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Betfred Million Friday Semi


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Has anyone played in these yet, or is anyone in tonights just wondering if it is worth the $30 investment or is it total muppetry in there. They also seem to have a $10 Friday Frenzy which is a seat to the million final for every $1100 raised which I guess is less value and could be totally full of muppets, not knowing what they have entered, just seen the word 'Frenzy!' Has anyone had any experience they could pass on as I dont play this site much Thanks

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi I'm in tonights Friday SemiFinal. I played in last weeks "Match of the Day" ($5 + 50c) on Saturday - this guarantees at least one seat in the final (overall final not weekly final), so was absolutely cracking value and had an overlay. (I think it was rebuy - but still value!!) You also get a $3 + 30c "token" free for a Sit n Go qualifier - as quite a few of us got this, we had a PL STT SnG - which I won for - getting my place in tonights Semi Final for "Free" As Morl says as well - the "Friday Frenzy" was also cracking value with an overlay even after the rebuys and add ons.......

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi Thanks GaF but the way you are playing at the moment I'll save my $30 :ok Good luck!! I may pop in to see how you are going. I like the idea of a PL sit & go next time you are doing one can you post it up please. After looking again at the frenzy may try my luck in that may see you in there Morls :hope

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi I've won a seat through the Cheltenham e-mail competition for Sunday's semi-final but I work on the weekends now. :puke I dunno whether I should ask Betfred for the $60 in value (fat chance), ask if I can have a go at a different semi-final (not on a Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday or Sunday....very slim chance) or let one of you lot have a go through my a/c. :unsure

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi I've just had a look on the software. My username ain't on Sunday's roster (21 names down so far) Anyone else get this e-mail? Could be a mistake I suppose....I don't even remember entering any Cheltenham e-mail competition. I'll fire off an e-mail anyway but Sunday's semi-final is pricier than any of the other days so I'm not particularly hopeful. It might give one of you lot a chance though!

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi Is it manual registration? (For which you have a "token") The Sunday semi final is a $55 + $5 buy in and has the greatest chance of qualification (1 in 20). The Friday semi final is $27.50 + $2.50 buy in and has a 1 in 40 chance of qualification...... You could ask Betfred to swap your Sunday Semi Final ticket for 2 x Friday Semi Final Tickets (same value!!)

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi Aye, like the berk I am, I didn't notice that I'd won a token (you've probably seen my name registered for Sunday's semi-final by now). I dunno what to do to be honest. A couple of family members are willing to play for me on Sunday but I've gotta teach 'em the basics of MTT poker! I'm having trouble mastering the ****er as it is! :lol :rollin

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi Well I got an e-mail back....not really what I wanted to hear: Dear David, Thank you for contacting Betfred Casino & Poker support. Looking at your account details I can not see how you have managed to obtain the token for Sunday’s Betfred Million Semi Final. However I can confirm that a token has been issued to your account and is valid until 29/05/06. Please can you forward a copy of the email that was sent to you? We look forward to hearing from you. Kind Regards, Phil Lam Gaming Support Betfred Casino & Poker ....unless they're gonna take it off me (and they have every right to, I suppose. :(), I can't take another sickie. :\ :$

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Re: Betfred Million Friday Semi I can't see why they'd take it off of you - they just aren't aware of how you won it...... I can see NO reason at all why they wouldn't swap it for 2 x Friday Finals if you explain that you are always working on a Sunday........

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