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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: ** Poker Diary Weekend 7th-8th May **

    What Al means is that he has 3 games running and can't handle it - its his age you know :tongue2:lol:lol Cassava Network $50000 gtd Sunday Challenge this is now $100k G'tee with a $90 buy in plus one rebuy of $55
    cheeky bugger,,nice result though last night mate well done.:clap:clap game wise: Betfair x1 Gala x1 888 x 4 virgin x2 i think thats enough dont you? :tongue2
  2. Re: Double Up SNG shorthanded or full table (+other questions) Playing "double up" sit and go's. Recently the double up sit and go has gained in popularity with inexperienced sit and go players figuring that they have more chance of cashing in this format. If you start playing this format of game you need to adjust your strategy to a more patient game than a standard six handed game and this can make it difficult to make the transition back to the normal SNG. This game is so easy to beat that any average player should be able to make a return on them. Just follow the rules for the standard six handed game until you get proficient enough to deviate. The following notes will help you beat the double up game: First of all you need to be aware that the bubble is going to come to you when you are four handed rather than three handed. Because of this it's usual that the four remaining players have a sizeable chip stack. It's normal that two players will bust out donating their whole starting chip stack to another two players and that will leave two comparative short stacks on around 1500 chips and two on the 3000 mark. If you are one of the happy big stacks then you don't need to do anything else apart from wait for a monster hand like AA or KK. Playing anything else is folly until the blinds get up to a level where you need to maintain equity. You are waiting for another player to bust - not trying to force the action. Secondly, be aware that there are far fewer very weak players at this game simply because of it's nature. Many players who want to start building a bankroll use this format to start doing it as it involves lower risk. It also involves a lot of grinding to build a bankroll so you have more patient players at this game and you need to adjust to the pace of the table. Lastly , there will be a lot of limpers, so take the opportunity to make up the small blind when you have limpers in front of you whatever trash you have. If you hit the flop hard then you can play - and by hitting it hard I mean making the straight, flush or flopping trips with a good kicker. Making any pair on a low card board always put's you in danger of busting out to a limper with 88,99, or 10,10. And as a bonus tip remember that the big winner from this format game is the poker room

  3. Re: Another 888 Dart Promo i had an email on Monday asking for who was coming with me and then when i had replied they would put the cash in,but as i said not heard from them since. i will try phoning again tomorrow before i leave. not overly concerned yet but shabby for them

  4. Re: PL Exclusive GCasino/BSquare GUKPT League 1st leg 4th May

    OK I am in. However the BlueSQ software really playing up on the PC for some reason. Its very slow and its like the software is loading all the the time with the egg timer flashing. I dont think I will be able to chat just hoping it will let me play.
    try refreshing the router mate,may just clear it up :ok
  5. Re: Another 888 Dart Promo i usually have a lot of praise for 888,but this week very slack,i still havent received my $200 even after emailing them. still no confirmation that the tickets have been put to one side for me and Connor :@ no joy on the phone either.

  6. Hi all, I am writing to you to ask for your support. We at PPP have a member who suffers from the illness ME and as it is ME/CFS Awareness Day on May 12th we have decided to put on a charity game for the cause.

    Our friends at Genting Poker have put the game on for us and have also added a prize of a seat at the Palm Beach Big Game in London worth over 1K for the winner.There will also be no rake for the tourney.

    The game is already set up in the Genting Poker lobby with the game name " ME/CFS awareness game". It is at 8pm on May 12th and is only a $10 buy-in.

    Please can you tell all your members/players as the more players the better and as well as supporting such a great cause it looks like there will also be some good value with the amazing prize given by Genting Poker.

    Andy Smith / PokerPlayersPlace. I hope that we at PL can put up a good showing for a great cause for our friends at PPP. You can Register at Genting Poker

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