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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Betfair Challenge - Team LUK

    pistnbust wats your first name now that i say wat are everyones first names Im Steve if no one knew that already And team game sitting 1st with 35k:ok:hope
    running good steve but your 2nd :tongue2:tongue2
  2. Re: Paradise Series of Poker 29/30 & 31 August Event 4 £300 buy in WSOP Structure sorry guys and gals,i am out. blinds were actually 300/600 50 ante. guy in seat 9 raises to 1800 and i have 8/9 diamonds. flop is 7/8/J.... he raises 3k and i am calling after he takes a long time to think before the raise,i am putting him on AK here,i know he hasnt hit the flop. turn is a Queen. he is 1st to act and takes an absolute age to act as he is unsure on what i have. he eventually pushes all in,,,my read on this was he doesnt want a call (which he did confirm)as if he thinks he has hand better than me he would have just bet again,maybe 6k? so i am calling,i have outs and a pair and this doubles me up if i win. he shows KQ :sad so although my read was correct on the flop i had totally misread what he had. so i am now on my way home after this has been posted.

  3. Re: Paradise Series of Poker 29/30 & 31 August Event 4 £300 buy in WSOP Structure cheers guys,:ok i have just arrived and will give updates on progress as when the breaks pop up. as i said i have about 45k with the blinds starting today at 250/500 ante 100 although i will confirm that. i can see we will probably play down to the final table,i have yet to feature on the live cam table so maybe later today,you can see that on the gutshot forum. Table A 1 Rudy Mathurin 36,275 2 Patrick Murray 32,550 3 --- 4 Jamie Walden 28,200 5 Vince Stratful 108,500 6 Efinowicz Michal 65,950 7 Christopher Leon 31,875 8 George chillea 33,375 9 Suzanne Gilbert 68,625 10 --- TABLE B 1 Ash Miah 32,575 2 Riccardo Prola 105,850 3 --- 4 Dave the Rock 31,050 5 Julian Saul 47,550 6 --- 7 Nicholas Chau 74,000 8 Jim Dunsford 19,100 9 M.Pantieli 50,400 10 Vince G 17,175 TABLE C 1 Steven Tokali 35,950 2 Huy Nguyen 18,625 3 Ben Freeman 58,450 4 Jason Sotherby 6,775 5 Patrick Gaughan 34,475 6 Robert McDonald 22,525 7 Simon McDonough 12,325 8 Johnathon Reynolds 27,525 9 Lisa Edwards 11,050 10 --- TABLE D 1 Wilson Chan 54,700 2 Alan Steer 45,875 3 Justin Kean 35,375 4 Sam Grafton (CHIP LEADER) 123,950 5 Sofranis 37,150 6 Ash Toofan 92,600 7 Nick Ally 18,925 8 Oliver Youngman 73,400 9 Robert Lim 50,475 10 --- TABLE E 1 Nigel Mitchell 27,550 2 Bakar Ahmed 20,300 3 Manh Nguyen 57,375 4 Ray C 99,675 5 Hadd Roulet 76,450 6 Oneib Saeed 23,300 7 --- 8 David Davies 29,800 9 Rupom Pal 75,050 10 --- TABLE F 1 Hoa 'Gandi' Ngo 35,625 2 Kirit Patel 30,200 3 Steve Garvey 34,450 4 Joe Grech 31,050 5 Vincent Dalet 64,800 6 Alex James 37,075 7 Brian Hallows 58,100 8 Rob Harkins 44,475 9 Kevin Allen 15,025 10 --- TABLE G 1 Akhtar 27,150 2 JJ 44,600 3 Luke Howes 30,700 4 Russel Naylor 28,650 5 Alfie Baldwin 35,500 6 --- 7 V.Mcawley 55,575 8 Mickey Pitt 31,725 9 Harrison Lee 58,000 10 --- TABLE H 1 George Alexander 18,975 2 Craig Young 14,950 3 James Kendrick 25,575 4 ? 11,275 5 Vlad Martinov 50,975 6 Marco V 69,725 7 Patrick P 9,325 8 Adrian Murray 63,350 9 Artan Dedusha 68,075 10 ---

  4. Re: Paradise Series of Poker 29/30 & 31 August Event 4 £300 buy in WSOP Structure next break...... not really much to say after these sessions, i still have 43k,played my last hand badly with JJ when i didnt bet the turn and let the guy next to me hit his flush on the river,he had called my 1500 preflop raise with 7/8 :loon he did say it was his fave hand but heyho..... time to open up the next level as i am still table leader...just. oh meant to say,,earlier in the tourney on a different table..AA vs AA vs KK.........K hit on the river heheheh

  5. Re: Paradise Series of Poker 29/30 & 31 August Event 4 £300 buy in WSOP Structure 2nd break: Billy is out and gone home :sad,he didnt have a good time at all,think he went out runner runner.. i was chip leader at one time and still sitting on 42k after losing about 4k in various hands. i took the loose aggressive player out,but very lucky in doing so. i had A/10 with the 10 being a spade, flop was 9/A/4 all spades.he pushed his last 11k in and i am thinking if he had the flush he wouldnt do that,so called and he shows A/9 clubs....turn was sweet 10 hearts and river was no good to him. so still a long way to go but enjoying it. got recognised by 1 player from when i was at the Vic god knows how long ago so chatting about what we have done since. right the tournament started with 147 players with 11 paid, 1st pays out just over 13k with 11th paying £1100 ish. will update at the dinner break later on :ok

  6. Re: Paradise Series of Poker 29/30 & 31 August Event 4 £300 buy in WSOP Structure i have Billy the Punter playing in this as well,:ok 1st break at the after the 1st level and i am up to 31k,,i had QQ BB and Q on the flop :D:D then my AQ beat KQ against the same player :D:D. Billy is down to 10k after having his KK beaten,AK x 2 beaten when he has hit a pair and his QQ has been beaten :sad:sad. there is a feature table being shown LIVE via Gutshot Poker which all tables will get a share of at some time during the evening. forgot to say that the structure is as: 20k starting chips and 90 minute blinds

  7. Re: Betfair Challenge - Team South :nana:nana:nana just met up with billy at the International,and guess what guys,,we are way over total points wise as billy has done it all by himself. he was playing $5/$10 PLO Wednesday night and hit 2700 plus points and in another session made 1125 points, so if you guys want to still play a bit you can but obviously no pressure now :ok:ok:ok

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