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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: ** Poker Sunday 5th July ** 8.00pm Apat National Online League $11 31st when my K/K is done again 7/7 on the river,last time a 1outer this time a 2 outer 8.00PM P/Stars 2k added freeroll finished 402nd 8.30PM P/Stars 2k added $2.20 finished 260th 8.30PM P/stars 250kGTD $11.00 6839/29477 7.45PM 32Red APT freeroll 1RB finished 6th OUTLAY = $24.20 RETURN = $0

  2. Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet standings after Event 56. is Morlspin going to be able to retain his title?? Groups: Everyone | Punterslounge Prop

    Group Rank Everyone Rank Contestant Overall Earnings Event Earnings View Picks
    75601toffee pete$3,185,323$53,648pencil1.gif
  3. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!! thanks,:ok well it has been a good afternoon so far(for me that is),met up with Uber and Morls and cabbed over to Golden Nugget for Graeme`s tourney (he got donked again,sitting with A/A UTG raises 3 x BB guys goes all in 2 seats down,all fold and of course Gra is gonna call. bloke shows 2/2 :loon . he only goes and spikes a 2 :sad). anyway while Gra was playing,me and Ben went over to the $1/$2 cash tables. i am BB and i think 5 limpers and i dont bother looking at my cards and just check. flop is 9/7/2 all check until the girl near me raises $10,i look at my cards then i have J/J, happy enough with that so re-raise.anyway betting gets to be putting me in for $100 all-in. she turns over 2/2 just as i am turning over my cards and it registers i am totally fooked,the dealer turns a Jack for me :D:D. i tell ya i am beginning to love the hooks at the moment. so a double up is good and i sit back and watch play,then my next BB i have J/J :loon, then J/J UTG and J/J yet again but not much action in any of those,also had Q/Q x2, 1lot i had to lay down as Ben bluffed me off with a flush chase,although there was an Ace on the flop so an easy laydown. and 10/10 a couple of times. not bad for the 1st hours play. anyway eventually came off $89 up so happy enough. looking at the same tourney i cashed in earlier this week @ Planet Hollywood for tonight and then early to bed as i have an early flight home. so....so far played 2 cash tables and made $309 profit and 2 tourneys for $2967 profit. happy days :dude:dude

  4. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary - TEAULC CASHES FOR $2769!!! thanks everyone for the congrats,much appreciated :ok looks like i may have a write up in Brighton`s `The Argus newspaper`,the Editor has been on touch :loon and i am whoring myself out a bit too, to the magazines ;). had a good day yesterday, had brekkie with Uber then met up with the rest later in Blondies for a few bevvies. good to meet Blatch at last, and Matt and Jeffers were their usual entertaining selves :lol:lol we all went for a steak in the Range situated in Harrah`s,now i will highly recommend you go and eat there,it was the best steak i have ever had. being an old fart i left them all to it after dinner as i was totally shagged out,not had much sleep over here and i was on my last legs,so i have no idea what they all got up to,will find out later. this is my last day,so a bit of shopping for the wife and kids and maybe a bit of cash tables later. speak soon and good luck in any game you are playing tonight :hope:ok

  5. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary phew................. firstly i want to say unlucky to Bagheira,it just wasnt to be:sad but next :dude:dude:dude:dude:dude i have cashed in the WSOP :loon:loon:nana:nana:nana:nana i would like to say thanks to all for your support and also to my stakers who will get a return on their stake,albeit not as much as i was hoping to get for you all. as has been posted i finished 294th. the pay structure as such was crazy and decided that i was gonna play any half decent hand i get 1st and see what happens. BB is in seat 2,i have raised it up to 5k and all folded to BB who called. flop comes down all clubs and 10 high,my Jack is a club and decide to take the pot down. i have raised it to 10K representing the flush and BB thinks for a couple of long minutes then overbets to 20K,in an instant i call All-in,i know he hasnt got the flush so by pushing i am telling him i have. he takes ages to make a decision and then calls..........he has A clubs / Q hearts,unreal i thought, so bad call or good call the turn and river doesnt help me so out kickered. but i wasnt too disappointed,i made my play and in this instance was just unlucky,if it had paid off i was up to pretty much 90k. so my WSOP adventure is over but a nice result to put on my resume :) on my way back to meet up with everyone,i met Morlspin on his way to rail so told him what i just told you and then the rest of the guys. we have plenty of time now to kill so we went to Planet Hollywood for a $80 tourney which went well. i finished 6th for $198 and Adetrick finished 3rd for $468 i think :clap:clap then met up with Paul Ross at O`Shea`s for a drink. there endeth another day.

