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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 my hotel internet was down when i got back yesterday so couldnt post up, what an amazing hand Andy`s AJ was,everyone was stunned, but the poker gods are cruel, when he had doubled like he had with that hand i was sure he was going to cash then,but fate decreed it was gonna bite his ass and give him a terrible decision to make,fold QQ and limp into the money or go for glory,no contest really,he had to go for glory.....very unlucky on the river for him and rightly so he was gutted,even more so when 5 minutes later the bubble burst,6 players busted within 5 minutes was unbelievable usually the bubble lasts a lot longer than that. not sure if he went to the players party or not,it didnt start til midnight and an old boy like me is way past stupid a clock times for partying,hopefully he drowned his sorrows til early morning,darent text him yet just in case. plans for today a bit os shopping and sightseeing. good to meet deadlydave at last and also to meet Dawn Cook,who ooblio also had a stake in,who won the ladies tournament. wil give a man hug to Andy for you all later on, see you all soon on the tables :ok

  2. Re: At the end of my tether. i had to double check that i hadnt written that post mate,the advice given here already is like gold-dust,take it on board,have a break if need be and you will,i repeat WILL, become a stronger player for it. i know how frustrating it is as do most if not all here who play,but it will change and then you will think to yourself,hey what was all that fuss for. keep your chin up, count to 10 then move on. Al

  3. Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4 just gone out unfortunately, had a good start in the 1st hour moving up to 25k, then it all went wrong. i ran QQ into QQ and then with JJ i raised with player to my left calling,flop is low,i raise he re raises big time,i fold and show JJ,he shows JJ :sad then same player again,i raise with AK flop AK4 hearts,i raise he calls,turn nowt,i raise again he calls,river another heart,i have to check and he shows Ace spades / J hearts :( , later with JJ again i raise with the same player calling,flop low again,i raise he calls,turn nothing and i raise he calls,river a club for a flush showing on the board,i bet he calls with KK,then for most of the day i was hovering around the 10k mark,got moved tables at dinner time and won a pot 1st hand,so that was encouraging. anyway my exit hand i have AJ hearts with 8500 chips,i raise utg for 900 with blinds at 200/400 ante 50. 1 caller, flop 2 hearts and i raise 2250,villain re raises 10k,i could fold and lose what i have put in with the blinds hitting me next so losing 4k or call with the amount of outs i had,called and he showed QQ,turn and river no help for me. did the best i could with what i had on the day but it wasnt to be. Andy Bell spent most of today on feature table as the Dutch Playboy Model is on the same table,jammy git,and doing well.so good luck to him. Lucart was out early evening Riga time,his flush against a better flush i believe,ul mate. thanks to my stakers for their faith in me.

  4. Re: Unibet Open - Riga 4 Day Event Dec 1-4

    Arrived in Riga' date=' playing tomorrow, going to have a quiet night in the hotel tonight playing online, don't want to be hungover for the main event.[/quote'] good luck tomorrow Dave,try and catch up over the weekend :ok
  5. Re: PL Variant Club League 2 - 2-7 single draw - 28th November 8.30pm well played all,enjoyed tonights game,up and down like a whore`s draws and having to do a taxi run as well. fully expected slapdash to win tonight,but managed to get his chips when it mattered. and well done to wurzel for 2nd place :clap table up soon :ok 1349_99c_u92am.jpgUploaded at Picoodle.com

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