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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Forum Challenge on DTD site

    I've been a student Nade and know exactly what ya mean - however I bet you get the 'older' guys replying to this with the phrase.... 'You wouldn't know a hard days work if it hit ya in the face' ;)
    you hit the nail on the head :dude
  2. Re: Inside Poker Mag - Poker God 3 - $10,000 Caribbean Cruise 1st off an apology to you Alun with regards to the crap comment,that was out of context and not what i was trying to get across,it wasnt a go at you as you do great work for us but more a poker site generalisation. thanks for your email,i have replied,hopefully we can all learn lessons for PokerGod4 which i am sure will be perfect

  3. Re: Inside Poker Mag - Poker God 3 - $10,000 Caribbean Cruise so did a Pl`er win it at all? i am emailing IP with regards to last nights final as i wasnt even listed in the final,i had spoken to Will Hill on the phone last night before the game and was told it was too late to do anything and it was IP`s fault all the fiasco... i cant beleive that they would do the Final 2 days after the last game with no notification,bad show IMO. we will see what reply i get from Alun but i expect it will be the usual crap

  4. Re: Forum Challenge

    :welcomesimon thanks for the pl event ,ovely club and really friendly:clap:clap would play these ,but as it's all weeknights and its so far away i can't really:sad gl team pl:ok
    Ben, if you read it properly the games are played online :lol:lol
  5. Re: Forum Challenge nice one Simon,just to start with,i would like to say what a great club you got there,if i didnt live so far away i would be there every week.. i will miss the 1st one but will deffo play the others,looks to be a good structure as well.

  6. Re: another cash hand from last night thanks whycant, my thinking :loon:loon hmmm last night was one of those nights when i couldnt do much wrong,everything mostly went my way even cashing in the 2 tourneys i was playing at the same time, taxavoider was putting it on going by what he had played previously,with top pair on the flop,i wanted to end the hand there thinking he had mid pair or A/K,a bad read by me as it turned out but a lot of luck on the turn made it a profitable bad play. as most of you know i aint a by the numbers player,i go by gut feeling and it works reasonably well for me.but i am willing to learn

  7. Re: another cash hand from last night

    rofl :$ I've never known Al to post a winning hand before - I just assumed :tongue2
    :lol:lol:lol i do win sometimes :loon cheers for info Trev and all,as i said earlier i am just treading into the mirky waters of cash play seriously so expect a few more hands posted up, i can handle the critiscm but so much nicer to get a well done Al sometimes:ok
  8. pick the bones from this one, GAME #1202935152: Texas Hold'em NL $0.10/$0.20 2008-10-07 12:43:49 Table Bristol Seat 1: Mishgan2001 ($28.99 in chips) Seat 3: doNkvoNkloNk ($19.70 in chips) Seat 5: cven02 ($20.27 in chips) Seat 6: MrsKitano ($27.67 in chips) Seat 8: TaxAvoider ($23.34 in chips) DEALER Seat 10: teaulcsg ($20.14 in chips) teaulcsg: Post SB $0.10 Mishgan2001: Post BB $0.20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcsg [sK DQ] doNkvoNkloNk: Fold cven02: Call $0.20 MrsKitano: Fold TaxAvoider: Raise (NF) $0.60 teaulcsg: Call $0.50 Mishgan2001: Call $0.40 cven02: Call $0.40 *** FLOP *** [HQ S8 HJ] teaulcsg: Bet $1.00 Mishgan2001: Fold cven02: Call $1.00 TaxAvoider: Raise (NF) $4.20 teaulcsg: Raise (NF) $19.54 cven02: Fold TaxAvoider: Call $15.34 *** TURN *** [CQ] *** RIVER *** [C9] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $41.48 Rake $1.00 TaxAvoider: Shows [HK CK] teaulcsg: wins $41.48

  9. did i do anything wrong? just want some thoughts to see if it could have been played differently GAME #1204078558: Texas Hold'em NL $0.10/$0.20 2008-10-07 23:05:30 Table Bremen Seat 1: Cirusguti ($20.00 in chips) Seat 3: holdemblow ($19.59 in chips) Seat 5: teaulcsg ($22.77 in chips) DEALER Seat 6: 13utcherr ($32.40 in chips) Seat 8: B1OMAN ($27.99 in chips) Seat 10: spankfugslide ($22.61 in chips) 13utcherr: Post SB $0.10 B1OMAN: Post BB $0.20 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulcsg [s9 C9] spankfugslide: Fold Cirusguti: Fold holdemblow: Raise (NF) $0.80 teaulcsg: Call $0.80 13utcherr: Fold B1OMAN: Call $0.60 *** FLOP *** [CQ H9 H6] B1OMAN: Check holdemblow: Bet $1.40 teaulcsg: Raise (NF) $6.70 B1OMAN: Fold holdemblow: Raise (NF) $18.79 teaulcsg: Call $12.09 *** TURN *** [H7] *** RIVER *** [HK] *** SUMMARY *** Total pot $39.08 Rake $1.00 holdemblow: Shows [sA HA] holdemblow: wins $39.08

  10. i was going through my pokertracker and found this,now if you look at the date i would have been 8 years old when i lost $4500 :loon:loon:loon now i have never( to my knowledge )played the .50/1 tables on Stars,so how did this get picked up by PT3? starscashyn8.png w800.png

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