  6. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary

    Al's on table 191, don't know what Bagheira's real name is. 4500 starting chips, 376 left, which would make average stack ~34000 Al appears to be roughly just outside the top 60 Day 2 Seating Assigments and Chip Counts Play resumes at 2:00pm. (Table 191) Seat 1: Kenneth Terrell - 35100 Seat 2: John Spagnuolo - 36300 Seat 3: Klaus Schwarz - 17000 Seat 4: Michael Bernstein - 14000 Seat 5: Jason Reed - 17400 Seat 6: Alan Steer - 53400 Seat 7: Randy McKay - 20300 Seat 8: John Hom - 16600 Seat 9: John Lee - 17100
    thanks everyone,just been looking down the list an didnt realise what good shape i`m in. lets hope the gods carry on smiling on me. i believe this is Bagheira: (Table 177) Keith Steffens - 6500 Rose Cooney - 9500 Dangkhoa Nguyen - 75000 Vivek Rajkumar - 31800 Michael Lehmann - 35100 Mclean Karr - 19100 Willi Flemming - 39500 Taylor Shpur - 40800 Randy Pfeifer - 70700 so he will need a quick double up as the blinds will be 600/1200 ante 100 :hope
  7. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary hi guys,well it has been quite a good day for me i must,i stuck to my gameplan and it has worked well. there were,i think,2816 registered players and 297 paid. 4500 starting chips and hourly blinds. after about an hour and 3/4 with not having much of anything i get A/A .raise 3 x BB get 1 caller,flop is 9/4/4,i have raised it and caller re-raises, i push and he goes into think-tank,eventually calls and shows J/J :nana:nana a nice double up. after the 2nd break i am sitting with just over 9k,nothing of note happened during that session,just kept stealing the odd blinds to keep my stack up. session 3. 10 minutes into session 3 i have doubled up again when my J/J beat 6/6. bit further in i have A/K,fairly loose player shoves and i call. he has 8/8 and i river the Ace :$ now up to 24k. dinner break i am on 28k again i am sitting with J/J,raise to 1800 and player shoves all-in. i instantly call and he shows K/10. a few more thousand for me :D. end of level 8 and i am now on about 48k. target is 50k for Day 2. so far taken out 5 players. 2nd hand into level 9 i have J/J again,guy sitting to my left has gone all-in and i call,he shows A/9 and my Jacks hold up yet again. had A/A again but raised 3x BB and all fold. i did hit at one time 75k but tiredness set in near the end and i made a play with K/Q against 3/3,i hit my Queen but he hit his 3,thought it time the variance came in. and then last hand guys pushed short stacked on my BB,again i have K/Q and he has A/J,flop comes down rag/Q/J then turn shows the Ace. so i have made day 2 and i have just over 53k,so happy enough. Bagheira is still in as well but with about 7k not looking good for him. forgot to mention there is also a $10 longest lasting bet ... poor old Adetrick was not a happy bunny though. he is K/K vs K/K and the other bloke flushes to knock him out. :puke:puke

  8. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary missed Damatrix today as i thought he was starting at 12pm again but it was 2pm instead. met up with Ian Frazer,hadnt seen him since WSOP2007 so no suprise he didnt recognise me at 1st,and got introduced to Neil Channing,nice guy. met up with Eyesallin and Bagheira and it turned out that Gary had met the other guy,Joe, i was meeting at Virgin tourney a few months back. we went looking for an afternoon game to play and ended up at Bally`s playing cash $1-$2, thankfully had a guy who had no idea on how to play poker and he donated nicely to the tune of me ending $220 up :nana:nana . so now a nice early night before the big game tomorrow. i will let Damatrix let you know how he got on.

  9. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary i cant bloody sleep :wall:wall, never suffered jet-lag before and i am hating it. good to see Damatrix make through to day 2,:hope for him to get some nice cards at the beginning. will pop over and wish him luck for today. i have my seat waiting for me on Monday,starts at Noon (8pm UK time). i am in Amazon Blue area,Table 28 but in my most hated seat,No.1. i reckon it will be sold out again.,but i am looking forward to it,hopefully i will get some decent sleep tonight. Today`s agenda will be to meet up with a guy i met at the PokerPlayer Magazine Invite last November 2007, he flew over yesterday and emailed me to meet up for a drink,also try and get hold of EyesAllin and Bagheira as they flew in yesterday as well.

  10. Re: Fantasy WSOP Prop Bet after Event 47 Groups: Everyone | Punterslounge Prop

    Group Rank Everyone Rank Contestant Overall Earnings Event Earnings View Picks
    65333toffee pete$2,590,867$16,253pencil1.gif
  11. Re: help needed please with regards to playing for me

    sorry finished as 216' date=' so only 1,50 $[/quote'] well done,i will send it over to you shortly.thanks for helping out. just logged in and loaded up Full Tilt and my other game had already started up and i was down to 100 chips,,3 hands later i am up to 2500 :D so what with all the sitouts i have made the cash again :dude
  12. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary i finally made it to the Hotel room at 11.00pm Vegas time (7am UK ) so from my front door to my room took 24 hours :loon:loon,so bloody tired but couldnt sleep,so ended up watching Terminator Salvation on the laptop.eventually got some sleep and up again at 8.30am Vegas time (Vegas is 8 hours behind UK). met up with Damatrix after i had regged for Monday`s game,, today`s $1500 NLHE was sold out,so glad i wasnt playing that one. Damatrix looked cool in his Paradise get up and met a couple of his other Paradise players. so today,just gonna chill out in the hotel room til tonight and i may just have a game of poker in one the Hotels round here.

  13. Re: Teaulc`s W.S.O.P. 2009 $1500 Event 54 Diary cheers peeps, well i have made the 1st leg of my journey,never known such miserable air hostesses :unsure watched a couple of films, Race to Witch Mountain with The Rock,surprisingly entertaining, and The Valkyrie with Tom Cruise which wasnt too bad. got into Charlotte half an hour early and after clearing customs went to my next part of the journey and that has a 2 hour delay :\:\,so i have another 4 hours before my flight leaves. then a 4 and a half hour flight to Vegas. looks like i may just crash out and sleep when i get to the hotel.

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