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Posts posted by Pokerose

  1. Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners Well, I apologise if any offence was caused, Morl, it certainly wasn't my intention (hence the wink ). I'm sure nobody would have wanted you to lose money over this. My main point was with this thread currently doing so well in Google, there wasn't strictly any need.. but I'll shut up now before I dig myself in any further... Sorry again!

  2. Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

    start with google mate and the rest will follow......come on all' date=' make that post on my blog! links are great ways to boost[/quote'] I don't mean to suggest that you might have other motives Morl.. But this thread is quite high up. Would you be suggesting we do this for reasons that are more beneficial to you? :unsure ;)
  3. Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

    10th result if you search for Goalpoker is a story on digg.com which links here - I think that might be what boosted the thread up (although I know nothing much about Google either!)
    Yeah, my friend set it up - he also spammed about 1000 random websites with the link. Highly annoying to the website owners, of course, but hey ho, at least they'll know not to play at Goal poker :ok
  4. Re: What a hand!!!

    Yeah, maybe that's it... But seriously... if you can afford to lose 1.000.000 Danish Kroner in 4 minutes... you have too much :unsure
    No such thing as too much imo Pene
  5. Re: Goalpoker - Can't/Won't pay its Winners

    Edit taken out as a pointless post.:$ Proper question: Does anyone think this might be Goalpoker putting pressure on Google?
    Well, I have a notorious webspammer as a friend (he's a nice chap really) I asked him.. He said Google wouldn't care about adverse pressure from a company like that - I'm no closer to understanding why its disappered though
  6. Re: Naked Poker

    Considering the vast majority of poker players are men I'm not entirely sure what is likely to attract me to this site. Pass the sick bag please. :)
    What?! you don't think the tables of this site are populated with firm young women sitting/lying/standing in enticing poses alone or with their friends? Attempting to avoid getting on my feminist high horse, this has possibly the most vulgar home page I've ever seen for a poker site. Wouldn't touch this site with a 10' bargepole. You can pass me a sick bag too:)
  7. Re: Advice please........ Ohh dear. I don't know you very well, but I happen to be up. So here it is.. You cover so many points in your post that its hard to know where to start. I do kind of want to address the lean spell. People have rough streaks all the time - I do, and believe me, they can prove very costly. But there comes a point, I think, when its not the cards running against you - variance just doesn't work that way imo - but I think what happens is you get yourself into a kind of "negative expectation" cycle - you don't expct to win, you become impatient, you call things you know you shouldn't, you don't protect your hands sufficiently - even when you make tiny -almost imperceptible mistakes, they catch up with you. You say you are an "instinct player". I don't agree this is a way to make very much profit but some people do it. My only thought is, if you don't do things "by the book" (more of which in a moment..) and you're not feeling good about the game, don't feel like your instincts are right etc, then that may be why your're floundering a bit. When I say a bit.I do mean a bit..take a look at what you'e acheived - never reloaded your bankroll (there are LOTS and lots of people who can't say that - me included), you've bought a material asset from your winnings, and, you've proved you can win something at Party - and I sure as hell can't.:clap. (Ok, you may not find it particularly amusing, neither do I). You can turn this around. Anyone can. You've won before - seems to me pretty likely you're going to be winning again at some point. So what can you do? You could take a break. You could try reading a poker book or two. I could recommend a few, lots of people could. (I think its currently a Harrington or not debate when we discuss tournament poker literature on this site..your choice) I like to read a book when I feel myself going a bit awry, just to remind myself about discipline etc but not everyone would agree its necessary. Would I recommend learning about pot odds etc? Yes. I'm no expert on this like some on the site.. but, I do know, if you make the statistically correct play on a hand - you will win, more often than not. Its also comforting to me to know when I've done something right and lost. Its also beneficial for me to know when I've got something wrong and lost - and then try as hard as I can not to do it again. Believe me Gazza, if I can know what chance I have of hitting a set on the flop, or what chance I have of filling my flush draw by the river, I'm absolutely sure you can. I don't think I personally could recommend playing freerolls because its something i find a bit of a waste of time. It may not be a waste of time for you though, and, it might give you the breathing space you require to get your game back together. As for your wife and child. Lots of people struggle with this one. I'm lucky that I don't have a wife :unsure, in the poker respect, so I have noone really to please except myself and my son. Its a big problem for more people than you know though - so you needn't think you and she are alone in this problem. None of here are marriage counsellors, but I think from the tone of your post you know theres a problem here..and I've a sneaking suspicion you know what to do about it too. To sum up. I sympathise. I doubt, no matter how negatively (unrealistically ) you compare yourself to others on this site, there are going to be very very few people who, at some point in their poker career haven't felt futility and despair. Thats surely part of the fun! I know its not fun to lose. BUt in a while, when you look back at this time ,as well as being glad its over, it might have offered you the benefit of perspective on the ups and downs on this horribly frustrating game. There we go - the full range of my insomniac ranting.. I hope it helps

  8. Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips well, If you play a lot - theres a version of poker tracker for stud..I've used its free trial and its ok..for me it doesn't have all the advantage of the one for hold em but thats possibly because i never played with it enough. I also tried a free thingy for a program called Stud inspector. It does automatically note for you all the discards and if you set it to can suggest plays you might make (I'm thinking there might be a similar program called hold em inspector and if you know how that works I'm sure is along similar lines.) It only works in certain online cardrooms - although I think it has party and pacific mentioned. I never bought the full thing.

  9. Re: Jaded's 7 Card Stud tips well, I think, to win well and consistently - you could look at it as a game of memory - not only is important to remember what you should not be drawing to - but to help you deduce what your collegue may have/may be drawing to. I also think its ok to draw sometimes. I rarely draw to straights (I'd need lots of other outs as well) - but I will draw to flushes given correct pot odds and I see NO MORE than 2 of my suit on the board /discarded by 5th street. This doesn't happen very often, but should it, I might even raise the pot if I have 4 to the flush at that point. If its your first time of playing this. I would stick to the first three types of hand that jaded has suggested, and bet the hell out of them:ok and I have no interest in this tourney - so I can say what I like :loon

  10. Re: Are you game?

    If I took my top off at a live table half the opponents would drop out through feelings of utter disgust and nausea. If I removed my raggy Y-fronts any remaining players would be finished off when hit by unstoppable waves of insane laughter, which would undoubtedly end with their arses being laughed off ( is this really possible?).
    I don't understand...surely you've provided yourself the perfect winning conditions..:unsure :)
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