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Posts posted by JayJay17

  1. Lechia Gdansk-Jagiellonia Bialystok Tipp:Jagiellonia Bialystok(+0,5)@1,53 and Jagiellonia Bialystok@3,00 Stake:8/10(Jagiellonia Bialystok(+0,5)) and 2/10(Jagiellonia Bialystok) Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:06.04.2010 20:15 Today at 20:15 at the street Traugutta in Gdańsk local Lechia will be taking Jagiellonia Białystok. The match will be held as part of the semi-final of Poland Cup. Both teams very care about the success in Poland Cup and both teams will get out to the today's meeting maximum called up. LECHIA GDAŃSK Lechia is taking the safe place in means of the table and there in league gameses is already no for every to fight. Lechia players are focusing mainly on Poland Cup, however in league matches they aren't saving themselves... How repeatedly I already wrote my favourite team is very lucky in this season. However this limit in the end will be used up and I think that unfortunately it will be taking place during matches with Jagiellonia Bialystok... Today's hosts are recently in poor form. On saturday Lechia drew on the away with Zaglebie Lubin 2-2. Lechia didn't play hopelessly, but Zaglebie deserved to the victory. Admittedly hosts of the today's match gained a few good shooting situations, but in the entire match Zaglebie had the decided majority. Lechia dominated the centre of midfield in that match, but it wasn't caused by the splendid form of centre midfielders from Gdańsk, but by awful form of centre midfielder with Lubin-Mateusz Bartczak. Bartczak played hopelessly, he committed the plenty of straight mistakes... Thanks to that Lechia with ease got on 30 meter from the turnstile of rivals. But there footballers of Lechia already had a problem, because they could not advise themselves with Zaglebie defence. Lechia lacked the idea for the game. The game of today's hosts was too slow and schematic. Goalkeeper-Paweł Kapsa was the best footballer of hosts of the today's match. Zaglebie was able to long stay by the ball, it has often calmly played the ball on 20 meter from the turnstile of Lechia... In fatally form is Lechia defence. Side defenders with ease are letting wingers of the rival beat themselves and they rarely join in offensive actions. Fatally is playing Bak, who very poorly is fulfilling defensive tasks and he very rarely joins offensive actions. Kosznik is also playing deciding below expectations. In the centre of the defence fatally are acquitting themselves Wołąkiewicz and Kożans. Both they are very reliable footballers, but recently they are fully without the form. The entire defensive line is acquitting herself very poorly. A safeguard and an agreement between individual players are missing. Footballers from Gdańsk are poorly prepared in terms of physics. By fast offensive players of the rival the defence of Lechia is losing sight of each other. And Jagiellonia has fast players in her rows... Recently more poorly is playing Wiśniewski, who a few weeks ago was a driving motor of team. In the attack coach Kafarski still stubbornly is putting on Lukjanovs. In my opinion he is very weak player. He is lacking the speed and dynamics, he has the poor dribbling and he often falls down. He is making much noise, but little from this benefit for the team. When repeatedly I already wrote in my analyses, Lechia for some time is playing with system 4-3-3 what is a great mistake of the coach Kafarski in my opinion. Lechia is playing in this system without wings. Game without wingers in my opinion is an awful move. Centre midfielder of Lechia are playing recently more poorly than at the beginning of the rounds and Lechia is often forced for the game with long balls, what is being finished badly. In this system in the team isn't taking place for the definitely best footballer of Lechia Gdańsk-Kaczmarek. Kaczmarek is a typical winger... In the previous round of Poland Cup Lechia eliminated very, very strong Wisła Kraków, but Lechia players was in matches with Wisla very lucky. JAGIELLONIA BIALYSTOK Jagiellonia is having a very good chance for European Cups and she will certainly do everything in order to exploit her. In my opinion Jagiellonia, by Polonia Warszawa, is the strongest team in Ekstraklasa, right away after Lech, Wisla andd Legia... Inhabitants of Białystok definitely surpass Lechia in terms of the potential. Recently Jagiellonia is in the phenomenal form. On last thursday Jagiellonia won on the away with Cracovia 1-0. Cracovia before the own audience is a very strong team, however Jagiellonia deservedly beat Inhabitants of Kraków. Jagiellonia didn't play enough great, how in the last matches, however it was apparently, that today's guests obviously had saved themselves up for the today's meeting. Jaga scored a goal and then she calmly controlled what had happened on the court... She long played the ball and she won this match with the minute effort... In the phenomenal form is incredibly fast Grosicki. He and Frankowski superbly understand one another and the defence of Lechia will have today quite a lot trouble with them. In the great form are wingers-Lato and Bruno. Superbly are playing centre midfielders. Grzyb and Hermes are acquitting themselves fantastically and in last meetings Jagiellonia Białystok with ease dominated centre of midfield. Jagiellonia is also great prepared in terms of physics. All players are impressing with a good high-speed and endurance training. Side defenders are great stopping outflanking actions of rivals and they very often join in offensive actions. Today all over sides will appear Lewczuk and Klepczarek. In the last meeting all over sides played El Mehdi and Norambuena and they acquitted themselves quite well, but Klepczarek and Lewczuk are in my opinion far more better players, and recently they are in great form. Both Lewczuk and Klepczarek very often join in offensive actions. Lewczuk is fast and dynamic. His sideways courts rallyes are bringing a lot benefits for the entire team. Klepczarek from a few weeks is in the excellent form. In the defence he is acquitting himself superbly and he is very helping the team in offensive. In the Jagiellonia entrance will play today Gikiewicz. In recent weeks defended Sandomierski, but on goalkeeper position today's guests have the excess of the wealth. Gikiewicz is great goalkeeper. Jaga is in the phenomenal form and she will certainly want to provide herself with the promotion already today. However a defence will be a base. PERSONNEL SITUATION Lechia will play today in the strongest composition. Jagiellonia will play today weakened with lack of Burkhardt and Cionek. Burkhardt is a basic centre midfielder, however Jagiellonia has many very good players on this position and it isn't for her no weakness. Cionek is a basic centre defender, however in the last match he didn't play so well, like in recent weeks. Talented Niewulis will replace him. SUMMARY Both teams will leave for this meeting very called up. Lechia is in poor form. My favourite team is very lucky, however this limit in the end will run out. I think that unfortunately it will step during matches with Jagiellonia. Hosts of the today's match are recently in poor form. Hopelessly is acquitting herself a defence. Lechia is playing in system 4-3-3, what is in my opinion a big mistake of coach Kafarski. Game without wings is awful move. In this system in the team isn't taking place for definitely best footballer of Lechia-Kaczmarer. Recently in the weaker form are centre midfielders and Lechia often plays with long balls... Jagiellonia has very large potential. Inhabitants of Białystok are recently in the phenomenal form. Great are functioning wings. On sides defences will play today Lewczuk and Klepczarek. Both they are in the outstanding form. They are definitely better players than El Mehdi and Norambuena, who played in the last league match. Today a freshness will be a great Jagiellonia advantage. Jagiellonia Białystok played her last match on thursday. Footballers from Białystok obviously saved themselves up for the today's match and they lost very little powers in the match with Cracovia. Lechia her last match played on saturday. Match with Zaglebie cost today's hosts many powers. Lechia players ran very much and they didn't save themselves up for the today's match. So Jagiellonia had 2 days more for the rest and in the last match she lost far fewer powers. Apart from that under the high-speed and endurance account Jagiellonia Białystok looks recently much better. Defence of Lechia has considerable problems with fast competitors of rivals, and today they will have to manage themselves with incredibly fast Grosicki, who is in delicious form. A centre of midfield can be a key to the victory. How I already wrote centre midfielders of Lechia are playing recently poorly, and Grzyb and Hermes are in the very high form. I think that Jagiellonia will win this match.

