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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: betfred on the break,,,,24th with 217 to go,,,still hitting the aces quite regularly:D ,,,have never seen this so often on any of the sites i have played,,maybe its just because i havent noticed it before,18 hands out of 59 has anyone else hit the aces on an average of 1 in 4?

  2. i am playing in the million turbo tokens, i have been dealt an ace/another card 8 times out of the first 12 hands,,,this is uncanny it is now 11/16

  3. Re: Extra Goal Poker CL chance well done mcfc :clap :clap a very good game tonight,i finished 4th so qualify for the last semi-final worth $100 buy-in,so hopefully will still get there. a big thankyou to slik mik :notworthy for letting us all know about this:beer

  4. Re: Extra Goal Poker CL chance okay,its sunday,near enough 17.00pm and gp says tourney will start in 1 day and 9 hours, to me that is 2.00 in the morning,,surely they dont expect us up at that time,any confirmation that it is at 22.00 monday as it says elsewhere on the forum?

  5. Re: Goal Poker and anything to do with it well done dave,,,great achievement,,,,,,,,all the best at the final,,,, have been trying to get there since xmas and have now decided after last nights game i aint gonna get there,but its great a pl`er is there:clap :clap

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