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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Wants to improve cash game

    Just very bad play I guess' date=' should I fold even though I had put an aweful lot into the pot already?[/quote'] not sure on what others would say, but i would fold. then psycholgically turn what i would of lost if i had called,into a win if you know what i mean. what i am trying to say is look after the pennies etc
  2. Re: ** Poker Diary Weekend 1th-12th December **

    I am in now' date=' must have been v bad lag yesterday[/quote'] glad you got me involved now,i havent played V-Roll in god knows how long and finished 7th tonight :D. only bug bear was my exit hand, AA in SB all in called by BB who has 7/7 ...flop is 7/7/? slight overkill :rollin:rollin
  3. Re: Poker / 2010 New Year Resolutions so how did you all do? i have to admit i didnt achieve any of these :eyes although i must admit i wasnt very disciplined this year

    after some thought,here we go...... 1: keep strict records / bankroll management. 2: win a Live NLHE tourney. 3: improve on my finish @ the WSOP. 4: play an EPT tourney. 5: play Irish Open 6: play more SNG and Cash rather than tournaments.
  4. Re: ** Poker Diary Weekend 1th-12th December **

    Anyone else having trouble registering for tomorrow's Vroll. I've played plenty of hands but "the computer says NO". I tried talking to support but they are about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
    shut Virgin down and then reload,you should be okay then :ok
  5. 7 Card Stud Poker - Seven Card Stud Rules, Strategy, How to Play Tips
    The basic how to play strategies for 7 Card Stud Poker shown here are those generally agreed to and recommended by the experts on flat limit games. An understanding of these basics is needed for all levels of competitive play. Solid intermediate and expert level poker normally requires extensive study of the more advanced game tactics and considerable hours of actual casino or online playing experience.

    7 Card Stud Poker - Limit Rules

    Highest hand wins || Ace plays both high and low for straights || Lowest up card is a forced starting bet || Three raise limit per round || Cards speak

    7 Card Stud - Card Distribution and Betting Procedure

    Example: $2/$4 Seven Card Stud. After all players have anted $.25 or so, (1.) Each player is dealt two cards face down and one face up. The player with the lowest up card makes an forced bet of either $1 half minimum bet or $2 full bet (player's choice) to start the game. The rest of the players, in clockwise order, either call the opening bet, raise it, or not call and "fold" their hands back to the dealer. (2.) All get a fourth card face up followed by a round of $2 betting. From this round on, the player with the highest up card(s) is always first to check or bet. (3.) After the fifth card is dealt face up, the minimum bet goes to $4. (4.) The sixth card is dealt face up and there is another round of $4 betting. (5.) The seventh and last card is dealt face down and followed by the final round of $4 betting. The dealer then determines the highest hand and awards the pot. *(Note). Only for the purpose of determining the starting lowest upcard in the case of ties, the card denominations are sub-divided by these suit values in decending order: Spades the highest, through Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs the lowest.