  2. Re: Poland 31-03 March/April Ruch Chorzow-Slask Wroclaw Tipp:Ruch Chorzow@1,61 and Ruch Chorzow(-1)@3,00 Stake:8/10(Ruch Chorzow) and 2/10(Ruch Chorzow(-1)) Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:03.04.2010 19:15 Today at 19:15 in Chorzów local Ruch will be taking Slask Wrocław. Ruch is a revelation of this season. Inhabitants of Chorzów occupy 4 place in the table, however they are have same amount of every points how third in table-Legia and only a point of the loss to vicelider-Lech Poznań. Slask has 6 points of the advantage over the decreasing zone, however in such a currently form in who are Inhabitants of Wrocław, they can fastly squander this majority. RUCH CHORZÓW Ruch will enter this match tremendously called up. Today between themselves will play Lech with Legia and Inhabitants of Chorzów are having a very good chance of jumping in the league table at least one from this two. Ruch is recently in the phenomenal form. In the last railway today's guests won on the away with Cracovia 4-1. Cracovia at home is a very strong team, however Ruch is in the outstanding form. Inhabitants of Chorzów won fully deserving, and if he played more effectively would still higher win this meeting. Ruch from the beginning imposed its style of the game upon Cracovia and unquestionably he dominated to the court. Inhabitants of Chorzów all the time conducted the game and they created a lot of goalmouth situations for themselves. Ruch is playing with panache. Almost correctly is playing a defence line. Footballers of Cracovia fully could not advise themselves with phenomenally had at its disposal defensive line of today's hosts. Superbly is also functioning a centre of midfield. Hosts of the today's match are playing with two centre midfielders, however an attacker and centre defender often prop the centre zone of the court up. In the match with Cracovia Ruch entirely dominated the centre of midfield. However a phenomenal physical preparation is the biggest weapon of Ruch. High-speedlly and physically Ruch is in this moment at the narrow lead of the first league. Inhabitants of Chorzów of 3 days before the match with Cracovia played 120 minutes in the away match with Legia in Poland Cup, however yet definitely they towered over Cracovia under the high-speed and keep-fit account. What will be happening today, when Ruch had the entire week for rest... Footballers of Ruch in the match with Cracovia ran very much, Cracovia didn't keep fast pace pace imposed by hosts of the today's match. Side defenders very well dealt with wingers of Cracovia. Ruch is playing very fastly. Footballers from Chorzów demonstrated a lot of fast, combinative actions. They have often played to one contact. The game of Ruch really can appeal. All formations superbly are complementing each other. Competitors great understand one another. Today to team come back two very, very important players and Ruch will be even stronger. In centre of defence in the end duet will play duet-Sadlok, Grodzicki. Both they are outstanding centre defenders and they great understand one another. Wingers-Janoszka and Świerblewski, even though they aren't players off the highest shelf, but in the recent time they are playing really very well. In the centre of midfield very well is acquitting himself Pulkowski, and today to centre of midfield is coming back best, in recent weeks, Ruch footballer-Baran. In attacke phenomenally are playing Zając and Sobiech. This two is a terror of every defence in the country. Zając after Niedzielan injury is playing phenomenally. His remarkable speed is a great advantage of coach Fornalik. Sobiech is acquitting himself superbly. Recently he is scoring a goal behind the goal and he is doing very much far better for the team. Sobiech and Zając great understand with themselves one another. ŚLĄSK WROCŁAW Charges of Tarasiewicz coach are playing recently hopelessly. The team didn't effect more serious reinforcements during the winter break and now Slask is playing very poorly. Today's guests are a typical team of the own court. At home Slask is able still to play something, but in away matches footballers from Wrocław are playing very poorly. In the last railway Inhabitants of Wrocław drew at home with Korona Kielce 1-1, however Korona had in that match big majority and she should win it. Inhabitants of Kielce conducted the game, they had the considerable optical majority and theycreated a lot of situation for scoring a goal. Even though through Slask the majority of the match played in the majority of one competitor, Inhabitants of Wrocław could not find a remedy for Korona. Fatally acquitted herself a defence of Śląsk. Footballers of Korona with ease beat defenders of Śląsk. In the attack it was also poorly. Today's guests played without the idea. Their game was definitely too slow and schematic. Centre midfielders of Śląsk played hopelessly. They made quite a lot of straight mistakes and they weren't able to manage with thickening the centre of midfield Korona. However an awful physical preparation is the greatest lack of Śląsk. For inhabitants of Wrocław deciding is sorting the speed. Footballers of Korona surpassed Slask under the high-speed account. Today's guests didn't withstand fast pace which imposed Korona. Keep-fit preparing footballers of Śląsk is also standing on the very weak level. In defence many players are playing not on one's position. On the left side will play today nominal right defender-Wołczek. In the match with Korona Wołczek played on this position hopelessly. In centre will play today- nominal left defender-Pawelec, who in the match with Korona, as the centre defender acquitted himself fatally, and the nominal centre midfielder-Sztylka, who in the last meeting made quite a lot of straight mistakes. On the right side will play today a nominal centre defender-Celeban. Celeban is in the high form, it is in my opinion one of the best centre defenders in Ekstraklasa, however in my opinion he won't advise himself on side of defence. On the left wing will play today nominal playmaker-Mila. Mila is recently without the form. It will be very hard for him on the left side. Winger must be fast, dynamic and can well dribble. Mila is other type of the player and in my opinion he won't advise himself on this position. Without the form is right winger-Madej, and attacker-Szewczuk is playing deciding more poorly than in the previous round. PERSONNEL SITUATION Ruch will play today in the strongest composition. Admittedly still cannot play Niedzielan, and Straka is injured, but in the attack phenomenally is acquitting himself Zając, and in centre of midfield Straka will be replacing today by coming back to to composition Baran, who is in the phenomenal form. His shots of distance are a great advantage of coach Tarasiewicz. Also very important centre defender-Sadlok is coming back to composition. Sadlok is one of the best centre defenders in Ekstraklasa and his return is a great reinforcement for Ruch. Śląsk will play today without:Ćwielong and Sotirovic. Ćwielon is a very important winger. From the beginning of the round he is acquitting himself superbly. Ćwielong is very fast and great trained under the technical and tactical consideration. Today nominal playmaker-Mila will replace him. Sotirović is definitely best attacker in the club. His lack will be a considerable weakness for Śląsk. Still cannot play basic defenders-Socha, Spahić and Fojut. SUMMARY Ruch is in the phenomenal form. Inhabitants of Chorzów at home are very strong, and in the last railway they in the great style beat on the away Cracovia. Delicious is acquitting herself a defensive line of Ruch, wonderfully are playing centre of midfield, and at the front Sobiech and Zając are mad. However an outstanding physical preparation is the greatest advantage of Ruch. Under the high-speed and keep-fit account Ruch is at the narrow lead of Ekstraklasa. Today two very important players is coming back to composition and Inhabitants of Chorzów will be even stronger. Footballers of Ruch will leave to the today's meeting very much called up, because immediate rivals for European Cups are playing waltzes today between themselves. Śląsk is in the hopeless form. Inhabitants of Wrocław in away matches are playing fatally, and in the last railway, even in the match before the own audience they acquitted themselves very poorly. Korona entirely dominated the meeting with Śląsk. Footballers from Wrocław are playing without the idea. Fatally is acquitting itself a defensive line of today's guests. In the last meeting well played only Celeban, however he today will be moved to the left side, where in my opinion he won't advise himself. The rest defenders is playing really hopelessly. Hopelessly are playing centre midfielders which in the last match made a lot of straight mistakes. However an awful physical preparation is the greatest lack of Śląsk. Inhabitants of Wrocław are playing very poorly. They are lacking the speed, and physically they look very poorly. Śląsk obviously is lacking the idea for the game. I think that for Ruch a physical preparation can be a key to the victory today. In this respect Inhabitants of Chorzów definitely are surpassing Śląsk. I think, that carried with the cheers of the audience Ruch will win this match.

