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Posts posted by dico

  1. Re: Hand Analysis - Your Thoughts Please I'm no expert but I think they needed playing more aggressively pre-flop. Both times you have let potentially marginal hands in cheaply. If you had raise more on each play you may have won the pot outright but if you had a call at least you could deduce something about your opponents hand. Just my thoughts, could be complete tripe:lol With regards to folding them, I would definately call the second one, not sure about the 1st

  2. Re: Is this to tight?

    Got to agree with the rest of the guys here, Dico. With a top heavy payout structure and you already in last place, what have you got to lose? Call, and get frustrated when he draws out on you!!!:tongue2
    :lol:lol Cheers for all the replies lads:ok
  3. Re: Is this to tight?

    Dico, It may well have been the correct decision to fold...we'll never know although your mindset appears to be on surviving rather than trying to win!:unsure If I was lying 10th out of 10 and looked down to see JJ there'd be no way I'm folding......it's a perfect chance to almost treble up and put you back in the frame for winning....only 3 hands are beating you and even then you've still got a chance! :nana What hand were you looking for at that stage of the game? :unsure Well done on 6th place! :ok TQM
    Thanks for the comments chatoman and TQM:ok TQM I know what you're saying mate but the fact he went all in UTG put me off a lot. I thought I will call, he will have A9 and I will lose to an A on the river:lol Luckily I stole a couple of blinds and then doubled up with QQ! I eventually lost when I had two pair and he hit runner runner for trips:wall Can't grumble though, it's swings and roundabouts:) I really need to get more aggressive in the final stage of tournos:$
  4. Final table of a 5 euro tourno on Virgin. 1st place pays about 350, think 10th was 15. I am 10th out of 10 as the final table starts, but there are a couple of players with not that much more than me. About the 4th hand UTG goes all in. He has a big stack. It gets folded round to me (7th position). I have JJ and decide to fold because : a) he has me covered and I will be out in 10th for 15 euros if I lose b) he had no reason to make a move unless he had a premium hand Having thought about it some more I think it is more likely he had a smaller pair. Surely if he had AA, KK, QQ or AK he wouldn't want to scare everybody off:unsure What do you think? p.s. ended up 6th for 62.20 euros:)

  5. Re: Magical Trevor (GotaFancy?) - the poker player.

    Magical Trevor is ever so clever, plays any 2 cards and catches the river, Never ventures outside he's afraid of the weather, he keeps playing cards thats Magical trevor. "Watch out he's playing 7 2 offsuit, watch out he's playing 7 2 offsuit watch out he's playing 7 2 off suit so watch out so watch out so watch out. :cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow:cow
    :lol:lol:lol:lol :nana:nana
  6. Re: PL members room

    Don't think I agree with this. I'm a member of another forum where there are a few basic forums that everyone can see for "Gold members". You have to post some decent stuff to be allowed in - do idea hopw I got in then:unsure. If you don't post regularly you get thrown back out into the basic area. I don't think it's really worked, all of the Gold members just post in the Gold member forum and the basic bit looks crap and empty which must put people off from posting. I think the PL poker forums have it about right with restricting access to certain tournaments by post count or BPP scores which encourage people to post/play and stop the freeloaders.
    Sums it up perfectly I think:ok
  7. Re: The PL Spirit

    Dico if you put ffs in the chatbox it normally is regarded as a comment on the player/hand you are against/in which it was taken as "having a go" or at least that's what I would assume. As you stated you didn't put luckbox in so fair enough. Your original apology was great and i.m.o all that is good about pl:ok But I think you spoilt it with your follow ups later and then not to let it drop when the opportunity was there. A lot of the members have known wasp for a long time and will take on board what has been posted by him but to suggest that it is based just on membership duration is insulting to all members. When you posted your replies did you not expect any comments or are you only willing to accept them if they are favourable to you? Anyway best of luck hope this is resolved shortly and you can both move on from this asap.
    FFS:lol (that's a joke by the way) I'm happy to let it drop just thought Brian might have posted some comments. Is it ok for him to make digs about my misses:unsure I enjoy the PL games, the standard is good and I learn alot from them but lets not have one rule for one and one for another eh:ok
  8. Re: The PL Spirit ** It's petty, cowardly and childish and while this is not neccessarily aimed at Dico ** I'm glad to bloody hear it:eyes Has anyone actually read what happened? Or does it not actually matter becuase he has been a member longer than me:unsure Unbelievable some of the comments. Shame he hasn't apologised for getting his facts wrong. Pathetic:(

  9. Re: The PL Spirit

    I can understand saying crap in the chatbox when you've played a hand great and some donkey hits but dico I think you've played that awfully - pre flop maybe, on the flop and on the river:lol:lol. Not going to comment on the PL spirit as I don't play in those games.
    think you've missed the point of the thread mate
  10. Re: The PL Spirit and another thing I have just seen in your initial post is about me going out after another great play. mr sarcastic aren't we. if you remember I was short stacked and needed to double up. I went in with the best hand, that's all you can do isn't it.

  11. Re: The PL Spirit Infact while were on the subject you have a bloody cheek. I remember you making a lewd joke about my missus in the opening 5 mins. People in glass houses.

  12. Re: The PL Spirit That was me. I called a raise when I thought you were stealing. You bet out and I reraised. When i eventually hit 3 of a kind I thought I was probably ahead. A reasonabe assumption I'm sure you'll agree. When I put FFS it's because I was frustrated. That was in no way having a go at you and i'm not sure how you think it could be. As for 'luckbox' once again your mistaken because it wasn't me who put that. Then you started abusing me for calling a raise with chit which annoyed me a bit because you had already won the hand. I put shh maggot to end the conversation. I apologise sincerely if I caused offence. It wasn't my intention.

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