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Winamax - Kill bounty series


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Re: Winamax - Kill the People 27/11/13 Lots of bounties on there. I played one last week and this was my second attempt. Lots of entries, so haven't seen a bounty yet, but the general play seems not-so-difficult, compared to what we might be used to. Not saying "easy", just less difficult. Kill The Pros x 2 (One NLH, one PLO) - Dec 4th, 8pm https://www.winamax.fr/en/kill-the-pros Kill The Champions (sports stars) - Dec 11th, 8pm https://www.winamax.fr/en/tournaments_kill-the-champions Kill The People (celebs) - Last Wednesday of month, so next would be Christmas Day. It won't be though, will it? Will we play if it is? :D https://www.winamax.fr/en/kill-the-people Kill Them All - Looks like they happen May and September, so just missed it.. :( https://www.winamax.fr/en/kill-them-all

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Re: Winamax - Kill bounty series (next Kill the Champions 11th Dec) There's a Kill 'Em All on 8th Jan as part of the Winamax series. 20.00 CET (19.00 GMT). €10, one each for NLHE and PLO. [TABLE]

[TR] [TD=colspan: 3][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=align: right]winaseries_star.pngwinaseries_star.png[/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD]Bounty tournament involving celebrities, sports starts and members of the Winamax Pro Team offering the bounties as follows: - Kill'em all NLHE €50 for an elimination €100 for an elimination in the last 500 places. €200 for an elimination in the last 100 places. €500 for an elimination at the final table. - Kill'em all PLO €25 for an elimination €50 for an elimination in the last 500 places. €100 for an elimination in the last 100 places. €250 for an elimination at the final table. - Multiple eliminations €500 additional bonus for 2 eliminations €2,000 additional bonus for 3 or more eliminations[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
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