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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: PokerPlayer Magazine freeroll to Virgin Poker Festival, Newcastle, April 2009

    FFS ... out on about 5th Hand - get QQ in early position, put in my standard raise - two callers (including the BB), Flop comes a very nice 332 - BB leads out for 1/2 pot, I call - other player pushes All-In. BB calls, and so do I. BB has A2 !, other guy has 88 - I'm 70% Fav Turn a Ten, river a fcukin Ace .......... !!
    do i sense a bit of anger there young man??? just shrug your shoulders and say wd nhgg and fu :ok
  2. Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

    I hope you enjoy Vegas Al :ok
    not counting my chickens yet mate...... well played PG,nice win and well done Lizzy on 3rd place :clap:clap:clap i have to say cards where very nice when needed,especially my nemesis hand (which i have now put to bed) 9/9,, twice all-in with pocket 9`s and 1st time a Full-House and then get Quads..
  3. Re: Spreadsheet help please.

    Just having a look at the spreadsheet and to be honest, it's not going to be a tweek! I think the whole structure of the spreadsheet would need to be changed (certainly to remain efficient to use) :unsure I presume you've already tweeked it a little bit? I also assume it's a spreadsheet you got from a third party? My feeling is that the best (easiest) solution is probably to go back to the original spreadsheet and keep 3 copies of it - use one copy for those sites which are in USD, one copy for those in GBP and one copy for those in EUR - from your experience of using the spreadsheet, does that sound practical?
    thanks for loking Trev :ok
  4. with my new resolution to be very strict with my poker this year,i need my spreadsheet tweeked. if any of you are shit-hot at doing these could you give me a hand? i can email the said item either as a zip or rar file. what i am after is to have the bankroll in $,£ and € for the relevant sites and to be able to add more sites. thanks in advance. p.s. obviously when this is done i can send it to who-ever wants a copy.

  5. Re: ** Poker Sunday 4th January **

    anyone else, besides me, playing the deep on boss which starts in bout 1 1/2 hours? Not much in by now, 38 players registered at moment oh and good luck to you sughleh in your deep :hope
    good luck with this,,a bit early in the day for me,might have a go at one the later ones
  6. just looking at schedules. there is a €20 + €2 at 19.30 GMT with 5000 chips and 12 minute blinds ( which they call a slow structure :loon ) til the 1st break then 15 minutes. this had 265 runners with €3.5 GTD so a prizepool of €5300 and 20 paid. at 21.30 GMT a €40 + €4 had 98 runners and about €3900 in the prizepool with 10 paid for the night owls there is a €5.50 at 21.45 GMT but with speed blinds of 5 minutes ,started with 270 players and prizepool of €1600 with 20 paid.

  7. Re: ** Poker Friday 2nd January **

    Pesky 'variance' on Stan tonight :wall :Kd::Jd: on a KTxx board on the turn with 2 diamonds. Short stack already all-in, I shove all-in to isolate, called by villain with slightly shorter stack who turns AT :unsure Sure enough river is an Ace, not the diamond! Not that I am one to moan :loon :wall
    shrug your shoulders and say wd nhggfu
  8. Poker / New Year Resolutions 2009 after a very undisciplined 3 years now, albeit winning years, i now resolve to do better in 2009. 1: i will record every game i play whether Online or Live. 2: i will qualify for the WSOP 2009 any event 3: i will shrug my shoulders and say well done to the gits who donk me. 4: money target i will aim high and go for $30k 5: to win a PL award 6: after wining my 1st Razz tourney last year , a win at HORSE and DRAW

  9. Re: poker / new year resolutions

    are any of you going to make any resolutions with regards to your poker?? mine will be: more live games and qualify for a big buy-in while sponsored. 100% disciplined with keeping my bankroll up to date,including recording every session i play (at the moment i am not doing this). to gain the respect of my peers. to once again get to W.S.O.P. AND play in the W.S.O.P.E.
    1: nope 2: nope 3: doubt it 4:nope
  10. Re: PL Exclusive - Stan James WSOP League Promo

    Well done to our winner tonight GazBlades :clap with davey and Gremlin on the podium. :clap New table is up. :ok
    :clap:clap:clap:clap well done you 3 and well done to Dave488 for his 4th place as well,he aint making this league easy. my luck eventually ran out in 5th place after getting extremely fruituitous earlier on against Hen when my KK beat his AA
  11. Re: suggestion for poker diary

    What do you want to class as a slightly higher-roller Al ? $10/$20 to some is possibly higher than they may want to pay, plus a lot of the higher staked players search and find there own games to play anyway.
    well as a forum we should be striving to get out of our comfort zone and get into the $25 plus games. also i`m too lazy :tongue2 if you mods are looking at tourneys anyway,would be nice to see some big games in as well
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