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Posts posted by nufc40

  1. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    think i may faint just looked at the table as i got in 43rd!!!!!!!! from a discon someone must have played for me surely
    Must be something in the water Mo, I was 61st as a dicon this afternoon! These 2pm games aren't so bad after all... :rollin
  2. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 It's a good job I have a healty point lead at the top of the leaderboard, as during a break at work I just checked the game result, hoping I did OK as a disconnect. But I was 190th out of 227, giving me 38 points. :cry If that wasn't bad enough on it's own, it now looks like more and more of the top 20 are playing the 2pm weekday games, and getting high results too. S'not fair... :sad Ban the 2pm games!!! :lol

  3. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 16th place, and qualified on a Tuesday, for the 2nd week running :ok Only downer was folding J6 pre-flop early on, which would have resulted in 4-of-a-kind Jacks and a very tidy pot... :wall

  4. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Oh what joy, on a table with a player called 'bananaman' All I can say is what an absolute arse! All-in more-or-less everytime! Been called twice, both times he's had crap hands but somehow one both times! Poker God please help me!
    That reminds me of this afternoon's game. I got stuck on a table with 'twofaces', who was also going all-in on nearly every hand, and when he got called, was winning with junk cards (e.g. 3 4 offsuit)! :wall I never called him myself, but still went out early, only getting 98 points. :cry
  5. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Wow, 320 points in total today, and I was a discon for both games! Even better, the point loss to the rest of the top 10 was minimal as a result! :clap But even better still, I went 10-pin bowling with a few mates this evening, had only played twice before in my life (the last time being many years ago), and I got the 2nd highest total for the 3 games that we played (401), and got the highest single game score out of everyone (170)! :nana

  6. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I got a massive 28 points from this afternoons game (as a disconnect)! :wall But I got 25th place this evening, and a good points haul with it. I haven't qualified this early in the week for ages. It feels nice... :ok

  7. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    I've sent lennypasta (James) an email about it Morl' date=' and gave him your email addy, asking him to contact you if he's interested in doing a deal. :ok[/quote'] I've heard back from lennypasta, and it looks like a non-starter I'm afraid Morl. He wanted the iPod more, but he's more than happy to get a PSP for his efforts from last night. Sorry about that mate...
  8. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Had Lenny already qualified?
    No, he just wanted a 'real' prize! He's a mate you see (I play poker with him and a few mates once a month). I was chatting to him on MSN when he got to the final table. He really wanted the iPod, but ended up with the PSP! He'll probably stick it on eBay... :lol
  9. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I sent an e-mail to Oscar at VC yesterday, asking (rather cheekily ;)), if there was any possibilty that the top 10 positions on the final leaderboard would get any extra prizes, as well as the grand final seats. Well if you don't ask... The short answer is "no", but he did provide some more info regarding the grand final: "The top 10 on the leaderboard will only be getting a seat at the final I’m afraid.

    I do remember many players last year commenting that they were a bit disappointed to walk away with nothing at the final. Despite thinking we treated all great players to a great night out and plenty of booze I've taken player comments on board.

    We will also be handing out goodie bags to everyone at the end of the event and additionally anyone who reaches the final table will get a consolation prize (although these have yet to be confirmed).

    Incidentally, it looks likely that the final will take place on April 5th, feel free to spread the word!"

    So there u go...

  10. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Play both ya wuss!
    I tried that, and it was an absolute nightmare! Trying to share discon blinds with 2 other players on the MKOP table, and play the TV freeroll at the same time, was a receipe for disaster. Went out 125th in TV freeroll, but managed to get 65th in MKOP, so some good points there at least. I won't be trying that again I can tell you... :spank
  11. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 So how many of us MKOP'ers are entered in the Plasma TV VC freeroll tonight? Which just happens to be starting at 8pm as well... :eyes So which do I want more - a plasma TV :ok , or Maxim points :D ? I'll need to be 'away' for one of the tables, I can't play both at the same time, I don't think my mind could take that! :lol

  12. Re: Vegas 2006 So if 'someone' were interested in this trip, but had never actually been overseas (or even own a passport :$), what are the steps necessary to arrange it (along with getting a passport that is :tongue2)? Is that room price (~£100/week) for a single, or a double sharing? I'm definately interested - and it just so happens that my birthday is on Tuesday 21st November. There can't be too many better ways of spending your b'day than livin' it large in Vegas with a bunch of nutters! :loon

