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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: APAT acquires Poker.co.uk and will launch online poker room Des the Managing Director of APAT followed up with the following statement: I’m genuinely happy to make the above announcement and I believe it will be a good thing for APAT members and Poker.co.uk players. I’d like to think that our members will agree that APAT have a good history of listening and delivering the games and structures that you want to play, whether it’s in live or online poker. Going forward we will be able to control our own tournament schedule and put on private cash games for you. We can look at structures, levels, clocks, chip stacks, basically all of the components that make up an online poker room. On top of that we will bring something new to the International Poker Network and with your support, we can grow liquidity on the network and continue to develop the APAT tour and increase the added value available to you. There are downsides and Tikay and Tighty have both chosen to sell their shareholding in APAT. Tikay for commercial reasons, due to a clash with his role at Sky. Similarly Tighty would almost certainly have preferred not to sell, but for personal reasons has chosen to. He’ll definitely be updating with APAT at DTD next month and I hope he’ll guest for us at APAT events that don’t clash with his other commitments at DTD and blonde. I owe Tighty and Tikay a huge debt of gratitude for what they brought to APAT over the past few years. Without them we simply would not have existed and I have an enormous amount of respect for them both. We shared some amazing times together and I know they are both as supportive of APAT today as they were when we launched in August 2006. Matt Dale joins the team and will largely focus on the online poker side of things. Matt’s got lots of experience in running an online room; as indeed have I, and he will be all ears over the coming weeks to ensure we can give you guys what you want. I’m really excited to see Leigh back in an official role. He’s one of the most committed APAT-ers I’ve ever met and he will look after the marketing of APAT, Poker Circuit and one or two other projects that we are developing in the background. While this development will change the commercial focus of APAT, please remember that the people managing the business are all long term APAT-ers, committed to delivering the same high quality experience that we’ve given you over the years. Our mindset will never change. I’m sure you’ve got questions, please fire ahead and thanks in advance for your support. We'll need it.

  2. This will be circulated across the industry during the next 24 hours but it is being first released here. London, July 11th, 2012 The Amateur Poker Association & Tour (APAT) today announced that it has successfully acquired the player database, online poker software and customer support contracts of Poker.co.uk, an online poker room on the International Poker Network. Des Duffy, Managing Director of APAT stated: “We're excited that APAT will add an online poker room to our product range and look forward to delivering a high quality online poker experience for our customers, as we have in the casino environment since 2006.” The Poker.co.uk online poker room will be rebranded APAT later in the year, but the software is available for immediate download and play via APAT’s website at www.apat.com. The new online poker room will host satellites and direct entry to APAT’s Live and Online Championship tournaments, the National Online League and the inaugural National Online Cup. In addition, a complete schedule of tournaments and cash games will run around the clock. Matt Dale, Founder of Poker.co.uk added: “With a membership of over 50,000 players and a reputation for being very community focussed, APAT is well positioned to bring something new to the online poker market and I'm delighted to play a part”. APAT announced that Dale will join the business in the position of Online Poker Director, while ex Head of Online, Leigh Wiltshire, will become Marketing Director at the London based organisation. About the Amateur Poker Association & Tour (APAT) APAT launched the United Kingdom’s first national poker tour in 2006. With a clear focus on developing playing talent, APAT has become the largest organisation of its kind in Europe, hosting National Amateur Championship poker tournaments throughout the United Kingdom, Ireland, Austria, Estonia, Spain and North America at the world famous Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Finalists at APAT National Amateur Championship and Online Championship events have gone on to win millions in prize money in addition to World Series of Poker, World Poker Tour and European Poker Tour titles.

