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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. by Allen Cunningham For obvious reasons, we’d all rather have a medium stack than a short stack. But there is one advantage to being short-stacked: your decisions are easy. With a medium stack, almost every decision you make is complicated and almost every move is awkward. A medium stack is defined as when you have about 30-40 big blinds, and learning how to play it is absolutely vital to tournament success. In most tournaments, you’ll have a stack that size from about the time half of the field has been eliminated all the way to the final table. This means you’ll potentially spend up to half of your tournament in a position where every pot you play is pivotal and every decision is tricky. You have far too many chips just to open-shove, like you would with a smaller stack, and if you open for a standard raise, that’s already close to 10 percent of your stack that you’re putting at risk. So you can’t play too loose. That said, you have to keep things in perspective: if you play too tight, you’ll quickly find yourself a short stack because of the rising antes and blinds. This can get even more complicated if you’re at a table with a lot of aggressive players; the temptation will be to play extra tight so you don’t waste chips raising and then folding. Always keep in mind that there will be times when you’ll have to take risks because the blinds and antes you can win by open-raising will help keep you afloat. Focusing purely on the challenge of playing a medium stack in early position, my advice is that you should mostly be playing hands that you’re willing to play for your entire stack: if you’ve got pocket Tens or higher or even A-K, you want to try to get it all in. While you can expand this range to include pocket 8s and 9s, A-Q, A-Js or K-Qs, these are hands that you might want to get away from if you’re re-raised by a solid player. Let’s say blinds are 250/500, I have 15,000 in my stack, and I’m dealt pocket Jacks. If I make a standard raise to 1,500, and a player in late position re-raises to 4,500, I’m just going to go ahead and shove all of my money in and hope for the best. I really can’t afford to be throwing those hands away with that sized stack. If the situation is identical but I get smooth-called and the flop doesn’t scare me – something like 9-7-4 rainbow – I’m going to bet the flop and continue betting, raising or check-raising until I’m all in no matter what my opponent does. Without a scare card on board, you really can’t get away from the hand. You also don’t want to give free cards when the pot is already sizeable and any Ace or King could freeze you. An exception to following through like that comes if I’m up against an aggressive player. Say I have pocket Jacks and make a standard pre-flop raise, an opponent in late position calls, and the flop comes Q-7-4 rainbow. Odds are that my Jacks are still the best hand, so I have to take my chances and proceed as if they are. But since my opponent is aggressive, I’ll check to him, and if he bets, I’ll check-raise him all-in. I’m giving him a chance to bluff, then protecting my hand with a big all-in bet if he does bluff. That will often work better than throwing out a continuation bet, which could make him fold any hand worse than mine. It’s also reasonable to make this play with A-A, A-Q or as a bluff with A-K. Playing a medium stack in later positions is a different proposition. You’ll often have to deal with a raise from an early-position player, and if you don’t, the hand range you can open with is considerably wider. But in early position, a tight-aggressive approach is definitely your best bet. Be careful about which hands you play, but once you decide to play a hand, be prepared to push with it. Allen Cunningham

  2. The APAT UK Team Championship; the final event of Season Four, will be held at the G Casino in Bolton on January 29th & 30th, 2011. Following on from the very successful Team Championships of the past two seasons which were won by the Bristol & South West Meetup (Season 2) and Team APAT (Season 3), this event will again feature teams of 8 players, with 50% of the prize pool plus a GUKPT Seat and National Medals going towards individual prizes, while the other 50% of the prize pool, plus the title and Championship Cup will be going towards the Team Championship. The weekend will also feature the APAT Champion of Champions Final and the third annual APAT Poker Awards. All of the events will be streamed live from Bolton from Friday evening onwards on APAT TV. Teams participating will be required to provide team shirts for their players and carry a thread and banner about the event on their forum.

    The entry fee per player will be £50, with no registration fee being charged. The event will consist of twenty-five teams. There will be two teams from APAT this year. Team APAT, as defending champions will be representative of the APAT members, alongside an APAT Champions team, made up of players who have travelled from far afield to play in the APAT Champion of Champions event on the Friday night. APAT will then make a decision on entries and announce the final team list on 1st December 2010. Full details of the event will be published shortly, but essentially it will be a two day, 10,000 chip deepstack with a 45 minute clock as with all APAT National Championship events.

    This years APAT team event will be announced within the next 24-48hrs. it will be in the G-Casino in Bolton on January 29th and 30th. please put your names forward if you wish to represent Punters Lounge. i am assuming we will be putting a team together. i will put my name down for sure :D Teaulc AndyBell666 Superfoo

  3. Re: WPT Magazine - Win $10,000 Bodog Sponsorship for the attention of Swampster:: i hope you are going to disqualify the americans and give the points to the Europeans as printed in the magazine :ok below is a table of the $3 league and troutbum764 and boswan are deffo from the USA, they got in by googling the password and knew nothing about the t&c`s. as for halfjappy he was from Pasco which is in Washington state. i am sure Bodog can confirm all this and tbh isnt too much work for yourselves and Bodog to give the points to those that should have it.. i appreciate its too late with regards to the money,frustrating as it is unless Bodog want to do something about that as well :hope dfi9_b63_u92am.jpg apart from that, enjoyed the games :ok

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