  3. Re: Poland 31-03 March/April Zaglebie Lubin-Lechia Gdansk Tipp:Zaglebie Lubin@1,95 Stake:7/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:03.04.2010 17:00 Today at 17:00 in Lubin local Zaglebie will be entertaining Lechia Gdańsk. Zaglebie in this round accumulated the most points, around amongst all teams of Ekstraklasa. Lechia is concentrating on Poland Cup, where she advanced already to the semi-final. ZAGLEBIE LUBIN If Zaglebie wins this match, it practically will already provide holding itself in Ekstraklasa. Charges of coach Marek Bajor are in the really high form. Before the start of the spring round everyone sentenced Zaglebie to the inheritance, however hosts of the today's meeting are playing wonderfully. In the last railway Zaglebie won on the away with GKS Bełchatów 3-1. Today's hosts won on the very difficult area fully deserving. Footballers from Lubin played very wisely. They great stood and they superbly hid rivals. Delicious is acquitting herself a defensive line of Zaglebie Lubin, and in the attack are mad Traore with Micanski. Hosts of the today's match are impressing with the reliable physical preparation. They are playing with panache in attack, often from first ball. Pace of the actions of Zaglebie is really very fast. Great is functioning a centre of midfield. Ekwueme, Bartczak and Hanzel superbly are acquitting themselves in the destruction and they are well playing the ball. Micanski and Kędziora descending to sides and they are playing very well and great understand one another from Traore. Defence is very disciplined, individual players of this formation great understand one another. Left defender-Costa is in the phenomenal form. He is great acquitting himself in the defence, and his contribution to the attacking game of the team is very, very big. In centre of defence delicious are acquitting themselves Reina and Stasiak, and on the right side is shining Bartczak. Micanski is in the phenomenally form. He is soaring like on cue, and the team is finding his game very useful. Bulgarian has the outstanding dribbling, he is impressing with the high speed and dynamics. Such a player is able to win a match individually. Traore also returned to form. Traore in the last matches is playing great. Traore is able to great dribble, he is very well cram oneself and he good shoot from distance. Zaglebie at home is very strong. Footballers will certainly want today to do the present for their fans and they will win this match. LECHIA GDAŃSK Lechia, how many times I already wrote in my analyses, has a lower potential than is indicating it a position in the league table. The team is very lucky, but this limit in the end will be used up. Recently Lechia is playing very poorly. In the last railway Lechia lost at home with the Legia Warszawa 2-3. Lechia players fastly included the lead 2-0, however it was caused by awful form and absent-mindedness of Legia defence. On the court through the entire match dominated Legia. Legia footballers created a lot of goalmouth situations for themselves and they could win this meeting higher. Today's guests are in poor physical form. Footballers from Gdańsk didn't withstand fast pace imposed by Legia. LEgia of 3 days before the match with Lechia still played 120 minutes in Poland Cup, and still footballers of LEgia were definitely faster from Lechia footballers. Physically it is also very poorly. From 70 minute Lechia players didn't already have the powers to run. In the awful form is Lechia defence. Legia players with ease beat defenders of Lechia. Legia calmly fought the ball even on 20 meters from the turnstile of Lechia. Fatally are acquitting themselves centre defenders. Kożans and Wołąkiewicz are very reliable players, however recently they are without the form. Righteous defender Krzysztof Bak is playing hopelessly. He is fatally acquitting himself on the defensive and he very rarely joins in offensive actions. In attack coach Kafarski stubbornly is putting on Lukjanovs. In my opinion he is very poorly player. Latvian is lacking dynamics, he often loses the ball, he often falls down. He is making much noise, but little from this benefit for the team. Coach Kafarski for some time is placing the team in system 4-3-3 what, how many times I already wrote, is in my opinion large mistake. Lechia in this placing is playing without wingers. Playing it without wings is awful solution. Above all Lechia is playing very predictable. Lechia players they are trying to attacking in centre of court, however centre midfielders are playing recently fatally and Lechia often plays with long balls what is being finished badly. In this system in the team isn't taking place for the best footballer of Lechia-Kaczmarek, who is a typical winger. On Tuesday Lechia will be playing at home with Jagiellonia Białystok as part of the semi-final of Poland Cup and this match is a priority for coach Kafarski. Lechia footballers certainly won't play today on 100%, because in Ekstraklasa they don't already have for every to fight, and possible injuries are for them unnecessary. The coach to the today's meeting didn't take two important players-Mysona(one of bests footballers in the team) and Zabłocki (important attackers). Coach is saving up them for the tuesday's match. The rest today will play, but certainly Lechia footballers will be "put legs away". PERSONNEL SITUATION Zaglebie will play today in the strongest composition. Lechia will play without Mysona and Zabłocki. Mysona is very important left defender, one of the best footballers of Lechia and the coach wants to save up him for the match with Jagiellonia. Mysona is very fast, he often joins in offensive actions and the team has the great benefit from it. His lack will certainly be perceptible, because replacing him-Kosznik was playing vey poorly recently. Zabłocki is fast, dynamic attacker, who in the last match went up the court in 82 minute, however in such a short time managed to show that quite a lot he means for Lechia. SUMMARY Zaglebie is in the very high form. Inhabitants of Lubin are playing recently really very well, and in matches at home they are very strong. Hosts of the today's match are impressing with a very good physical form. In the phenomenal form is Micanski. Superbly is playing also Traore. Strong point of Zaglebie is a wonderfully acquitting herself line of defence. Very well also is acquitting itself a centre of midfield. If Zaglebie wins this match, practically he will provide himself with the maintenance. Lechia is concentrating mainly on the tuesday's match in Poland Cup. In the league Lechia players don't already have for every to fight and today they won't certainly play on 100%. Coach didn't take two important players to the match, and the ones which will play, will certainly be saving themselves. Recently Lechia is in the awful form. Hopelessly is acquitting herself a defence. Coach Kafarski for some time is placing Lechia in system 4-3-3 what is a big mistake in my opinion. Playing without wings is an awful idea. In poor form are centre midfielders and Lechia often plays with long balls what is being finished badly. In this system in the team isn't taking place for the best Lechia footballer-Kaczmarek. Zaglebie is in better form. Today's hosts are better prepared in terms of physics and they will enter this match much more called up. I think, that carried with the cheers of the audience Zaglebie will win this match.

