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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: not a great start to 2012 :lol:lol i know mate,it was a frustrating night again,its not so much the aces being cracked yet again,its the way it was played,i still cant get a handle on the way some players play the hands they do especially that one,i mean come on,calling a pre flop raise with 7/2 suited??? and then call the all in? still i suppose i have answered my own question there havent i, i am tooooo nitty :unsure

  2. Re: Pokerstars Zoom now LIVE

    I never understood what was wrong with "random" - byt the time you've played a few thousand hands' date=' then it's pretty irrelevent isnt it whether its sequential or random?[/quote'] its an age thing,i like to know where i am and as i am not one for thousands of hands the blinds could be crucial for the bit player
  3. Re: Pokerstars Zoom now LIVE much better than FT imo, they seem to have fixed the blinds,whereas FT was random PS seem to have it set just right. played the .5/.10 fpr 20 minutes and finished up $20,so happy with that.

  4. Re: APAT Season 6 - PokerStars National Online League starts 11th March for 15 weeks

    There has been a great deal of discussion on the structure; particularly on the Captains board, following last weekend's opening match in the National Online League. As a result APAT and the Captains have agreed to test a slightly reduced structure for match 2. This will consist of 4,000 starting chips and 12 minute blinds - a structure which is still deeper than PokerStars own deep stack structure. These changes should see the final table completing around 12.30am. We look forward to seeing you all ahead of match 2 and as always, we will listen to your feedback following that match also - but hope the changes we've made will allow an even greater number of players to enjoy the PokerStars.com National Online League.

  5. Re: PL Exclusive - Poker Player UK Tour Freeroll - Grosvenor Poker - Wed 14th@ 8.30pm

    I didn't have Grosvernor downloaded' date='but have now,do i have to create an account or can i just play it on bl sq?.....and what i really mean is ive no dosh at mo to put in new grsovernor account:cry[/quote'] as its a freeroll and on Grosvenor only cant see a problem, put money in at a later date if you have to
  6. Re: PL Exclusive - Coral Poker Added Value League - Tuesdays in March sick river to go out to oosengoosen, :spank ***** History for hand T5-222473674-14 (TOURNAMENT: "PL League Series Leg 2", O-33983-1, buy-in: $5.50) ***** Start hand: Tue Mar 13 20:02:37 GMT 2012 Table: Table #1 [222473674] (NO_LIMIT TEXAS_HOLDEM 10/20, Chips) User: PLT3aulc Button: seat 2 Players in round: 2 Seat 2: oosengoosen (2060) Seat 9: PLT3aulc (1940) oosengoosen posts small blind (10) PLT3aulc posts big blind (20) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to PLT3aulc: [6c, 7c] oosengoosen raises 70 to 80 PLT3aulc calls 60 --- Dealing flop [2s, 5d, 4s] PLT3aulc checks oosengoosen bets 120 PLT3aulc calls 120 --- Dealing turn [3c] PLT3aulc checks oosengoosen bets 300 PLT3aulc raises 1740 to 1740 [all in] oosengoosen calls 1440 --- Dealing river [8s] --- Summary: Main pot: 3880 won by oosengoosen (3880) Rake taken: $0 Seat 2: oosengoosen (4000), net: +1940, [6s, 5s] (FLUSH EIGHT) Seat 9: PLT3aulc (0), net: -1940, [6c, 7c] (STRAIGHT EIGHT) ***** End of hand T5-222473674-14 *****

  7. For the

    League's fourteenth outing, we're swapping brick and mortar for the cyber felt and inviting Black Belt Poker's finest warriors to battle for one of three free seats intoSamurai. Armed with a $10,000 guaranteed prize pool and a $250+25 entry fee, Samurai is a quarterly online tournament exclusive to Black Belt Poker, meaning you don't have to defeat hundreds of opponents to win a major prize. There are weekly satellites from as little as $5+0.50, but with League XIV you can qualify for free. The first leg takes place in just seven days on Tuesday, March 13 and costs just $5+0.50 to play. The tournament is open to all players. As usual, the League will run over eight legs, taking place every Tuesday at 19:30. The event can be located in the lobby under Scheduled > Black Belt Tournaments. You can also buy in using Belt Points by purchasing a token in the Black Belt Poker Store. Points for each leg will be awarded in reverse order, so that in a 50-runner event, 50th would earn 1 point, and 1st 50 points. The top 10 finishers per leg receive the following additional points: 1st 25 Points 2nd 18 Points 3rd 15 Points 4th 12 Points 5th 10 Points 6th 08 Points 7th 06 Points 8th 04 Points 9th 02 Points 10th 01 Point Once again, we're also giving away Belt Points to those who make it into the top 10, but just miss out on a star prize: 1st Samurai Seat & Personalised Hoodie 2nd Samurai Seat 3rd 1,000 Belt Points 4th 725 Belt Points 5th 600 Belt Points 6th 500 Belt Points 7th 400 Belt Points 8th 300 Belt Points 9th 200 Belt Points 10th 100 Belt Points We're also offering all leg winners who missed out on the top two spots one final bite of the cherry in a Second Chance SNG. The SNG will take place the day after the final leg of the League on Wednesday, May 2, with the last man standing reaping the same rewards as the overall winners and earning free entry into Samurai on May 3. This means that even if you're in last place with just one leg to go, you still have a chance of winning the star prize! And it doesn't end there. Anyone who manages to sweet-talk the Mrs. (or Mr.) and escape to the computer to play all eight league legs will once again be rewarded with an additional 200 Belt Points. That's extra value just for turning up, regardless of your final position in the standings! The Hobbit dominated the most recent League. Next time - as the giant blue finger would say - it could be you...

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