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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll

    did I miss the mention of your flopped FH with 22 beating bozza's AJ ? does make you wonder why they show it - as if they think it's enough for us just to see our name on the screen :unsure
    my thoughts exactly,,what is the point???????????????
  2. Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll

    out in 13th with 88 v teaulc's AA 8 on the flop ................ but A on the river (and I knew it was coming :sad ) good luck tea and bozza :ok Alan, any hard luck stories about tonight and I'll be miffed ;)
    well my kk did come up against aa and jj on paradise now you mention it when i was in a very good position:loon :loon :rollin :rollin thoroughly enjoyed tonights game on poker333,a fantastic blind structure imo
  3. Re: Poker333 Poker Pro Europe $1500 Freeroll unfortunately out in 5th when i called 2nd place with my a/j and he had a/q :sad ,this left me with about 13k and went all in a couple hands later with 6/6 and hit f/h to put me back on 22k,went all in against other short stack and he won..was a very enjoyable game;)

  4. Re: Ladbrokes Southern Softies v Northern Monkies

    Friday 19th January 18:40 $10 + $1 Southern Softies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. 18:40 $9 + $0.90 Northern Monkies MTT - 1500 Chips, 5 minute blinds. Top 8 players from each MTT go through to 20 Seat $1000 STT at 21:10 GMT. 16 players plus 4 Poker Managers with $100 bounties on their heads.
    typical,,us southerners have to pay more than the poor old northerners again:tongue2 :tongue2 :dude
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