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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: PLWSOP @ Newcastle - Confirmed 27th Nov 2010

    I have managed to book train from London for £52 plus a night in a backpackers hostel right beside the casino for £18 - cheap and cheerful considering I dont plan to be sleeping there for too long if a night out is on the cards.
    how long is the journey? and where you going from,Victoria?
  2. Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this do what you like mate,, this was just a one off as explained to McG,but you are not far wrong with regards to the bubble, i have been in this position as have many others too often and done the right thing and lost out. this time i had made the decision to make the money no matter what,true i shouldnt have said anything at the time but i do believe everyone has the right to play how they want to. i dare say most of you have all played hands you wouldnt want made public, i just like to share mine, it gives you all a misconception of me :tongue2

  3. Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

    Synopsis Alan had bubble worries Embrace the bubble People who worry about the bubble are playing scared Alan didn't embrace the bubble Scared = Chicken Alan is a male of the species Therefore: Alan = Cock ;)
    :clap:clap:clap i have been waiting for your response Bri, and i have to say :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy :D:D:D
  4. Re: Time Bank

    I'd be interested in knwing what Teaulc says about this because before I went missing he seemed to be aggrieved about certain situation he found himself in, and wondering why he was on the wrong end of things. It appears to me that Alan has managed to plug that particular leak by using this approach to help him.
    Andy, can you pm me a reminder of this,:ok obviously it depends on where your sitting at the table so thinking time can vary from a few seconds to pretty much a minute,but you should be able to make a decision within 5 seconds
  5. Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this

    If Ive read this write then this is a satellite? if so then folding qq there isn't bad to get the ticket. Obviously if I'm wrong and it's a normal mtt then you should always be calling this all day long.
    its a satellite for the pokerface final $2.20 buy in plus R/A
  6. Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this i dont get upset by anything, i totally understand the maths etc but this was a one off situation where as far as i am concerned i did the right thing. there were 2 goals, 1 was to get the ticket and after that was to cash. it doesnt matter whether i would have won the hand or not i achieved what i set out to do in the situation i was in. you have to take into account,there were about 2 other players in a similar position near both bubbles. i never said he was a donk but he was in a very good position to cash and he failed to do so, i was in a very bad position and did cash. :tongue2 i have been in too many games where i have done the right thing and lost so this time i reversed it, nobody`s perfect and i am sure everyone has done something that in the norm you wouldnt do. Heniek my Polish Fish, you will always be my friend :D

  7. Re: i got heckled a fair bit by this isnt the ultimate aim of a poker player to make money? whether you think it was an atrocious fold or not as i as i was concerned i did the right thing. i dont want to play for 3 hours and end up with feck all no matter how little an amount. a cash is a cash is a cash.

  8. Re: Daily Scheduled MTT Winnings September 2010 should be $25.22 :ok

    $21.40 PokerStars Tournament #309745529, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: £2.00/£0.20 GBP 126 players £600.00 GBP added to the prize pool by PokerStars Total Prize Pool: £1292.00 GBP Target Tournament #309739118 45 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started 2010/09/21 20:30:00 WET [2010/09/21 15:30:00 ET] Dear heniek31, You finished the tournament in 17th place. You qualified to play in Tournament #309739118 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #309739118 Lobby for further details. In addition a GBP 16.15 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
  9. was i right to fold or should i have called and taken the gamble.... AndyBell is a player i respect a lot and wouldnt be going all in with nothing,i put him on AK at least,now the short stack had no choice and could have had anything so as far i was concerned with only being 2 away from the money i was prepared to limp in, but the heckling by one player ( who funny enough didnt cash ) just couldnt let it be.... i knew i wasnt going to win the tourney but who knows ... chip and chair when the bubble bursts,i seen it happen often what do you think? PokerStars Game #49971199861: Tournament #309745529, £2.00+£0.20 GBP Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (1000/2000) - 2010/09/21 23:13:46 WET [2010/09/21 18:13:46 ET] Table '309745529 7' 9-max Seat #1 is the button Seat 1: SirWigALot (5908 in chips) Seat 3: A-FISTFULL (1985 in chips) Seat 4: teaulc (6750 in chips) Seat 5: HectorMcG (56652 in chips) Seat 6: gacr 43 (47585 in chips) Seat 7: john44john (9433 in chips) Seat 8: QUAK QUACK (8548 in chips) Seat 9: unholydamo (15530 in chips) SirWigALot: posts the ante 200 A-FISTFULL: posts the ante 200 teaulc: posts the ante 200 HectorMcG: posts the ante 200 gacr 43: posts the ante 200 john44john: posts the ante 200 QUAK QUACK: posts the ante 200 unholydamo: posts the ante 200 A-FISTFULL: posts small blind 1000 teaulc: posts big blind 2000 *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to teaulc [Qs Qd] teaulc said, "phew" HectorMcG: folds gacr 43: folds john44john: folds QUAK QUACK said, "today" QUAK QUACK: folds unholydamo: folds SirWigALot: raises 3708 to 5708 and is all-in A-FISTFULL: calls 785 and is all-in teaulc: folds Uncalled bet (3708) returned to SirWigALot *** FLOP *** [Kc 5c 7s] *** TURN *** [Kc 5c 7s] [Tc] teaulc said, "folded QQ" *** RIVER *** [Kc 5c 7s Tc] [Ks] *** SHOW DOWN *** SirWigALot: shows [Jd Ad] (a pair of Kings) SirWigALot collected 430 from side pot A-FISTFULL: shows [3d 3c] (two pair, Kings and Threes) A-FISTFULL collected 6955 from main pot *** SUMMARY *** Total pot 7385 Main pot 6955. Side pot 430. | Rake 0 Board [Kc 5c 7s Tc Ks] Seat 1: SirWigALot (button) showed [Jd Ad] and won (430) with a pair of Kings Seat 3: A-FISTFULL (small blind) showed [3d 3c] and won (6955) with two pair, Kings and Threes Seat 4: teaulc (big blind) folded before Flop Seat 5: HectorMcG folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 6: gacr 43 folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 7: john44john folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 8: QUAK QUACK folded before Flop (didn't bet) Seat 9: unholydamo folded before Flop (didn't bet)

  10. Re: Daily Scheduled MTT Winnings September 2010 $20.17 PokerStars Tournament #309745529, No Limit Hold'em Super Satellite Buy-In: £2.00/£0.20 GBP 126 players £600.00 GBP added to the prize pool by PokerStars Total Prize Pool: £1292.00 GBP Target Tournament #309739118 45 tickets to the target tournament Tournament started 2010/09/21 20:30:00 WET [2010/09/21 15:30:00 ET] Dear teaulc, You finished the tournament in 20th place. You qualified to play in Tournament #309739118 and are automatically registered for it. See Tournament #309739118 Lobby for further details. In addition a GBP 12.92 award has been credited to your Real Money account. Congratulations! Thank you for participating.

  11. Re: Time Bank

    I respect your game a lot Alan but i think this is pretty bad advice. The best decisions are made when you take at least a moment to consider all the possibilities and available options. Take a moment to make an abnormal play in a normal situation. Most of the time you'll be surprised by the results.
    by way of thinking, if it has to take more than 3 to 5 seconds to make a decision, FOLD, but ty for that Nade :ok
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