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Posts posted by Adetrick

  1. Re: 5 card draw wtf? I did as well :$ until I read this: Five Card Draw 7-A Hand ranking: 1. Royal flush 2. Straight flush 3. Four of a kind 4. Flush 5. Full house 6. Straight 7. Three of a kind 8. Two pair 9. One Pair 10. High Card

  2. Re: From your man in Manila... Unlucky Dodger, but enjoy the rest of your stay :ok and don't forget to take photos ;)

    After this i am going to be playing a lot of live poker...there is absolutely nothing like it.
    That's exactly what I thought after I busted in Melbourne, fantastic experience - struggling to get back into on-line, seems kind of stale in comparison
  3. Re: Aussie Millions 2009 Just a quick post to tie up this thread. Back to real life now, but I had a fantastic time for the rest of my stay in Melbourne. It's a great place which thankfully made it hard to stay too disapppointed about the poker. Found loads to occupy me during the day and then relaxed in the casino and other places with Richard (who was excellent company) in the evening. The team from Centrebet were great hosts and I still find it unreal that I've had this kind of experience for free. Bring on the Pokernews Cup in October now...

  4. Re: Aussie Millions 2009 Sorry guys - busted on day one Apologies for not posting last night, but as Richard will probably testify I was too disappointed to string two words together. Had tough starting table with Scotty Nguyen and a couple of aggressive Scandinavians. Had a half decent level one when up to 22,000 but it was downhill from there. Had a bit of a running battle with the guy to my left who seemed to pump it up every time I entered a pot and by the end of level 4 was short. The hand that ended it all was a standard 3xBB raise in mid position folded round to me in the SB. I decide to flat call with AK suited. BB calls. Flop comes A K 10 rainbow. I bet out about half pot, and as he had done before the guy to my left put out an oversized re-raise. Oringinal raiser mucks. I think for an age and eventually put him on a weaker A, A10 for a weaker two pair, or AQ, AJ for top pair and an inside straight draw. I re-raise all in and unfortunately he calls straight away with 10’s. No miracle A or K came. Got a handshake and a ‘That’s poker, Baby’ from Scotty Nguyen, who came across as a great guy (wasn’t drinking). An hour outside followed by a few drinks with Richard helped numb the disappointment slightly but still feel gutted this morning. Am now going to relax and enjoy the pleasures of Melbourne for the next 4 days. Cheers Ade

  5. Re: Aussie Millions 2009 Arrived safe and sound yesterday - didn't sleep much but there was plenty of music/movies to keep me entertained. Freshened up at the hotel then took a tram round the city and then popped into the casino to see the final table of the 100k buy-in event. Unfortunately, the lack of sleep caught up with me and had to go back to the hotel where I crashed out for about 11 hrs. Off to the tennis and a meal today with the other centrebet qualifiers then hopefully a couple of beers with Washy in preperation for Tuesday :ok

  6. Re: How was 2008 for you? My best year by a mile, improved my biggest cash from $400 to $3,500 and qualified for 3 live events. My crude records show 2007 Profit - $1,711 2008 Profit - $27,056 Obviously skewed by the AM package but even disregarding that an improvement that my wife's very happy with

  7. Re: Aussie Millions 2009

    Good luck Ade - I'll see you there :ok Have organised time off work, and have funds to stay for a couple of weeks and play side events plus a couple of satellites for ME. Booking flight later today/tomorrow, but plan to arrive next Friday night in time for day 1b of opening event :nana:nana:nana
    Great stuff :clap My flight plans have changed slightly so I'll now be getting there (very) early on the Sunday morning. Look forward to buying you a beer and hopefully you'll have qualified for the ME by the time I arrive :hope
  8. New Year at RedKings Just when you thought all the festivities had come to an end RedKings adds a massive $2009 to a $5+$0.50 buy-in tournament! Play Poker and boost your January Sales bankroll with your share of this huge prize pool! The $2009 New Year Tournament starts at 19:00 CET on 1st January 2009.

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