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How to play OMAHA


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Re: How to play OMAHA And on the accidently thinking you were playing for lo. I've been playing omaha forever and I still do that ALL THE BLOODY TIME, I could prob buy a house if I could get back the money I've lost aggressively betting a lo pot then realising at showdown I'm on a hi table.

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Guest gazza271

Re: How to play OMAHA I cant even master Hold'em let alone bloody Omaha :( Fcuk it, will just have to get pissed and hope for the best :ok

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Re: How to play OMAHA I can't remember what it's called (or even if it has a name), but I once played a game like Omaha except that everybody got six (?) hole cards, and there were seven board cards, with five rounds of betting. You virtually had to fold pre-flop unless you had a chance of a royal flush!

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Re: How to play OMAHA ah Jaded... but I have a cunning plan...throw in a statement to confuse matters and in the end they won't know wether they are coming or just getting over excited! Always liked this one...10 players each get dealt 4 cards. Each 4 cards can be looked at as 6 seperate Texas hands. So you have 10x6 giving a 60 player texas single table. But a 60 player Texas hand would need 125 cards and we only have 52 in a pack. Must have been some sick person who invented this game!

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Re: How to play OMAHA If you get 8888 it may be worth pushing on hard preflop and get as many all in as possible. You may not win the pot but when the other players see the perfect balance and aesthetic beauty of your cards, they will realise that you must surely be one of those rare ''special'' people that help to make this world a wonderful place to be.

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Re: How to play OMAHA Sorry, but nursie says I have to leave her PC alone now and return to my padded cell. My therapist tells me that this whole internet stuff is just a figment of my imagination and this forum is a small part of that...anyway I like going back to my cell because I can play a live game of poker...and you should see Charlie's ears waggle when he bluffs and that Carol Vordeman just can't keep her clothes on at all. Anyway they'll let me out for tonight's match so see you all at the tables.

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Re: How to play OMAHA HOW TO PLAY OMAHA - A definitve guide.

  1. Go to Cornwall
  2. Allow your son to register you for a tourney
  3. Buy an ice cream, and then get stuck for one hour on the M5
  4. Finish on final table.

omaha1bz.jpg Really sorry I missed it, as I was looking forward to it immensely. :$ :$ :$

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