  3. Re: Teaulc`s Poker Series as Staked by Ooblio reserved for updates had to change the original amount of $250 to $235 due to exchange rate with 888Poker. this has given Ooblio a $47 bonus straight away :ok Mark has said to add the bonus onto the stake so have amended 1st post. Running Buy-in: $4.08 + $6.05 = $10.13 + $5.65 = $15.78 + $15 = $38.78 + $5 = $43.78 + $2.08 = $45.86 + $11.50 = $57.36 + $3 = $60.36 + $15.50 = 75.86 + $17.78 = $93.64 + $34.71 = $128.35 + $11.50 = $139.85 + $23.65 = $163.50 + $12.50 = $176 + $22 = $198 + $16.50 = $214.50 + $13.49 = $227.99 + $22 = $249.99 + $7.56 = $257.55 + $14.36 = $271.91 + $17.19 = $289.10 Running Winnings: $3.71 + $3.80 = $7.51 + $4.27 = $11.78 + $21.94 = $33.72 + $20.24 = $53.96 + $6.60 = $60.56 + $11.75 = $72.31 + $356.15 = $428.46 + $25.90= $454.36

    • Name: Teaulc
    • Staked: $282
    • Event/Tournament: To Be Posted in this Thread as and when i start each Tourney and all played on 888Poker
    • Offer: 50/50 after Buy-In
    • Date of Event/Tournament: Ongoing from 12/07/2012 until the staking amount of $282 has been reached

    Upon acceptance of my stake request, I Alan Steer, agree to play the above tournaments and pay out each share of any winnings within 7 days for online/UK tournaments or 14 days for international tournaments. I understand and agree that my staking request is an agreement between myself and my staker/stakers and Punterslounge.com will not have any liability for any disputes between the parties involved. i would like to this opportunity of thanking Mark for this and hopefully i can get us both a decent return. the tourneys i will be playing will be of various buy ins as agreed and no time period has been set for completion. after a bit of a struggle it didnt turn out too bad. total stake came to $289.10 so $7 over. from that we got a winnings total of $454.36 so Mark gets his stake back and $86.18 making a return of $368.18 and $86.18 for me as a thanks to Mark and after a slight misunderstanding, anything i make from the BBP League and Hendon Mob League i am going to split with him 50/50.

  4. Re: 32Red - Multiplicity 8pm daily not many now but be aware this is a rebuy,so will be a lot more fishy than normal.but all in all a good tourney.i dont play there now as no cash invested,but sometime in future will dip my toes there again. good luck

  5. We’re pleased to introduce professional poker player Linda Johnson to our blog this week. Linda, also known as “The First Lady of Poker” was inducted to the Poker Hall of Fame in 2011 and is sharing a tip about position when playing poker hands. In addition to her success at the tables (she won a World Series of Poker bracelet in 1997), Linda has been heavily involved in all aspects of the Poker industry. She served as the publisher for CardPlayer Magazine for eight years, helped found a nonprofit organization called PokerGives.org and currently acts as an organizer for Card Player Cruises. Today she’s sharing a tip about betting position in the game of poker. *****

    130.jpg One essential factor to consider in whether or not to play a hand in hold’em is your position at the poker table. When we talk about position, we are referring to whether you are one of the first to act in the hand (early position) or one of the last (late position). Poker is a game of position, position, position. Position is one of the most underrated aspects of poker. You should play extremely tight in early position, since there are many remaining players to act who can raise you. There are 169 possible starting hands in hold’em, but only six of them are playable in early position in most games (JJ-QQ-KK-AA-AK- and A-Q). Most of your hands should be played when you are in late position. A good rule of thumb is to enter the pot with the top 8-10% of your hands from early position, 15-20% of hands from middle position, and 30-35% of hands from late position. When you are first to enter a pot, you should generally raise, rather than call (limp). Poker is a game of information and you have no information when you are in early position. You don’t know whether it will be a heads-up pot or a multi-way pot. You don’t know how many raises will occur. It’s a mistake to put money into a pot from early position with a marginal hand like Q-J and then have to fold to a standard raise; you’ve gotten no value on your money.

  6. Re: The Deal from Hell The odds of being dealt a straight flush are 1 in 64,974 as for being dealt one on the flop.. Not sure.. It depends on your hole cards. The best odds are with mid range suited connectors, specifically 45s to JTs. For example, with 45s, you have 4 possible ways of flopping a straight flush (A23s, 236s, 367s, and 678s). Since you are holding 2 cards, there are 50 possible cards that can fall on the flop, creating 19,600 flops. (calculated as 50!/{[50-3]!*[3!]} ) That being given: 19,600/4 = 4900, or a '1 in 4900' chance. So the odds of flopping a straight flush while holding a mid range suited connecter are 1 in 4900.

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