    How to Play Seven Card Stud

    General Strategy: Seven Card Stud is a HIGH card game. More winning hands are decided by the highest pair of two pair or just the highest pair, than by straights, flushes and other big hands. So if you start with a straight or flush draw, it should have at least two high cards or at least one card that is higher than anything up on the board. These draw hands and low pair starting hands need to improve or turn a high pair quickly to justify continued play. Any time your high hand is beaten on the board, fold, unless you think you still have the best draw hand. Fast play early high hands ( that could win without improvement) to thin out the competition. Slow play draw hands to keep other players in to increase the pot odds in case you hit.
    Definitions: HIGH CARDS - 10 thru A . LOW CARDS -9 thru 2 SPLIT PAIR - Starting hand with one of your pair cards down and the other up. CONCEALED PAIR - Starting hand with both of your pair cards in the hole and your side card kicker up. DOOR CARD - The exposed upcard of a starting hand. DEAD CARDS - Cards that have been revealed and no longer in the deck. FAST PLAY - Bet, raise and re-raise to get as many other players out as possible. SLOW PLAY - Just check and call along to keep other players in the game and increase the pot odds. CHECK-FOLD - Check when you can and fold if you are bet into. Gladly accept all free cards offered.
    Normally Playable Starting Hands: HIGH TRIPS - (AAA down to 101010). Fast play these. Your opponents will put you on a high pair. LOW TRIPS - (999 down to 222). Slow play until your 5th street bet. Keep 'em guessing. HIGH PAIR - (AA, KK, QQ, JJ, 1010). Fast play these, split or concealed, if they are not overcarded on the board. Try to narrow the field and play fast until threatened by a higher hand. LOW PAIR/ High Kicker - Slow play split or concealed low pairs with a kicker that is higher than any upcard on the board. Fold this hand if two or more of your key cards are dead. Check-fold if you don't get trips or two pair on the next card. CONCEALED LOW PAIR/ No High Kicker - Slow play for trips on 4th street. Fold if one or both of your pair cards are dead. Check-fold if you don't make trips or two pair on the next card. HIGH OVERCARDS - Two or three high cards that are higher than anything on the board. Slow play and check-fold if they don't make a high pair on the next card. HIGH 3 CARD FLUSH - (2h 10h Kh). Must have at least two high cards. Fold if three or more cards of your suit are dead. Slow play and check-fold if you don't make a four card flush or a high pair on the next card. HIGH 3 CARD STRAIGHT - (9 10 J ) to Q K A). Slow play and check-fold if you don't make a four card straight or a high pair on the next card. ANY 3 CARDS TO A STRAIGHT FLUSH - (5d 7d 9d). Fold if four or more of your key straight and flush cards are dead. Slow play and check-fold if you don't make any four cards to a straight or a four card flush.

    Strategy Tips: When you start with a high pair, fast play to eliminate as many players as possible. Slow play starting draw hands like three to a straight or a flush. You want to keep other players in to build the pot odds. Slow play starting trips until the fifth card. You want some players around with this powerful starting hand. Usually don't begin with a small pair unless they are concealed or your sidecard can beat the board. Don't play three to a low straight or a low flush. Watch the board closely for key cards that can seriously diminish your chances of making a good hand and for opponents hands that look dangerous. Play cautiously and fold out early if it looks like the tide is turning against you. Beware of the paired door card. If an opponent is playing a pair in his starting hand, and pairs his door card (first upcard), the odds are two out of three that the door card is part of his pair. A paired door card presents a strong possibility that the holder has a dangerous set of trips. Unless you are playing a strong draw hand, usually fold if your complete hand is beaten on the board by an opponent's upcards. Try to find reasons to fold both your starting hands and those that develop on the later streets. Look for a dead card in the denomination that you need and for two or three dead cards in the suit that you are drawing to. Look for too much strong competition developing for the winning hand. When you can't find reasons to fold, you can then proceed aggressively.. Beware of multiple "check-arounds" on 7th St. - Straight and flush draws often hit on the last card and there is usually so little in the pot that yor last card pair of Aces etc. is not a very good bet. Study your opponents, especially when you are not playing hands and can pay careful attention. Do they find more hands to play than they fold? Do they bluff? Can they be bluffed? Do they have any "tells" (give away mannerisms) that disclose information about their hands etc. Get caught bluffing once in a while. It is a way to vary your play and not be too predictable. You win pots that you don't deserve when your bluff works. You lose a few chips when it doesn't work but it will get you calls from weaker hands down the line when you are really strong and need the action. The first four cards are the major key to winning at Seven Card Stud games. If your starting hands develop according to plan, you can be a strong favorite to win. If they don't, you get out early and escape the expensive second best experience. The three card starting hands recommended above are those with the best chance of producing a dominant four card hand. Good four card hands that are carefully played don't always win but they win a lot more than the others
  6. 7 Card Hi Lo Qualify Eight Poker - Seven High Low Rules, Strategy Tips
    Seven Card High Low Stud Poker is a challenging game because it's not very easy to learn and master. . The help along these lines here is basically from those that are generally accepted as seven hi lo experts . . I think that when you learn the ropes, you will like having an edge against most other players in the game.