  4. Re: Poland 26-28 March Jagiellonia Bialystok-Piast Gliwice Tipp:Jagiellonia Bialystok@1,61 and Jagiellonia Bialystok(-1)@3,00 Stake:9/10(Jagiellonia Bialystok) and 5/10(Jagiellonia Bialystok(-1)) Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:28.03.2010 14:45 Today at 14:45 in Białystok local Jagiellonia will be taking Piast Gliwice. Both teams are fighting over the maintenance and it will be match by proverbial 6 points. The more so as both teams are having in their account 20 points. Both teams will enter on this match maximum called up. JAGIELLONIA BIALYSTOK Jagiellonia in relation to a corruption scandal before the season was punished with 10 negative points and now Inhabitants of Białystok must fight over the maintenance. Jagiellonia has huge potential. Jaga, by Polonia, it, in my opinion, two best teams pose with "great three" Polish Ekstraklasa-Wisła, Lech i Legia. The team for a few years is being very wisely reinforced. Best players stay in the team and very propably is fact that after this season Grosicki, or Bruno won't leave the squad, because Jaga has big chance to European Cups. Jagiellonia on aways was playing poorly, however recently it is much better. However Jagiellonia is a typical team of the own court. At home footballers from Białystok are incredibly strong and they are able to defeat everyone. Recently Jaga is in the phenomenal form. The team is on a roll. Fantastic game in the last matches, advance to the semi-final of Poland Cup... In the last league railway Jagiellonia lost on the away with Lech Poznań 0-2. Lech is at the moment the best team in Poland. Before the own audience Lech footballers are not for defeating, however Jaga played in this match delicious. Relating to such a strong rival, as well in the away match, hosts of the today's match presented themselves fantastically. The pace of the match was very fast. Unexpectedly it today's hosts had initiative in this meeting. Jaga led it game and created more dangerous situations. Although grass was in not best condition, footballers from Białystok played very fastly and smoothly. Combinative actions played on the high speed weren't missing. In the outstanding form is Grosicki. His speed is a great advantage of coach Probierz. Superbly is acquitting itself a centre of midfield. And on wings delicious are acquitting themselves Lato and Bruno. The centre of midfield also looks great. Inhabitants of Białystok in the last matches were able to dominate this zone of the court... Without accusations also is acquitting herself a defence of Jagiellonia, and side defenders are great connecting to outflanking actions. In the great form is Jagiellonia goalkeeper-Sandomierski. On wednesday Jagiellonia played at home with Korona Kielce, as part of the quarter-finals of Poland Cup. Hosts of the today's match won this meeting 3-0 and in the process were promoted to a more distant phase of gameses. Jagiellonia showed in this match that at home she was very, very strong. Footballers from Białystok entirely dominated this match. They had the huge optical majority, all the time they attacked and they created a lot of dangerous situations for themselves. Today's hosts are impressing with splendid physical and high-speed arrangements. Jaga is playing very fastly... She is very fastly playing the ball. Jagiellonia footballers demonstrated a lot of very fast renewals of passes under a penalty area of the rival... I will admit that I am delighted with Jagiellonia game in the recent time. Particularly if Jaga has the cheers of the audience on her side. Today Jagiellonia from the beginning will expect the attack. In the entrance we will see Sandomierski. In defence-on the left side Klepczarek, who in the match with Korona acquitted himself phenomenally. In centre Cionek and Skerla. Both are recently in very good form. On the right side very talented Lewczuk. I really like this player. He is well fulfilling defensive tasks and he really great is acquitting himself in the offensive. In midfield we will see today:on the left side Lato, who in this round is playing superbly. In centre will play today Grzyb and Burkhard. Two excellent centre midfielders. Both are playing delicious. The are great stopping actionf of the rival and they are superbly playing the ball. Two of leading centre midfielders of the entire Ekstraklasa... On the right side will appear today Brazilian Bruno, who is acquitting himself on this position just as well, like in the centre of midfield. In the attack remarkable duet-Frankowski and Grosicki. Both superbly understand one another and they are a terror to every defence in Poland. PIAST GLIWICE Piast is a typical team of the own court. In home matches Inhabitants of Gliwice are able to present difficult conditions for the rival, however in away matches today's guests are losing quite a lot from their value. Personally Piast is much weaker than Jagiellonia. Recently Inhabitants of Gliwice aren't in the best form. In the last railway Piast won at home with Polonia Bytom 1-0. Admittedly Piast deserved to this victory, however Polonia which is a team definitely weaker than Jagiellonia, very often has threatened Piast goal. Defence of Piast is in the really weak predisposition. Polonia footballers exchanged a few faster passes, and defenders from Gliwice already got lost. Side defenders easily let wingers of Polonia Bytom to beat themselves and they have rarely joined in offensive actions. Between Glik and Gamla an agreement is missing. The match was played at the very slow pace. Piast played very predictable. Very poorly functioned wings. In the entrance of Piast we will see today Kwapisz. In the defence will play:on the left side-Szary, in centre Glik and Gamla, on the right side Kaszowski. They will appear in the midfield:on the left side Wilczek. Wilczek is one of the best players of Piast, and recently he is in very good form, however Wilczek is a typical playmaker. I don't know why coach Wieczorek wants to move Wilczek to the side. Wilczek as playmaker is acquitting himself phenomenally, and in my opinion on the wing he will be feeling very heavily. In centre of midfield will play:Zganiacz and Iwan, and before them Pietroń. Pietroń will appear in place of Wilczek, who is moved to the wing. But Pietroń is a nominal winger and in my opinion he won't advise himself on this position. On the right side will play poorly had at his disposal Biskup. In the attack we will see Olszar, however he alone won't win thei match for Piast. PERSONNEL SITUATION Jagiellonia will play today without centre midifelder-Hermes, however it isn't more considerable problem, because Jaga is playing today with two centre midfielders. Also a left defender-El Mehdi won't play, however he played in basic composition of hosts of the today's match only in the last meeting. And apart from that into his place will play Klepczarek, who in the match with Korona showed, that he is in really very high form. Piast will play today without important centre defender-Kowalski. His lack was visible in the last match. Replacing him-Gamla is in poor form. Apart from that Glik and Kowalski superbly understood one another... An important centre midfielder Muszalik cannot also play. Muszalik was recently in the fairly good form. He made a lot deal of good work in the destruction. Today Iwan will replace him... To sqad is returned very important attacker-Olszar. SUMMARY Jagiellonia at home is very, very strong. Footballers from Białystok are in the phenomenal form. They are great acquitted themselves in the last match league, even better in the match with Korona in Poland Cup. The team is on a roll, and today Jaga will play in 100% called up. It is match by proverbial 6 points. Hosts of the today's match are playing very fastly and combinative. Superbly are functioning wings... Piast is in the far more worse form. Fatally is fit a defence of Piast Gliwice. Hopelessly are playing side defenders which are letting easily beat themselves to wingers of rival and they aren't joining in offensive actions. Centre defenders also aren't acquitting themselves best. Key to success for Jagiellonia ca be a centre of midfield. If today's hosts dominate this zone of the court it for the victory will be much more easily. In the last matches Jagiellonia had many stronger rivals, but it Jaga won fight in the centre of midfield. Burhardt and Grzyb are outstanding players, and the last performances are showing, that both are in the very high form. Piast in the centre of midfield has Zganiacz and Iwan. Zganiacz is playing recently quite well, however will certainly be visible lack of Muszalik, who great acquitted himself in destruction. Replacing him-Iwan is much worse player. Certainly this two is lacking very much to duet of centre midfielders of Jagiellonia Białystok. Also very important will be outflanking actions. How I already wrote Jaga has incredibly strong wings, and side defenders great are connecting to offensive actions. It will be today easier for them, because side defenders of Piast are playing hopelessly. I think, that carried with the cheers of the audience Jagiellonia high will win this match.