  13. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    Getting to the last 60, which i have no problem in doing most nights, is pointless when you have say 4-5k in chips, when chip stealers and discon players have over 20k, to make a dent is hard! Morls
    I experienced this first-hand this afternoon. I started on one of the late tables with 3 other players and managed to get to around 3.5k chips, but then the table closed and I got moved. The first thing that happened on the new table was a message in the chat window, saying "welcome to hell, you've joined a blind stealers table", coming from a player on 4k. I looked around the table and saw 5 disconnects, a player on 1.5k, and another on 20k. It didn't take long to realise what was going on, as the massive chip leader was raising a lot, not enough to put you all-in, but a significant amount for those less fortunate. To cut a long story short, after a few hands I got a good one, getting an Ace high straight on the turn, went all-in, only to get called by 'mr big shot' who got a flush on the river, so I went out in 184th place. :wall I still haven't qualifiedy for Monday yet, but as it *should* be a bounty game also, I'd like to be there to see what happens. I also saw that the grand final is going to be on Wednesday 5th April. A Wednesday again!? Where is the sense in that!? :eyes Another tick for the 'I'm just going for the prizes now, I can't be bothered with the final/leaderboard' train of thought I'm afraid...
  14. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 232nd place tonight - a massive 58 points! :sad Basically, I played (and lost) a few early pots, and ended up short stacked, against Chess, JUNIORJ, and 6 disconnects (3-4 players had gone out, giving all their chips to these 2). The guys then proceeded to raise virtually every hand, forcing me into an all-in or fold position, which was made even worse by the fact that I was having to act first all the time, being in a bad position on the table. I even resorted to asking about blind sharing, but that seemed to be a no-go. I eventually went all-in pre-flop with my 900 chips on AJ, only to see chess call it with AA! So I went out very early, but fair play to the guys as they played well. The only thing that really annoyed me, was that as soon as I had gone out, they started sharing the blinds immediately... :@ :wall Oh well, this experience may help me to decide whether to continue playing the Maxim games from now on. I'm getting extremely bored with it TBH, as I usually find myself playing as tight as a ducks-arse, just trying to beat the disconnects, get some good points, and risk as little as possible. It works, but it's no fun. Plus the fact that we're only just coming up to the half-way point of the whole tournament! Playing these games every day for *another 2 months* just doesn't interest me now. The last 2 weeks, I've only just managed to qualify for the Monday game late in the week (at the weekend), and due to the number of players and time involved it is getting tedious. This week will be a late attempt too - I haven't qualified yet, but I can't play either of Friday's games, so I'll have to try and get a top 27 finish during the weekend. I might just register for all the the games, but only play the odd evening or weekend game, try and qualify for the Monday final, and try and win a prize. I'm not even bothered about the possibility of going to the final anymore, as my mate 'Gudgeon' (who I went to the MKOP 2005 grand final with), has now also lost some interest in the tournament, having dropped from 13th place to out of the top 30 on the leaderboard. And neither of us particularly want to go to the final unless we are both guaranteed a playing seat (as opposed to going as a 'guest'). Ho hum...

  15. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006

    How far down did any prizes go ?
    It was 'winner take all' in the grand final runadrum. :( The winner got the main prize (£5k, entry into the 'VC Cup' live tournament, invites to a Maxim photo shoot + UK & US Maxim parties), plus all the prizes that were given to 2nd - 9th places in the Monday weekly finals. I think the final 3 players agreed that whoever won, would share the £5k cash, giving £1k each to 2nd & 3rd.
  16. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 Re: ESD IV and eddy131 There are quite a few player names with their location as 'MGS' playing on the Maxim tables, including these two. During the MKOP 2005 qualifiers earlier this year, I asked River_Wood about this, as his location was also listed as 'MGS'. He replied that it means 'M..... Grammar School' (I forget what the M... town/city name actually was). So I asked him if that meant that he was under 18 years old, to which he replied "no, I am in the upper sixth form". Fair enough I thought. The thing is, he is playing again this time around, still with 'MGS' as his location. Mmmm, either he's repeating a year, or I smell a rat. TBH, I think there's quite a few under 18's playing from MGS, some with more than one username, some using an online Messenger to tell each other what hands they have, etc. A couple of weeks ago, I even saw one MGS player admit that he was 14 years old in the chat window. I informed VC about this via the manager/help chat, but I doubt anything came of it. Having under 18's playing, and potentially winning prizes that should go to legitimate players, just isn't on IMHO... :@

  17. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I see that the leaderboard has been updated now, but I don't think it's right. Looking at my results, I think they have a mistake with my Saturday 2pm game. I finished 6th out of 261, giving me 256 points. But when I check my last 10 results by clicking on my name, for that game it shows me being 49th, and getting 102 points (but that game had 261 players, not 150!). Maybe runadrum or GaF could check their data to see if VC/Maxim have made a boo-boo... :eyes

  18. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 I never really got going at all in tonight's game, but a couple of last-stand all-ins came good for me. I never looked like getting anywhere near the final table, so I'm pleased to have finished in 41st place, and got a decent amount of leaderboard points. :ok

  19. Re: VC/Maxim King of Poker 2006 So this is the Punter's Lounge eh.... I had to pop in and have a look, as I was on a table with GaF in tonights Maxim KOP game, and saw in his profile a link to this thread named "See my predictions on the final position of the top 160 in the Maxim leaderboard." And as I am now a member of the forum, I guess you can add me to the list of PL players on the table. I'll try to keep hold of 1st place for as long as possible guys! I had a very good day today, 6/261 and 8/242, a nice 498 points to add to my score, giving me 9454 points in total. I've been keeping a record of my results since the last leaderboard update on Friday (4 games, 892 points, since then). :ok I've had a very good week on the MKOP games in fact, but it's back to work next week, and down to luck as to how many points I get as a disconnect/sit-out in the weekday 2pm games. I see that Morlspin, Ubermonkey and richygriff have also joined this forum recently. They're good lads, I met them back in June at the MKOP final in London. I was already set to go to the event as a guest for a mate (Gudgeon), who qualified as one of the 'highest monthly movers' on the leaderboard, but I also got an email inviting me there as an alternate, as I myself finished 19th in the leaderboard. Thankfully, I actually got to play rather than just watch, and finished in about 20th place overall (out of 60). I played on the same table as Morlspin in fact, at least until he went out... ;) If any of you guys qualify for the grand final, and it's held at the same venue as last time (the 'Pacha' nightclub), I can recommend a lovely £35-a-night nearby hotel/B&B, with a *gorgeous* view of the back of Victoria station, complete with about a dozen sets of railway tracks. The trains only go by and wake you up about every 10 minutes... :wall And I suggest you practice playing live poker with really loud music disturbing your concentration, as that's the environment that we had to endure... :@ P.S. I in no way consider myself to be a particularly good poker player, I play a live game once a month with mates and usually do quite badly, but the MKOP games suit my (normally) patient style quite well. It's all about getting further than the disconnects, and picking up those points...

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