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the tufty fan club

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Posts posted by the tufty fan club

  1. Can anyone point me in the direction of a site where I can play online (for fun money) without having to download any software. For example the Grosvenor Casino websites have flash casino games to try? I want to play a few hands when on dinner and work wouldn't be too happy about me downloading software. Cheers

  2. Re: New to Online Poker Hi KFM. Pretty new myself, but can safely say I'm totally addicted. I generally play for small stakes, usually mini tournaments for about a $5 buy in and have had varying amounts of success. Only tried paradise poker so far. No doubt they'll be plenty of other people offering a lot more insight!;)

  3. Re: A lot to learn or just bad luck My thoughts were to try and get a bit money in the pot before going for it but I got lost along the way(novice in me showing through). When the flop came out there was only three of us left and I stupidly focused on the two pair I had and didnt even guess that someone could have drawn a full house with the first five cards. Guess its just practice though eh? Thanks for the comments, I appreciate the help.:ok

  4. Hi all, I'd appreciate any thoughts/advice about the tourney i have just left! (haven't been playing long so a I'm a bit confused) Just been knocked out first hand. I had AA and after a few raises the flop comes 8J8. A couple more small raises and then one guy goes all-in. I wrongly guess that I have the advantage and also go all-in. He turns over J8 - full house. turn and river are nothing cards and I'm out! :wall

  5. Has anyone got any recommendations for a good poker book? I'm really starting to get the bug after finally learning the basics over Christmas. I'm interested in getting a decent "guide" book but also if anyone knows of any good novels too I would appreciate your thoughts. Ideally I'd rather get one thats not bogged down in loads of text. Hope some of you can help? Cheers all!:ok

  6. Re: Next PL Poker Tournament? Think we're all in total agreement that the Tourney was a total success. I also really enjoyed it (helped by a top five finish and a couple of "scrape me off the ceiling" recovery moments :ok ). I would prefer not to play on a Fri/Sat although would still be able to play in the odd one here and there and I def think we should keep it at lower stakes to retain the fun element for now. I agree that putting on a seperate tourney with bigger stakes will keep the "high rollers" happy and i'd imagine I'd pop in for a hand or two of big money. No probs with Paradise for me. For the record I think Doddsy should be barred for being too jammy..... :lol A wise (short) man once told me - I'm not addicted mate, I just I can't stop. Good call!

  7. Re: Punters Lounge Poker Tournament (2) Billy Just thought I'd let you know I'm all signed up ready for Saturday. I've deposited some cash too. Is there anything else I need to do before before the 6pm registration. For all, my username is, predictably, TuftyFC.... Cheers

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