  5. Re: Poland 26-28 March Cracovia Krakow-Ruch Chorzow Tipp:Cracovia Krakow DNB@1,80 Stake:10/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:27.03.2010 17:00 Tipp:Cracovia Krakow@2,50 Stake:6/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:27.03.2010 17:00 Tipp:Cracovia Krakow(-1)@5,50 Stake:2/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:27.03.2010 17:00 Today at 17:00 in Kraków local Cracovia will be undertaking Ruch Chorzów. Both teams have for every to fight. Cracovia is in the group which is fighting over the maintenance. There is a great press and every penalty can quite a lot cost the team of today's hosts. Ruch unexpectedly, still continues at the lead of the table and he is fighting for European Cups. However today's guests with potential definitely are surrendering to remaining teams from the lead. Apart from that Ruch advanced to the semi-final ofPoland Cup and it is for today's guests big chance to European Cups. CRACOVIA KRAKÓW Lenczyk coach charges before the own audience are playing really very well and they are able to defeat everyone. Cracovia has the large potential, chairman Filipiak is going thoroughly to strengthen the team and the team from Kraków is supposed to fight for European Cups in the next season. In the last railway Cracovia lost on the away with Arka Gdynia 0-2, however hosts of the today's match weren't worse team than Arka, and they deserved what least for draw. The match was played at the slow pace, but Cracovia had glimmers of the splendid game and she showed a few combinative actions, conducted on the full rate. Footballers of Cracovia expected, however mainly for the defence. Cracovia played very well in defence, admittedly for Cracovia defenders happened a few straight mistakes, but in the draught of the entire match the defence line of Cracovia acquitted itself without accusations. Admittedly very poorly played Tupalski, but today he will sit down on the substitute's bench. Cracovia was able to long stay by the ball. Baran and Szeliga great ended sactions of Arka. In home matches Cracovia is playing around bare differently. Today's hosts from the beginning are trying to impose their style of the game upon the rival and for the first minutes they are attacking. The positional attack of Cracovia is working recently really quite well. Very well look outflanking actions. Superbly are acquitting themselves side defenders. Cracovia is impressing also with a good physical training. High-speed footballers of Cracovia are looking very well. In the entrance we will see today Cabaj, who is accessing in Merda place , who in the match with Arka acquitted himself not too good. In the defence they will play:on left side-Derbich, who is coming back to composition in Sasin place. Derbich in this round is acquitting ihimelf great. In defensive he play without accusations and often he is joining in offensive actions what is a lot of benefit to a team. In centre will play Wasiluk and Polczak, who is coming back after absence in the last match. On the right side will appear great had at his disposal Mierzejewski. In midfield we will see today:inside duet of defensive midfielders-Baran and Szeliga. Before them, coming back to composition, fantastic-Suvorov. All over his right side will play Pawlusiński, and on the left Goliński, who in the last match played the entire second-half and carried quite a lot to the game of entire team. In the attack will play Matusiak, who is coming back to the great form. RUCH CHORZÓW Ruch in the spring round is playing deciding worse than in the autumn round. Today's guests are playing deciding better at home. In away matches Ruch is depreciating quite a lot. In the last railway today's guests won at home with GKS Bełchatów 1-0, however GKS had in that match majority. Footballers from Bełchatów conducted the game and they controlled the course of the match. They created quite a lot of shooting situations for themselves, but an effectiveness was missing. Ruch played poorly in the defence and GKS footballers with ease played the ball in surroundings 16 undergrounds from the turnstile of Ruch, and there with a few quick passes lost defenders from Chorzów. Fatally played side defenders. GKS wingers with ease beat them and they created dangerous chances for scoring a goal. Ruch wasn't able to longer stay by the ball. Inhabitants of Chorzów played slowly and chaotically. From a few matches a defensive midfielder-Baran, who is in the phenomenal form, is carrying out the game of the entire team, however he today won't play... In the winter break Brzyski left the squad and from this moment many competitors are playing not on one's positions. Footballers on new positions deal with very poorly. From the moment of Niedzielan injury much worse also is looking an attacking game. For the attack stayed moved Zając, however he very often veers towards the right side and he is impersonating the role of the winger what he causes, that Sobiech left alone stays in the attack. For this reason the majority of crosses is falling down with loot of the goalkeeper or defenders of rivals. On tuesday Ruch, as part of the quarter-finals of Poland Cup, played away from home with Legia. Inhabitants of Chorzów after 120 minutes of the heavy fight, lost with Legia 1-2, however in spite of it advanced to the semi-final. Inhabitants of Chorzów will certainly feel efforts of this match and the travel. Ruch in that match lost many powers. Today's guests were playing poorly, but on the court they "bit into the grass" and fought their way through. In away matches Ruch footballers will turn oneself for the defence and the game from the counter-attack. Ruch will play today in system 4-4-2. In the entrance we will see Pilarz. In defence-on the left side-Jakubowski, who is a nominal right defender and on the left side he doesn't deal with best. In centre Stawarczyk and Grodzicki. This two played in matches with GKS and with Legia and they acquitted themselves not too good. One can see, that they are playing with themselves briefly and they are lacking a bit of an agreement. Apart from that sometimes for them are happening straight mistakes. On the right side will play nominal winger-Grzyb, who on this position deals with poorly. Grzyb often goes too far up to the turnstile of the rival and he forgets about the return, what the gap on the defensive is formed. In the line of midfield they will play today:on the left side Janoszka. In my opinion he is weak player. He is lacking dynamics, he is too often falls down and he is poorly acquitting himself in duels "1 on 1". In centre Pulkowski, who recently is playing very poorly and Straka, who is coming back after injury. On the right side we will see young-Damian Świerblewski, who in the last matches showed that he was a bit still lacking to the level of the rest of the team. At the front will play Sobiech and Zając. At the game from the counter-attack the speed of Zając will certainly be useful, however Zając very much ran around everywhere in the match with Legia and today he won't certainly be so fresh, like in the last matches. PERSONNEL SITUATION Cracovia will play today without basic centre midfielder-Klich, however Suvorov is coming back to the team and this isn't grave weakness. All the more so because Klich in the last match with Arka played very poorly. To the team is coming back three of the best footballers in the team(!!!)