallenged.....
    tbh a bad call imo with Ace rag especially against a great hand like 5/3 :tongue2 well done on 3rd place though,glad i didnt put you tilt
  4. Re: BPP Winter Olympic Challenge Screenshots Curling Gold ***** History for hand R5-30700354-38 ***** Start hand: Thu Feb 25 12:09:47 GMT+0000 2010 Table: Kuwait City [30700354] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM $0.15/$0.30, Real money) User: CloudStryfe Button: seat 1 Players in round: 3 Seat 5: Woodymike ($8.90) Seat 8: tilapin_x ($12.93) Seat 1: CloudStryfe ($26.54) Woodymike posts small blind ($0.15) tilapin_x posts big blind ($0.30) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to CloudStryfe: [2c, 5c] CloudStryfe calls $0.30 Woodymike folds tilapin_x checks --- Dealing flop [5d, 9s, Ac] tilapin_x checks CloudStryfe bets $0.75 tilapin_x calls $0.75 --- Dealing turn [4s] tilapin_x checks CloudStryfe bets $2.25 tilapin_x folds --- Summary: Main pot: $2.25 won by CloudStryfe ($2.14) Seat 5: Woodymike ($8.75), net: -$0.15 Seat 8: tilapin_x ($11.88), net: -$1.05 Seat 1: CloudStryfe ($27.63), net: +$1.09 ***** End of hand R5-30700354-38 *****

  5. Re: BPP Winter Olympic Challenge Screenshots forgot about this - Gold Ski-jump Hand#2143764747000164 - VIP Poker League Buy-In T7751495 -- Table 1 -- $120/$600/$1,200 NL Hold'em -- 2010/02/16 - 21:20:18 Seat 1: Spit***1 ($4,209 in chips) Seat 5: teaulc ($5,020 in chips) Seat 6: PLis***6 ($11,230 in chips) Seat 8: Poke***8 ($15,541 in chips) DEALER PListonbroke posts ante of 120 PokerPaul10 posts ante of 120 Spitvenom posts ante of 120 teaulc posts ante of 120 Spit***1: posts small blind 600 teaulc: posts big blind 1,200 Dealt to teaulc [6d,7d] PLis***6: folds Poke***8: folds Spit***1: is all in 3489.0000 teaulc: calls 2,889 Spit***1: shows [Jh 2c] teaulc: shows [6d 7d] *** FLOP *** [Ad,8s,5d] *** TURN *** [9h] *** RIVER *** [4d] ***SHOW DOWN*** teaulc: wins 8,658 with Flush, Ace high

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