    Limit Seven Card High Low Qualify Poker - 2 to 8 Players, Rules

    Highest hand splits the pot with the lowest qualifying hand || To qualify for the low half of the pot, the low hand must be 8,7,6,5,4 or lower || Lowest up card is a forced starting bet || Ace plays both high and low || Three raise limit per round || Cards speak

    Card Distribution and Betting Procedure

    Example: $2/$4 Seven Card Hi Lo Qualify Eight. After all players have anted $.50, (1.) Each player is dealt two cards face down and one face up. The player with the lowest up card* makes a forced bet of either $1 half minimum or $2 full bet (player's choice) to start the game. The rest of the players, in clockwise order, either call the opening bet, raise it, or not call and "fold" their hands back to the dealer. (2.) All get a fourth card face up followed by a round of $2 betting. From this round on, the player with the highest up card(s) is always first to check or bet. (3.) After the fifth card is dealt face up, the minimum bet goes to $4. (4.) The sixth card is dealt face up and there is another round of $4 betting. (5.) The seventh and last card is dealt face down and followed by the final round of $4 betting. The dealer then determines the winning high hand and low hand, if any, and awards the pot. The ideal result, of course, is to win both ends of the pot with a low straight, a low hand with a flush or any other hand that will win the whole pot, including a high hand when nobody qualifies for low. *(Note). Only for the purpose of determining the starting lowest upcard in the case of ties, the card denominations are sub-divided by these suit values in decending order: Spades the highest, through Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs the lowest.
    How to Play 7 Card Hi-Lo Qualify
    General Strategy: In this game the high hand winner must split the pot with the player with the best qualifying low hand. There is always a high hand winner but not always a low. For a hand to qualify for low, it must have five denominations no higher than an eight. Any five of your seven cards may be played for high and any five can be played for low. Aces are played both high and low. Straights and flushes do not disqualify a hand for low, so a player ending with 5 4 3 2 A would have an unbeatable low hand and a 5 high straight to play for high. This hand would have an excellent chance of winning both ways.In this example, the player could also have another hand that is higher than the 5 high straight to play for high.The most important thing to keep in mind in split pot games is the big profit difference between winning half the pot and "scooping" it all. Beginners tend to think that winning two split pots is equal to winning one full pot. Not so at all from a profit point of view! Scooping the pot usually builds a healthy addition to your stack of chips. Getting half often puts you barely ahead of where you were before you started playing the hand. Winning Seven Card High Low players often have to settle for half, occasionally lose both high and low, but ALWAYS play only hands that have a good chance of winning it all. They never play for one side only unless they have an almost or certain unbeatable one way hand or have a probable "escape" on seventh street already made. The second most important thing to do in Seven Hi/Lo is to get out EARLY when it looks like you don't have the best probable scoop hand! As soon as hands that start out with good possibilities for both high and low, turn into probable losers for either end, they should be folded unless they are almost certain winners for half of the pot. This also applies to strong high hands that are not an almost certain high end winner, that will probably have to split with a low.
    Definitions: HIGH CARDS - 9 up to A . LOW CARDS - A up to 8. (Ace can be played as the lowest denomination or the highest). SPLIT PAIR - Starting hand with one of your pair cards down and the other up. CONCEALED PAIR - Starting hand with both of your pair cards in the hole and your side card kicker up. WHEEL - (5 4 3 2 A). Can be played as the lowest possible hand, a straight for high or both. DOOR CARD - The exposed upcard of a starting hand. DEAD CARDS - Cards that have been revealed and no longer in the deck. SCOOP - Win both high and low ends of the pot or win it all with a high hand when there is no low. FAST PLAY - Bet, raise and re-raise to get as many other players out as possible. SLOW PLAY - Just check or call along to keep other players in the game and increase the pot odds. CHECK-FOLD - Check when you can and fold if you are bet into. Gladly accept all free cards offered.
    Normally Playable Starting Hands: TRIPS - (QQQ). Fast play face cards. Slow play with Aces and all others on third street, then play fast. 3 LOW to a STRAIGHT FLUSH - (7d 5d 3d).Play the same as 3 LOW to a FLUSH below. 3 LOW to a STRAIGHT - ( 6h 4s 2c).Play the same as 3 LOW to a FLUSH below. 3 LOW to a FLUSH - (3c 6c 8c). Slow play these three similar hands. Check-fold on fourth street if you pair up or don't improve your high side and are facing two or more better low hand draws. 3 LOW with an ACE - (8 4 A). Check-fold on fifth street if you don't have trips or aces over and are facing two or more better low draws. LOW PAIR with an ACE - (66 A). Check-fold on fifth street if you don't have trips or aces over and are facing two or more better low draws. LOW PAIR with two to a LOW STRAIGHT - (44 7). Usually check-fold if you don't improve your hand on both fourth and fifth streets. HIGH PAIR/Faces. (KK QQ JJ). Play these fast, split or concealed, if they are not overcarded on the board. Try to drive the weak low hands and high draw hands out. Usually fold if you haven't improved by 5th st. PAIR ACES with High Kicker - (AA J). Play the same as a High Pair of Faces (above). PAIR ACES with Low Kicker - (AA 6). Play fast to reduce the number of players. Consider folding on fifth street if you haven't improved high or don't have a good low draw. PAIR NINES or TENS with an ACE - (99 A) (1010 A). Slow play and check-fold on fourth street if you don't catch trips or aces-over right away. 3 CARD HIGH STRAIGHT FLUSH - (10h Jh Qh). - Slow play and usually check-fold on fifth street if you haven't caught a two or three way draw hand or better. 2 LOW and 1 HIGH to a FLUSH - (3d 7d Kd).- Slow play and usually check-fold on fourth street if you don't catch low to your flush.