-centre defender-Polczak, playmaker Suvorov, who is in the phenomenal form and incredibly fast winger-Sacha. How I already wrote it is the three of the Best footballers of Cracovia and their return are huge strengthening for Cracovia. I will also add that a next very important player of Cracovia-Goliński is sound in body, who in the last match was able to play only 45 minutes. Ruch will play today very seriously weakened. In the guests team they won't play:key centre defender-Sadlok. Sadlok is one of the best centre defenders in the entire Ekstraklasa. Recently out of necessity he played on the left side of defence... Sadlok is one of the best footballers of the entire team... His lack is a great weakness for Ruch... Won't play also Baran-definitely best footballer of Ruch in last meetings. Baran is in the delicious form. Excellent at the destruction and very good at the offensive. Baran cracked down on playing and it came out great for him. His shots of distance were the most dangerous weapon of Ruch in the last matches. Still cannot play also best Ruch attacker-Niedzielan. His speed would be very useful in the today's meeting. Lack of these players can heave key influence on fates of this match. SUMMARY Cracovia in matches before the own audience is very strong. Recently Inhabitants of Kraków are in the fairly good form. In the match with Arka they didn't deserve the defeat. Admittedly the match was poor, but Cracovia acquitted herself quite quite well. By in second half hosts of the today's match played in 10, but yet posed a threat quite a lot beneath the turnstile of Arka. Cracovia played thoroughly in the defence. Tupalski made quite a lot of straight mistakes, but today he will stay replaced by coming back to composition-Polczak and the defensive play of Cracovia will certainly be far more better. Superbly are playing side defenders. Cracovia was able to long stay by the ball and to speed up in the opportune moment. To Cracovia squad coming back today 3 Best players of this team!!! This is huge reinforcement for today's hosts. Ruch is playing poorly recently. In the match with GKS today's guests were very lucky. Fatally is fit a defence, where footballers are playing not on one's positions. Ruch on tuesday played nn away with Legia in Poland Cup. Inhabitants of Chorzów lost after extra time 1-2, but they advanced to the semi-final. However 120 minutes of the very heavy fight and the travel will certainly affect the freshness of Inhabitants of Chorzów. The freshness will certainly be today on the side of Cracovia which in this round is impressing with the physical preparation. Ruch will play today without two very important players. Baran was the best competitor of Ruch in last meetings, and Sadlok is one of the best centre defenders in the entire Ekstraklasa. Still cannot play also the best Ruch attacker-Niedzielan. A centre of midfield can be a key to the victory today. Cracovia has the very strong centre of midfield and if she will dominate the ones zone of the court it for the victory will be for her much more easily. It should not be difficult, because Pulkowski is in the awful form, and Straka only just is coming back after injury. Also outflanking actions can be the key to success. Pawlusiński and Goliński are in very good form, and side defenders of Ruch are playing recently hopelessly. Cracovia is playing fastly and combinative and it will be hard for tired footballers of Ruch today to keep up with Orest Lenczyka charges. I think, that definitely better had at one's disposal and carried with the cheers of the audience Cracovia high will win this match.

  6. Re: Poland 26-28 March Polonia Warszawa-Arka Gdynia Tipp:Polonia Warszawa@2,00 Stake:5/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:27.03.2010 14:45 Today at 14:45 in warszawa local Polonia will be tacking Arka Gdynia. Polonia is a team with very great, like to Polish conditions, potential. The team from Warszawa was supposed to fight over the championship in this season, but the awful attitude of the team in the autumn round, brutally modified plans of the chairman Wojciechowski and currently Polonia is taking the last place in the table. This match is a match of the last chance for Polonia. The mobilization in the team is very intense. If Polonia footballers today won't win, it they won't already be having a chance for the maintenance. Footballers know that it will be end for the team. Chairman announced, that if the team doesn't win today, it is possible to pay buc the change of matches with default, and chairman will retreat from the team. Personally Polonia is one of the best teams in Ekstraklasa and she is certainly able to defeat Arka today. In the last railway Polonia lost on the away with Zaglebie Lubin 0-2, however hosts of the today's match played well and they should not lose this meeting. Polonia from the beginning of the match tried to attack. Polonia footballers conducted the game and they created more situation for scoring a goal. However Zaglebie was very lucky and... Zaglebie has phenomenally had at his disposal Micanski. Polonia played fastly and combinative. Polonia players were able to long stay by the ball and to impose their style of the game upon the rival. Footballers from Warszawa played well, at times wonderfully and apparently, that the team was playing better and better... Superbly are fit side defenders-Brzyski and Mynar, who are in the really high form. In the last match a little more poorly played Mierzejewski and Gancarczyk, which are driving motors of the entire team in this round, but it resulted rather from the fact that footballers from Lubin great had looked after them. Today coach Bakero will enter a few changes into the team. To one's nominal position, i.e. centre defender, is coming back Tomasz Jodłowiec, who in the centre of midfield played poorly. In my opinion it is splendid movement. Jodłowiec is an excellent centre defender, and with Dziewicki they are creating one of the best duets of centre defenders in Ekstraklasa. To playmaker position from the wing stayed moved-Mierzejewski, who as playmaker, still inWisla Płock, was played great. Arka in the last railway won at home with Cracovia 2-0. The match stood on the very low level. Arka played slowly, without the idea. Footballers from Gdynia didn't deal with the defence of Cracovia. Cracovia, in spite of the fact that through the entire second-half she played in 10, has often threatened the goal of Inhabitants of Gdynia. The defence of Arka is in the weak predisposition. In the match with Cracovia the defence line of today's guests made quite a lot of straight mistakes. Personally Arka is definitely weaker than Polonia. Arka is a typical team of the own court. In away matches Arka footballers are playing much more poorly, than in home matches. They most often limit themselves to the defence and counter-attacks. Polonia at home is very strong. Polonia will play today in the strongest composition. To the team is coming backimportant attacker-Ivanovski. Arka will also play in the strongest composition, Mawaye will be able to play, however he will probably seat himself on the substitute's bench. I think, that firmly called up and carried with the cheers of the audience Polonia Warszawa will win this match.

  7. Re: Poland 26-28 March Warta Poznan-Wisla Plock Tipp:Wisla Plock(+1)@1,71 Stake:4/10 Bookmaker:Bwin Starting date:27.03.2010 15:00 Today at 15:00 in Poznań local Warta will be taking Wisla Płock. Warta doesn't already have chances for the promotion, and the fall isn't threatening her. Wisla is taking seats right above the decreasing zone, however MKS Kluczbork has the same amount of points as Wisla, and Znicz Pruszków has only 2 points of the loss and today's guests must score a point. The mobilization in rows of Wisla is very intense. Warta in the last railway after the awful game lost on the away with KSZO 1-2. KSZO entirely dominated that meeting. Footballers from Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski conducted the game and they had the considerable optical majority. Warta limited herself to the defence and few counter-attacks which with the rest left for her poorly. Very poorly played Warta defence. In the offensive it was also poorly. Warta played too slowly and schematically. Poorly functioned wings... In the definitely more better form is Wisła Płock. In the last railway today's guests lost at home ŁKS Łódź 1-2, however footballers from Płock played very well and if they played more effectively they would win this meeting. Wisła conducted the game and she created really many dangerous situations for scoring a goal. ŁKS defence more than once got lost at fast, combinative actions of Wisła. Very well played wingers. Wisła played fastly and she was able to surprise the rival. Very well acquitted herself a defence of Wisła, with which ŁKS competitors could not advise themselves. Wisła lacked one-effectivenesses. Warta will play today in the strongest composition. Wisła will also play today in the strongest squad, and in addition to the team is coming back an important player-Masłowski. I think that called up Wisła won't lose this match.

