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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Hendon Mob League #7 WSOP/WSOPE Packages added Starts 7 Sept aaarrrghhh what a way to exit Full Tilt Poker Game #27187126399: Hendon Mob Forum League (195988331), Table 4 - 200/400 Ante 30 - Limit Razz - 16:34:11 ET - 2011/01/11 Seat 1: AKhater (4,498) Seat 2: Robbiebox (4,472) Seat 3: Skinnydookie (5,035) Seat 4: dcotgrave (4,379) Seat 5: PLTeaulc (472) Seat 6: linziwan (2,738) Seat 7: Ch1gurh (3,071) Seat 8: Fishshed (4,095) AKhater antes 30 Robbiebox antes 30 Skinnydookie antes 30 dcotgrave antes 30 PLTeaulc antes 30 linziwan antes 30 Ch1gurh antes 30 Fishshed antes 30 *** 3RD STREET *** Dealt to AKhater [As] Dealt to Robbiebox [6d] Dealt to Skinnydookie [3s] Dealt to dcotgrave [4d] Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac] [5c] Dealt to linziwan [Jh] Dealt to Ch1gurh [Kh] Dealt to Fishshed [2s] Ch1gurh is high with [Kh] Ch1gurh brings in for 50 Fishshed calls 50 AKhater calls 50 Robbiebox folds Skinnydookie folds dcotgrave folds PLTeaulc completes it to 200 linziwan folds Ch1gurh calls 150 Fishshed calls 150 AKhater calls 150 *** 4TH STREET *** Dealt to AKhater [As] [Td] Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c] [3h] Dealt to Ch1gurh [Kh] [Th] Dealt to Fishshed [2s] [3d] Fishshed bets 200 AKhater folds PLTeaulc raises to 242, and is all in Ch1gurh folds Fishshed calls 42 PLTeaulc shows [2d Ac 5c 3h] Fishshed shows [9s 4c 2s 3d] *** 5TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h] [2c] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d] [Jc] *** 6TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c] [5h] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc] [Tc] *** 7TH STREET *** Dealt to PLTeaulc [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h] [Ks] Dealt to Fishshed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc] [Jd] PLTeaulc shows [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h Ks] K,5,3,2,A Fishshed shows [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc Jd] T,9,4,3,2 Fishshed wins the pot (1,524) with T,9,4,3,2 *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 1,524 | Rake 0 Seat 1: AKhater folded on 4th St. Seat 2: Robbiebox folded on 3rd St. Seat 3: Skinnydookie folded on 3rd St. Seat 4: dcotgrave folded on 3rd St. Seat 5: PLTeaulc showed [2d Ac 5c 3h 2c 5h Ks] and lost with K,5,3,2,A Seat 6: linziwan folded on 3rd St. Seat 7: Ch1gurh folded on 4th St. Seat 8: Fishshed showed [9s 4c 2s 3d Jc Tc Jd] and won (1,524) with T,9,4,3,2

  2. Re: WPT Magazine - Win $10,000 Bodog Sponsorship - Last Chance Qualifier 30/1/11 i will leave it at the fact we are not going to agree, i am only stating what the magazine says. i and many others have always said you cant change the rules halfway through a competiton, if it said that those that have qualified for the final cannot then play the last chance qualifier,they should have made it very clear, and we wouldnt be having this conversation :ok

  3. Re: WPT Magazine - Win $10,000 Bodog Sponsorship - Last Chance Qualifier 30/1/11

    Last-Chance Qualifier Free Entry Winners (players who have played all three $5 events) Fullwell Glceud JulieC Moneybasket Monopoliza RushYYZ The student For those not yet in the Grand Final, the last-chance qualifier takes place on January 30th. Entry is $30. Good luck, and well done to those of you in the Final! ------ this answers teaulc,,you already have seat for final:ok
    i know that :ok but the magazine also says what i stated before,that all those that played the 3 x $5 tourneys get free entry,so we are entitled to play are we not?
  4. Today’s update includes a new tournament type called Multi-Entry tournaments. It is what it sounds like, and you can now play in the same tournament multiple times. Unlike the inevitable comparisons to multi-accounting, though, there is no unfair advantage here. You are always "you" and everyone knows it. You can never be seated with yourself, and if you eventually have more entries than there are tables, you will be forced to "merge" stacks (see the details page linked below for more on merging). Even players who don't like to multi-table can get in on the action. You can play all of your entries at the same time or just play one until you bust and register again (as long as late reg is still available) up to the limit for that tournament. To start, most multi-entry tournaments will have a limit of 4 or so entries, but this can and will move up or down on a per tournament basis depending on feedback and analysis. Many of the missing FTOPS events are Multi-Entry (including the Main Event), and the upcoming Double Guarantees Week will be entirely Multi-Entry. Lots more details can be found here: http://www.fulltiltpoker.com/multi-entry-tournaments _________________

