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WAYP 18/9/13 good luck all


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Just Inter & Dtd freerolls so far, think dtd clashes with PL championships though so not sure why I'm wasting time on it. So far been called an f'ng n*nce and a ret*rd... Oh yeah that's why, must be doing something right lol Inter freeroll = 282/427 (20) Dtd freeroll = tbc/349 (50) approaching bubble

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Turn me over I'm done. Off to goggle options re Grand Prix but I'm definitely going to be in Brum and if need be will offer seat to forum or something.

Inter freeroll = 282/427 (20) Dtd freeroll = 45/349 (50) +£8.25 token Dtd Grand Prix 50 seat (£8.25 token) sat = 1/243 (50) +£60 seat Boyle GTA added ($5.50) = 23/41 (7)
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could you not just play the day one Bart? if you make it to day 2 its a guaranteed 250 i think i read somewhere. i know it clashes but initial 8.25 to 250 not too bad a return?
Thx mate, yeah hadn't realised that day 2 is guaranteed min cash and still freerolling so worth just taking a stab at an online day 1, might even continue the craziness and try to build up a mega stack :p . Any min cash if lucky enough to get through, can be used to buy beers in Brum. Nice to win through and just shows always worth taking a shot at these freerolls etc, loosening up your game knowing you have a date clash can actually be a big advantage as you literally have nothing to lose and aren't playing scared. Just seems to be a lot on this particular weekend and PL will always win those battles. Can't wait to meet up with everyone again, will try to win some beer/wine tokens for you all, it's all good :ok
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