  8. Re: Poland 26-28 March Gornik Polkowice-Olimpia Grudziadz Tipp:Gornik Polkowice@1,65 Stake:8/10 Bookmaker:Bwin Starting date:27.03.2010 15:00 Today at 15:00 in Polkowicach local Gornik will be taking Olimpia Grudziądz. Górnik is one of chief favorites for the promotion, however the press at the lead is very big and hosts of the today's match must win such matches. Olimpia has only 2 points less than today's hosts and if Gornik today wins he will lose one rival in the fight for the promotion. Apart from that footballers from Polkowice must win today, because Zagłębie Sosnowiec has already 4 points of the majority and in case of the possible penalty by footballers of Gornik, Zaglebie could jump away for today's hosts to 7 points. Górnik in the last railway after the very good match drew on the away with Bałtyk Gdynia 3-3. Baltyk is a very reliable team and at home Bałtyk is really very strong. The match was still on high quality. The pace of the match was very fast, and footballers from Polkowice presented themselves very well. They played offensively and they created quite a lot of goalmouth situations for themselves. They showed a few fast, combinative actions. The entire team played with the swing... Midfielder-Piotrowski is in the great form. In the far more worse form is Olimpia Grudziądz. In the last railway today's guests won on the away with Lechia Zielona Góra 3-2, however the style of the game of footballers from Grudziądz will leave a lot to be desired. The match stood on the very low level. Both teams played fatally. Lechia tried to attack, however she lacked the idea for the game. Olimpia played very slowly and chaotically. 3 goals of the Olimpia are a merit of the awful game of defenders of Lechia which made a lot of straight mistakes. Górnik Polkowice will play today in the strongest composition. Olimpia will play today very seriously weakened. Still cannot play basic defenders-Rogalski, Trachimowicz and Brede and first goalkeeper-Osiecki. After the last match with Lechia to the circle being out of the game joined:next basic defender-Koczur and two very important midfielders-Pawlak and Rogóż, who must be out of the game behind cards. Everyone these competitors are basic players of Olimpia and it will be very hard today to replace them. Peculiarly weakened is Olimpia defence. A line of defence will play today in very experimental placing, in defence line will play a few very young footballers. Second Olimpia golkeeaper-Struski isn't acquitting himself well this way, like Daniel Osiecki... It will be very hard also to replace midfielders-Pawlak and Rogóż, because they were the best players of Olimpia in the match with Lechia. I think, that better had at one's disposal and carried with the cheers of the audience Górnik will defeat the seriously weakened Olimpia.

  9. Re: Poland 19-21 March Zaglebie Lubin-Polonia Warszawa Tipp:Polonia Warszawa(+1)@1,67 and Polonia Warszawa@3,50 Stake:8/10(Polonia Warszawa(+1)) and 3/10(Polonia Warszawa) Bookmaker:Bwin(Polonia Warszawa(+1)) and Bet365(Polonia Warszawa) Starting date:20.03.2010 19:15 Today at 19:15 in Lubin local Zaglebie will be taking Polonia Warszawa. Zaglebie in this round has as many as 7 points, in addition no losing a match. Polonia gathered only 2 points in this round and she is taking the last place in the table, however the team from Warszawa is playing quite well, and judges "are picking up" her points. ZAGLEBIE LUBIN Today's hosts in this round not yet lost, but the style of the game of hosts of the today's match will leave a lot to be desired. Today's hosts are playing poorly, but they are very lucky. Hosts of the today's match walked away a bit from the decreasing zone and if today they win they much will come closer to the maintenance, simultaneously plunging Polonia. However Zaglebie won't have the simple task, becausePolonia recently is playing quite well, and this team has the huge potential. Personally Zaglebie is much weaker than Polonia. In the last railway Zaglebie won on the away with Arka Gdynia 2-0, however today's hosts were very lucky in that match and if Arka will played more effectively she would win this match. Arka reweighed it in this match. Footballers from Gdynia controlled the pace of the match, they conducted the game and they created a lot of goalmouth situations. Arka had realy very much situations, but she lacked the effectiveness. Arka footballers had considerable optical majority, all the time they conducted the game and they attacked for Zaglebie goal. Zaglebie played very poorly. Hosts of the today's match played slowly and schematically. They weren't able to longer stay by the ball... Zaglebie didn't deal with with high pressing of Arka footballers. Fatally acquitted themselves centre midfielders. Arka entirely dominated the centre of midfield in this match. Very poorly played also side defenders, which with ease passed Akra wingers. Apart from that they very rarely joined in offensive actions. Hopelessly acquitted themselves performing roles of wingers Błąd and Ekwueme. Today both they will play in centre of midfield, and on wings will appear Micanski and Hanzel, what is a mistake of Zaglebie coach. Micanski is a typical sniper. Bulgarian is able to superbly stand inside the penalty area and to finish the situation worked out by friends, but on the wing in my opinion he won't advise himself. Hanzel is a playmaker and in my opinion, he won't also advise himself on the wing. Winger must be fast and dynamic. He must have the good dribbling and he must can well cross. Micanski and Hanzel are players of other type. In the match with Arka poorly also acquitted themselves centre defenders which didn't deal with Trytko and Tshibamba. Traore is playing much more poorly than in the previous round. In the attack Zaglebie looks poorly. Zaglebie footballers aren't able to surprise the rival. They often play with long balls. Very effective Micanski provided them with victories, but today he will be playing on the wing. Zaglebie coach-Bajor is leading the team on conditional licence from PZPN. Bajor is a very poor coach, without character... So far the team is very lucky and everything is negotiating well, but how the team won't mean then the coach will have lots of trouble. POLONIA WARSZAWA Polonia is very strong like to Polish conditions team. Polonia footballers have composition to the first four of Ekstraklasa, but in the autumn round they played fatally and therefore now they must fight over the maintenance. Polonia started the spring round poorly-only 2 points in 3 matches, however footballers from Warszawa are playing very well, but they are lacking the effectiveness. I will also add that in current matches of the spring round Polonia very often is hurt by judges. Personally Polonia is far more better team than Zaglebie. Eccentric chairman Wojciechowski, who is famous for fast slowing down of coaches, confirmed that he trusted coach Bakero and won't dismiss him until the end of the season. However the situation of Polonia is very heavily and if Polonia footballers don't score a point in the today's match, then it will be very hard for them. Polonia will play today for the victory and in my opinion today's guests will achieve this purpose. Since when coach Bakero came to the team everything changed in Polonia for better. Footballers started competing on a pitch, the style of the game of the team is far more better. Poloniad is playing fastly, combinative. Great are functioning wings, side defenders very often join in offensive actions. In the last railway Polonia drew at home with Ruch Chorzów 1-1, however Polonia footballers had the considerable majority in this match and they should win it. However disappointed the effectiveness. Polonia once again has played great in the defence. Footballers of Ruch could not find a remedy for great had at her disposal defence of Polonia. Game of this formation really can impress. Superbly looked outflanking actions. Gancarczyk and above all Mierzejewski are playing superbly. Their fast rallyes are sides of the court are very strong point of Polonia Warszawa. Great funcioned a centre of midfield. Polonia played fastly and offensivaly. Polonia footballers were able to long stay by the ball and to surprise the rival with very fast exchange of the ball. Polonia