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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Aussie Millions

    I think Phil slow played his AA against Teatum who was in the BB with 8 4, he got his miracle flop, bet the pot, Ivey re-raised and the guy pushed. Ivey puts him on Q x and calls thinking he's got an overpair. Bad mistake Fairly crappy play really from Phil.
    i dunno,what was Teatum thinking raising with 8/4 preflop? best of luck to Dunc,Helen :hope
  2. Re: Aussie Millions

    I'm sure Duncan will want to relive some of this later :loon 1 hour 54 minutes ago | Posted by aardvark17 478ef459591ea.jpg Phil Ivey Phil Ivey Eliminated Phil Ivey and Richard Teatum took a flop of qh.gif4d.gif8s.gif. Teatum led out for 6,000 and Ivey raised it up to 16,000. Teatum announced he was all in and Ivey made the call. Ivey: as.gifac.gif Teatum: 8d.gif4h.gif The turn and river came 10s.gif7d.gif giving no help to Ivey and the former Day 1 chip leader was eliminated from the 2008 Aussie Millions Main Event.
    am i missing something here?? did he go all in pre-flop with 8/4???:loon:loon
  3. Re: ** Poker Tuesday 15th January **

    Worse than Safety Net :puke. Raised 10x with QQ and got called by K10o who got lucky. Then 1k all in with AK called by Q10 who got lucky. Bollox :eyes
    is that Polish Hen????? unlucky mate,,i went out to a bugger who slow played his Q/Q (i had K/Q BB) and a Queen on the flop,thought he was stealing so my bad
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