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Head Hunter decision


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$5 Head Hunter MTT on William Hill. Half of your $5 goes into the normal prize pool, and half is distributed in bounties. The amount of your bounty seems to depend on your previous record in these games; not quite sure how that works. If you knock a player out, you win 75% of their bounty, and the other 25% gets added to your bounty. Second blind level 15/30. A very short stack in early position, with a bounty of about $2, goes all in for 75 chips. Two callers to you on the button. You have about 1350 chips (of an original 1500). You have 53o. What do you do?

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Re: Head Hunter decision What Are Headhunter Ratings? The standard Headhunter tournament will calculate the value of a player's head based upon 50% of the head value prize pool spread evenly and the other 50% based on a player's HH rating. The HH rating calculates how a player has performed in his last 15 Headhunter tournaments within a 90 day period. How To Calculate Your Headhunter Rating The formula for a single tournament value is as follows : HH value = (Number of heads eliminated from tournament / total entrants) x 1000)) + 10 This is rounded to the nearest whole number, and cannot be higher than 100. Your HH Rating The HH rating is the average of the HH scores over the past 15 tournaments, using a score of 10 for each missing HH value in the past 15 tournament. The Headhunter leaderboard ranks players by the percentage of players they have eliminated in the tournaments in which they have played. On top of that, the player at the top of the weekly leaderboard is a Weekly Poker Champion and is invited to participate in a weekly final. Probably fold depending on stage of the tourney and considering the play in the $5 hh

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Re: Head Hunter decision definate call for me :ok although 35 is about as bad as it gets its also likely to give you 2 live cards and a lot of disguise. if you get a 33/55 or straight on the flop chances are you will make a bit of money on the hand as its unlikely that your opposition will put you on these cards . its going to be a nice little pot and thats likely to bring some action with a lot of players in the pot as id guess the bb would call the 45. you also have good position so i would call and see the flop. unless is is very favourable i would be folding to any bet on the flop and i definately wouldnt want to get involved if i'd partially hit my hand but if you hit a monster you may take a couple of players out and get yourself i nice stack . early on for a very small part of your stack its a risk you can take especially in a head hunters game.

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Re: Head Hunter decision

Maybe I've been watching too much QI because I think Slappy's setting you all up for a fall. But I'd call too. :$
No trick. I thought it was an obvious call too. The harder decision came later: SB folded and BB called, so there are five players left in including you and the all-in, a pot of 390, and you're last to act. The other players still in have larger stacks than you. Flop was Q64 rainbow, giving you an open-ended straight draw. Checked to you. I checked (would anybody bet?). Turn was A. No flush possible. Bet of 400, fold, fold. Call or fold?
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Re: Head Hunter decision As its the turn and there is only one other player in you could pay the 400 knowing that if you don't hit the 7 or 2 then its an easy fold on the river. IF you hit then the chances are that you could take another bounty (if you have him covered). I think I'd call again.

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Re: Head Hunter decision Yeah, I'd bet the flop. You've got a 32% chance of hitting your straight, I'd want to pot build a bit here, with the hope of stealing the sidepot with a large bluff later if I don't hit. something like $200 I think. I'd push to the bet on the turn

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