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Posts posted by Dog&Under

  1. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 yeah I grabbed -2 ... by the time I saw O'Hea was out the line had jumped back ... Didn't really want to play anything in this game with motivation questionable for Bendigo but O'Hea's absence tipped me over the edge - purely on value. Never really like betting against a team that's missing it's star player though .. as strange as that sounds. not a conspiracy theorist but I just hope the refs don't try any f*&kery tonight to spike interest ahead of the finals

  2. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

    in the mix at 3QT but dandenong appear to have thought it necessary to embarass WC once again to teach them a lesson about letting your house burn down. Canberra +6.5 $1.85 Canberra under 141.5 $1.85 Adealdie -3.5 $1.87
    :eek ... you are aware that Shani Amos actually lost her home in the bushfires over there last week?!
  3. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 as good a side as Bendigo is, they can really get bogged down in some serious scoring droughts .. against townsville at least ... took five minutes to score in the 2nd quarter and didn't score for the final three and a half mins ... they had some nasty ones last weekend against the Fire and in the first game of the year they went scoreless for about seven minutes in the second qtr

  4. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

    :unsure Thing is, I know how dodgy they are but still manage to mark Canberra several points higher than they really deserve each week! Bizarrely, I came within a whisker of pulling the trigger on OVER 139 (136@NT) but quite frankly feel a little embarrassed about collecting as is!
    they were an excellent side for a long period up until a couple of seasons ago .. certainly a team I used to base a lot of my plays around (playing them and fading them) because you knew exactly what you were getting with them (and bookmakers weren't nearly as on point with their wnbl markets then as they are now) ... it's often hard to switch off that long held perception you had about a team / club.
  5. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

    I was at the game and thought by her movements it must have been an ankle but she has done her ACL.
    Yuck ... that's terrible, hate seeing athletes cop serious injuries .. will be interesting to see how the boomers shape up today, on a b2b with travel and with their star import gone for the season. Before the start of the round I had Melb as a -4.5 favourite in this one but it just has that feel that they're going to do it tough tonight ... hard to lay points with this capitals side though Hard to see how the Boomers post a winning score .. only three players on their bench tonight
  6. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 intriguing re-match on sunday in townsville .. bernie harrower called out his team after saturday's loss, labelling it "an embarrassment on national tv" .. the spirit were talking up that game as redemption for their rd 1 loss so after getting completely dismantled and humiliated on their home court you know they're going to giving this next one a hell of a lot of thought this week .. schedule hasn't done them any favours although it actually might just be a bonus for them getting a chance to blast Logan on friday and head north with a bit of confidence regained. Call me crazy but even on this back to back with travel I've marked the champs favourites (-2.5) against the Fire. Impossible to imagine anyone in this league going 3-0 against them and I've gotta think they've taken it pretty personally getting blown out at home by this team.

  7. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14 Some interesting considerations re today's game.. Fire backing up after doing the wnbl equivalent of climbing Everest yesterday, and they didn't just climb it, they tap danced all over it once they reached the peak.. So there's an arguement for a possible let down today.. But I've no doubt chris Lucas will be telling them that yesterday won't mean nearly as much if they don't show up today, then there's also the added kicker that today's opposition embarrassed them on their home floor last weekend.. I still feel the rangers get a little too much love from the books - as evidenced by their 7-10 ATS record.. Hmmmm

  8. Re: WNBL Season 2013/14

    Gotta love how things just seem to work out' date=' dont you?![/quote'] you lay down with dogs (ie Sydney Uni), you get fleas ... the scary thing is I was actually leaning pretty heavily on playing Sydney -6 until that opportunity at a +ve parlay came along ... been tearing my hair out trying to figure out this losing start to the season - WNBL has been a close second in my best money making sports / leagues since I started betting it six years ago .. never had anything even close to a losing season ... have been looking back at my records from previous seasons and noticed that the vast majority of plays were on the (then) solid teams of league - Canberra, Bulleen & Townsville when the line & or situation was right .. The rest of the teams in the league I just didn't bother with .. In contrast, this season has been largely taken up with plays on two of the poorer more inconsistent, flakey sides - Canberra & Sydney .. It's a sign of arrogance and complacency on my behalf - familiarity breeding contempt ... Whereas in the early years my respect for the league from a betting perspective dictated that I stuck with the solid sides I knew what to expect from .. this season I've clearly taken things for granted and thought I'd just win no matter who I bet ... have also spent far less time reading, researching and digging for info on teams / matchups .. the kick in the pants has been dealt .. its time to get back to what's worked ...
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