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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Event 43: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em (Completed)

    The UK & Ireland bracelet count still stands at one at this year's World Series of Poker but it was almost a different story had Lady Luck not decided to leave Neil Channing's side when he needed her help the most. Channing finished as runner-up in Event #43, the $1,500 No Limit Hold'em tournament. The third and final day saw 20 players return to their seats, each with the common goal of becoming the eventual champion. Their reward if they could achieve this goal would be a wallet-padding $654,380 and a coveted gold WSOP bracelet. Over the course of four hours the 20 starters in Event #41 were whittled down to the official nine-handed final table. When the chips had been moved across to the “Mother Ship” the players lined up as follows:

    [TABLE=class: usertable]

    [TR=class: even] [TH=align: inherit]Seat[/TH] [TH=align: inherit]Name[/TH] [TH=align: inherit]Chips[/TH] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD=align: inherit]1[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Henry Lu[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]2,745,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD=align: inherit]2[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Tom Alner[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]1,550,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD=align: inherit]3[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Balazs Botond[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]775,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD=align: inherit]4[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Hovan Nguyen[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]295,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD=align: inherit]5[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Francois Dur[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]590,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD=align: inherit]6[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Jared Rosenbaum[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]305,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD=align: inherit]7[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]Neil Channing[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]2,735,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: even] [TD=align: inherit]8[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]James Mackey[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]2,015,000[/TD] [/TR] [TR=class: odd] [TD=align: inherit]9[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]John Nelson[/TD] [TD=align: inherit]1,460,000[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]

    It took just 20 minutes of play at the final table to lose not one but two players, and it was Channing who sent them both to the rail. First Jared Rosenbaum open-shoved for around 300,000 (blinds 15,000/30,000/5,000a) with what turned out to be

    ac.gif4d.gif and Channing made the call with qs.gifqh.gif. The 2s.gifqd.gifjd.gif flop was great for Channing but the 2c.gif turn was even better as it locked up the hand for the Brit, leaving the ks.gif on the river inconsequential. Almost immediately after Channing found queens in the hole again. This time Francois Dur open-shoved with 10h.gif10c.gif and Channing snap-called and showed qc.gifqd.gif. The ladies held and the table was down to seven players, Channing leading them all. Another hour passed before Balazs Botond, a talented player who reached the final table of EPT Campione in Season 8, was busted out. Surprisingly, it was not Channing and pocket queens that despatched him, instead he ran his 6d.gif6h.gif into John Nelson's 9c.gif9d.gif when he moved in for a little over 10 big blinds. The nines held and Botond became the seventh place finisher. Channing then turned his attention back to being the executioner when, over the course of two and a half hours, he busted four players to progress the tournament to the heads-up stages. First Hovan Nguyen's short-stacked shove with jd.gif4s.gif was snapped off by Channing's dominating da.gifjc.gif, then Nelson committed himself with ac.gif10d.gif on a 3h.gifqs.gifjc.gif flop and Channing's ks.gifqh.gif held. Next up was Channing's fellow Brit Tom Alner. Like Nguyen's elimination, Alner's exit was a blind-on-blind battle that saw him all-in with jd.gif8d.gif against Channing's da.gif9d.gif. Channing was already in front but the 2d.gif3s.gif9h.gif flop left Alner drawing to three outs (jacks). They failed to arrive on the turn or river and Channing was sat their with three players remaining and him holding 75% of the chips in play! He picked up even more chips when he busted out the dangerous James “mig.com” Mackey in third spot. Mackey had doubled up with pocket fives against Channing's ace-six just a couple of hands previously when he found himself all-in against Channing again, this time holding kd.gifqc.gif to Channings 5c.gif5h.gif. Mackey took the lead on a kc.gif3h.gif4c.gif flop, stayed there on the 3s.gif turn but Channing caught a two-outer on the river to send Mackey home in third place. This left Channing holding a massive 10,200,000 to 2,250,000 chip lead over Henry Lu but that lead was soon almost non-existent when the duo got their stacks into the middle, Channing with ac.gifjc.gif and Lu with a stronger as.gifqs.gif. Neither player improved and Lu's queen-kicker won him the massive pot. Lu then continued to chip away at what was left of Channing's lead but Channing regained the momentum and managed to re-open a huge lead for himself once again. But just as it looked like he was going to become a WSOP champion Lady Luck stuck the knife in. Lu was all-in and Channing called, turning over ah.gif10d.gif in the process. Lu showed a dominating ace once again, this time ac.gifkd.gif, which held to draw almost level again. From that point the cards were falling Lu's way and after over two and a half hours of one-on-one action the final hand took place. Channing opened to 250,000, Lu moved all-in and Channing called. It was another big ace for Channing, the da.gifjd.gif a real monster heads-up, but it needed to hit against the lowly pocket fours of Lu. The 2h.gif3s.gifqs.gif flop was safe for Lu but the kd.gif gifted Channing some extra outs. They failed to materialise though as the 3c.gifslammed down on the river to win the pot and the tournament for Lu. Channing sat motionless, seemingly stunned from not winning this tournament but we are sure he will be back for more and in another position to win that elusive bracelet by the end of the series.

  2. Re: The Deal from Hell reminds me of the Helmuth hand i was watching Live at the WSOP 2007 on his final table, think he had black aces against red aces against KK, but you know they say it only happens online.............

  3. Re: PokerPlayer Magazine Tour 2012 - next leg Brighton just dropped Hen off at the casino,couldnt stop to rail unfortunately. nothing mentioned at all about anything for the bubble so doubtful,we didnt even get any food at dinner,just some fruit and thought wtf. i finished 18th i had raised on the button with A9 spades only for BB who had just under my chips to shove. thought about it but put him on smaller Ace than me,not the case though,he had AK. left me 1400 chips. shoved with A3 and 2 others in the hand,flop came down 2 diamonds and BlueBlood player got the other player off the hand to leave me H/U with him. he was flushing and missed,i hit my Ace and trebled up. then it me vs BB. i pushed without looking and he had to call. he showed J/2 i then turned over J/2 hehe. lasted a bit longer then shoved with K/J hearts against BB who had A/Q, we both hit and i needed a 10 on the river which didnt materialise. good to meet Sonic at last, and to see Reb,Hen,Bart and Quaser,not forgetting Alun Bowden.

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