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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: The DTD Pennyroll thread run good :ok

    Playing Saturdays £250' date='000 Grand Prix Live Day 1 at Dusk til Dawn using my sat token. Will update from time to time. First Live game this year. Day 2 is Sunday if I get through. So far about 60 through to Day 2 from online Day 1's. I am surprised only about 80 per night playing online in the first 3 Day 1's especially with the large number of 1p rolls they have been running.[/quote']
  2. Re: Bluesquare poker - what happend with this room?

    Thanks guys, I talked with betfair, but they couldnt find my account. That was pennys so a little loss. Im looking for circlebet now. Do you know where they disapear?
    try logging into GCasino, you may find it there. as for CircleBet, never heard of them,sorry
  3. Re: PL Variant League 7 - starts 2nd June well played Baggy,and looks like the title is yours, i couldnt hit a barn door if i was 1 foot in front of it,my game is so frustrating at the moment,cant see i am doing anything wrong but just not running for me,thanks everyone for the continued support in this league,it`s a shame that we cant get a few more.

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