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Posts posted by teaulc

  1. Re: what do you do here? there is no bad beat story here,i just wanted to see how other players would act in the same situation. anyway here is the full hand history: ***** History for hand R5-236681354-11 ***** Start hand: Sun Apr 29 12:53:49 BST 2012 Table: Novato [236681354] (POT_LIMIT OMAHA_HI $0.10/$0.10, Real money) User: teaulcBF Button: seat 7 Players in round: 8 (9) Seat 1: sakhs... ($3.32) Seat 2: sadcity ($5.84) Seat 4: hcrn1111 ($3.94) Seat 5: scotteek81 ($3.50) Seat 6: teaulcBF ($10.99) Seat 7: emimits ($4.30) Seat 8: ganjjjja ($5.34) Seat 9: kaomithiotis ($2.99) ganjjjja posts big blind ($0.10) kaomithiotis posts big blind ($0.10) scotteek81 posts big blind ($0.10) --- Dealing pocket cards Dealing to teaulcBF: [Jc, 7c, Js, 5d] sakhs... calls $0.10 sadcity folds hcrn1111 calls $0.10 scotteek81 checks teaulcBF calls $0.10 emimits folds ganjjjja checks kaomithiotis checks --- Dealing flop [8d, Qc, Jd] ganjjjja checks kaomithiotis checks sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks scotteek81 checks teaulcBF bets $0.60 ganjjjja folds kaomithiotis folds sakhs... calls $0.60 hcrn1111 calls $0.60 scotteek81 folds --- Dealing turn [Jh] sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks teaulcBF bets $0.60 sakhs... raises $1.20 to $1.20 hcrn1111 calls $1.20 teaulcBF calls $0.60 --- Dealing river [9d] sakhs... checks hcrn1111 checks teaulcBF bets $2 sakhs... calls $1.42 [all in] hcrn1111 folds --- Summary: Main pot: $8.84 won by teaulcBF ($8.26) Rake taken: $0.58 Seat 1: sakhs... ($0), net: -$3.32 Seat 2: sadcity ($5.84) Seat 4: hcrn1111 ($2.04), net: -$1.90 Seat 5: scotteek81 ($3.40), net: -$0.10 Seat 6: teaulcBF ($15.93), net: +$4.94, [Jc, 7c, Js, 5d] (FOUR_OF_A_KIND JACK) Seat 7: emimits ($4.30) Seat 8: ganjjjja ($5.24), net: -$0.10 Seat 9: kaomithiotis ($2.89), net: -$0.10 ***** End of hand R5-236681354-11 *****

  2. Re: Sunday - PL Exclusive - Ladbrokes Poker - Added Value League - Leg 3 29th April

    Thanks for posting tables alan, couldnt get my head round uploading them. Think that was the luckiest game i have ever played, sorry to everyone I sucked out on.:unsure That was my first PL win, hopefully first of many:hope
    well done mate, nice aces to my queens, and that was some call on my last hand, ace rag every time eh? :\
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