  5. Re: WPT Magazine - Win $10,000 Bodog Sponsorship - Event 3 - 02/01/11

    No because 30. From the last chance quallie go thro. If you play the last chance and qualify as an ALREADY qualified player' date=' your place will just go to someone beneath you[/quote'] thats fine, but we should still get our free place to be able to play for the cash prize in the tourney. as per your t&c`s (Competitors who have played all three $5 events will receive FREE entry to the last chance qualifier.) :ok
  6. Razz is a game of patience. It is important to play tight, yet attempt well timed ante steals when the chance presents itself. Razz starting hands are easy to remember. If you have three cards between Ace and five, you have a great starting hand. A23 is the best starting hand, but any three cards between Ace and five (no pairs of course!) is a hand to bet and raise with on third street. Three card starting hands between Ace and six are good starting hands and should be played aggressively as well, but with a little more caution if several other players with lower door cards are ramping up the action. Three cards of seven or lower is a good starting hand that you'll want to see 4th street with, even if you have to call a bet or two to do so. A three card eight is becoming marginal. If you can limp in or steal the antes with it, do so. Playing three card eights routinely will cost you chips in the long run. The other players' up cards. This is a very important aspect to razz strategy. Observant Razz players will view the upcards and tend to have a much better idea of their relative hand strength. Sometimes the up cards will tell you exactly what to do. If you have three cards to a nine low and there are no other up cards lower than a nine, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the best hand on third street and can bet and raise, even though a "nine low" isn't typically a hand that you would play. You should continue to keep an eye on the other players' porches as the hand progresses. Even if you catch low cards that pair your hole cards, if the other players are catching bad high cards, you can still usually win the pot by betting aggressively. Live and Dead Cards. This is an important aspect of 7 card stud. While in that game, you are wanting your cards to be "live", in Razz you prefer them to be "dead." For example, if you hold Ace, 3, 6 to start and you see two other threes, a six and an ace, you can feel even better about your hand because it means there is less of a chance that you will make pairs! Catching pairs can kill a great starting Razz hand, so the more dead cards you see the better. Jamming vs. Slow Playing: Razz is not really a slow playing game. There are exceptions of course, but generally speaking if you have a good hand, you want to jam it. One reason is that by jamming it, you generally create a big enough pot on third street that it allows you to call on fourth street even if you catch a bad card, based on the size of the overall pot. You can get right back on track with another good low card on fifth street. By all means, do your best to use overly loose and aggressive players weaknesses against them, but you won't go wrong by just betting and raising when you have the best of it. Best Draw vs. Made 9 Low after five cards. A interesting feature of Razz is the little known fact that after five cards are dealt, the best drawing hand is a favorite over any made nine low. In most forms of poker the made hand usually leads the betting to make the draw hands pay, but in Razz, the opposite is true on fifth street. Things are back to normal on 6th street however. With one card to come, the made nine low is now a favorite over the best draw and should definitely lead the betting. Knowing when to fold 'em. If you make a habit of starting with sub par hands or drawing with weak hands vs. powerful boards and stronger draws, then you will just be leaking chips and blowing your bankroll. As with other poker variations, if it looks like you are beat, you probably are. Save your money for when you have the best hand and then play aggressively. Especially in low limit games, players tend to have the hands they represent, so don't pay off three or four more bets to "keep them honest"! When good hands turn bad, release them. Patience! Stealing the Antes. Ante stealing is important, especially the higher up you go in limits. Several situations are great for ante stealing attempts. First, if the bring in player is immediately to your left and it is folded up to you, you should always complete the bet to steal the bring and antes. You do not have to be successful every time for this to be a profitable play. Another good stealing shot to take is when you are the lowest up card. You'd prefer to have reasonable cards in the hole, but this steal attempt is not unlike completing with an Ace door card in 7 card stud, representing aces. You can also attempt to steal with second highest up card if it is folded up to you in late position. Don't get carried away here. Stealing becomes less effective and less profitable the lower the limits you are playing. Always be willing to let go of a steal attempt if another player plays back at you!

  7. Re: Get Voting!

    and while ye are there throw a vote my way:tongue2 http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f112/punters-lounge-globally-best-avatar-112105/ Shameless, utterly Shameless:$
    we can all be shameless mate,,dont forget to vote for me as well :tongue2 and you all know you wanna give me a Raspberry so get your vote for me here http://www.punterslounge.com/forum/f112/punters-lounge-golden-raspberry-tips-youd-never-follow-112124/ you now you wanna ;)
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