    Normally Not Playable Starting Hands: High Straights and High Flushes. Unconnected Low Cards (that can't make a straight) without an ace or flush possibilities. Pair of Nines or a Pair of Tens without an Ace Kicker. Unpaired High-Low Combinations.

    Strategy Tips: The first four cards are a major key to winning at Seven Card Stud games. If your starting hands develop according to plan, you can be a strong favorite to scoop the pot. If they don't, you get out early and escape the expensive second best experience. The three card starting hands recommended above are those with at least a reasonably good chance of producing a dominant four card hand. Clearly, good four card hands that are carefully played don't always win but they win a lot more than the others. Beware of the paired door card. If an opponent is playing a pair in his starting hand, and pairs his door card (first upcard), the odds are two out of three that the door card is part of his pair. A paired door card presents a strong possibility that the holder has a dangerous set of trips (especially if it is a high card). Bet your playable hands. As a general rule, usually bet rather than check hands that you would call if someone else were to bet. Many times your competitors are waiting for someone to bet so that they can fold. Normally only check hands that you intend to fold if someone bets. High Pairs increase in value over low draw hands when it is down to one or two competitors.Whena high hand is heads up against a low draw, the high hand usually has the edge. Watch the board closely for key cards that can seriously diminish your chances of making a good hand. Don't play marginal starting hands like pairs, if both your pair cards and side card are completely "live" (none of your cards showing on the board). Also play low straights cautiously if your key cards are not live. Keep track of the fives and fours, both on the board and folded. These are key cards in all low straights. Usually avoid or play door card eights cautiously. They can reveal weakness in you hand and get you trapped in a high vs low jamming contest between other players with very strong hands in the late streets. Beware of multiple "check-arounds" on 7th St. - Straight and flush draws often hit on the last card and there is usually so little in the pot that yor last card pair of Aces etc. is not a very good bet. Stay aware of what your up-cards reveal or might mislead your opponents. This can give you clues to their hands when they bet into you, especially in low hand battles. Try to find reasons to fold both your starting hands and those that develop on the later streets. Look for a dead card or two in the denomination that you need and for three or more dead cards in the suit that you are drawing to. Look for too much strong competition developing for the high and low prizes that you are after. When you can't find reasons to fold, you can then proceed more confidently. Study your opponents, especially when you are not playing hands and can pay careful attention. Do they find more hands to play than they fold? Do they bluff? Can they be bluffed? Do they have any "tells" (give away mannerisms) that disclose information about their hands etc. Get caught bluffing once in a while. It is a way to vary your play and not be too predictable. You win pots that you don't deserve when your bluff works. You lose a few chips when it doesn't work but it will get you calls from weaker hands down the line when you are really strong and need the action. Unless you are playing a strong draw hand, usually fold if your complete hand is beaten on the board by an opponent's upcards.
  7. Re: Dash to Supernova possibly 2 pair, as Morlspin says,he could have anything. my initial thoughts are A/5 but possibly has a low pair and hits trips on the flop and is waiting on you to do all the betting. or another scenario he has nothing and is trying to scare you off the pot. either way i call and what will be will be.

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