played very wisely... In the phenomennal form is righteous defender of Polonia-Mynar, who in the match with Ruch played great. Mynar phenomenally is fulfilling defensive tasks and he often joins in offensive actions. Very well also is acquitting himself left defender-Brzyski. In the today's match in centre of defence will play Dziewicki and Jodłowiec, who is coming back to his position. In the previous match, because of absence ofTrałka, Jodłowiec played on position defensive midfielder, however he acquitted himself not too good. In the centre of defence, with Dziewicki they are creating the very good duet of centre defenders. In centre of midfield will play today Trałka, Piątek and Andreu, who from the match to the match is playing better and better. In the match with Ruch he showed a few beautiful cross-court passes. Andreu see very much on the court and he is able to well end the actions of the rival. In attack will play a young attackeg-Gołębiewski, who is in good form. Gołębiewski is very active and he is inconveniencing defenders of rivals quite a lot. Gołębiewski is fast and dynamic, he has the fairly good dribbling and he is able to serve the friend from the team with good passes. In the entrance will appear one of the best goalkeepers of Ekstraklasy-Przyrowski, who in the last match showed that earlier slip-ups had been only an accident at work. PERSONNEL SITUATION Zaglebie will play today without two very important competitors. Won't play Pawłowski, who didn't play already in the last meeting. He is definitely best footballer and without him Inhabitants of Lubin are playing much worse. In two first matches of the spring round Zaglebie played quite quite well. From the moment of Pawlowski injury the team is playing much worse. Pawłowski carried out the game of the entire team. This footballer was able individually to settle fates of the match to the benefit of his team. Pawłowski is a very fast and dynamic winger. Pawłowski has the outstanding dribbling and he is able to great cross. His lack is very perceptible for hosts of the today's match. Today's hosts will play also without very important defensive midfielders-Mateusz Bartczak, who in this round acquitted himself very well, and in the match with Arka he played great. Today into his place will stay moved Ekwueme, who is in the very weak predisposition. In the match with Arak he ranked quite a lot of losses which could end with goal. He played very unsteadily and he ranked the plenty of missed passes. They are very much substantial losses for Zaglebie. Polonia will play today in the strongest composition, and in addition important centre midfielder-Trałka is coming back to the team. SUMMARY Polonia is in the far more better form. Polonia footballers will play today maximum called up. The defeat in the today's match can indicate the fall from the league... To centre of defence he is coming back Jodłowiec, who week ago replaced in the centre of midfield Trałka and he did not too good. Today Trałka will already be able to appear and there is considerable reinforcement for Polonia. Polonia is playing recently really well. In the phenomenal form is defence line of Polonia. Superbly are acquitting themselves wings, and at the front will playi quite well had at his disposal Gołębiewski. Zagłębie is in poor form. In the match with Arka Inhabitants of Lubin were very lucky. From the moment of Pawłowski injury the team is playing much worse. Today additionally important defensive midfielder-Bartczak will not be able to play. Coach of Zeglebie still is leading the team under the conditional licence. Coach Bajor is in my opinion a very poor coach. He is lacking character and when the team doesn't have so much happiness trouble will begin. In this match wings can be a key to the victory for Polonia. Mierzejewski and Gancarczyk are in the great form. Both are very fast and dynamic. They are able to play "1 on 1" and side defenders of Zaglebie will have the hard task today. All the more so because Costa and Grzegorz Bartczak aren't playing so well, like in the previous round. A centre of midfield can be a key to the victory also. Polonia has the three of very reliable players there. Trałka, Piątek and Andreu are certainly better players than Ekwueme, Błąd and Dinis. Ekwueme how, I already wrote it is totally without the form, besides recently he played on the wing. Nigerian in the last match ranked the plenty of losses. Błąd is a nominal winger and I am doubting that he advises himself fields inside. Dinis recently played very little. In the match with Arka he went up to the court in 88 minute. It is very weak player, but because of Bartczak injury he must play today in basic composition. As can be seen centre of midfield of Polonia is looking much more curiously. If Polonia footballers dominate this zone of the court it for the victory will be much easier for them. I think that tPolonia will win this match.

  10. Re: Poland 19-21 March Wisla Krakow-Lechia Gdansk Tipp:Wisla Krakow(-1)@2,25 Stake:6/10 Bookmaker:Expekt Starting date:20.03.2010 16:00 Today at 16:00 in Krakow local Wisla will be entertaining Lechia Gdańsk. Both teams met on Wednesday in Poland Cup, where Lechia drew at home with Wisla 0-0. WISLA KRAKOW Wisla is a reigning champion of Poland and a leader of Ekstraklasa. Wisła footballers had the considerable advance payment after the autumn round, however they squandered this advantage in the first matches of the spring round. Wisla in this round didn't still score a goal! It resulted in dismissing coach Maciej Skorża, who replaced Henryk Kasperczak-trainer, who earlier with Wisla took back big successes. Kasperczak made debut in Wednesday in the match with Lechia.... However today a league debut is waiting for Kasperczak and the newly-graduated coach of Wisla will certainly want to win. Footballers will certainly want to compensate fans for poor performances in last time and today they will play on 100%. Wisla has the enormous potential and such a team can't lose points in 3 next league meetings, in addition not scoring a goal. Counting the match in Poland Cup Wisla didn't score a goal from 4 matches. In the phenomenal form is Lech which chasing Wisla in the table is and if Wisla will lose points in the today's match, she can lose the title, or else then it will be hard to catch up Lech. In the match with Lechia hosts of the today's match played without two very important players, but in spite of it they dominated the match in Gdańsk. Wisla all the time conducted the game and she attacked. Wisla footbakkers didn't play some excellent match, but they were able long to hold by the ball on the half of Lechia. Very well looked outflanking actions. Great presented themselves Marcelo and Christov. You could tell that Wisla saved up herself for the today's match. Today's hosts in spite of it played better. Lechia played in this match on 100%. Lechia footballers ran very much, where they didn't run wisely... Unnecessarily they lost many powers. They have often run nonsensically... One can see, that more they care about Poland Cup, than on the league, where they are already fighting over nothing. Wisla played very wisely. She slowly played the ball, forcing footballers from Gdańsk to run and she sped up in the opportune moment. In the last league match Wisla drew on the away with great ordered Jagiellonia 0-0. Match was very fast, and both teams played on the very high level. Wisla had a lot of situation, but an effectiveness was missing. However the draw with Jagiellonia which is in the great form, and at home Jagiellonia is really very strong, isn't bringing disgrace to hosts of the today's match. It was similarly as a matter of fact in matches with GKS Bełchatów and Arka. Wisla in this round is playing very well, but she is lacking the effectiveness. I think that today breaking will take place. In great form is righteous Wisla defender-Alvarez, very well is playing Paweł Brożek, who recently isn't scoring a goal, but he is playing very wisely and he is working out situations for friends from team. Marcelo, who in wednesday played superbly, returned to form. The other centre defender-Głowacki is acquitting himself well. LECHIA GDANSK Lechia how, I already wrote in earlier analyses, for some time is playing with system 4-3-3 what is a big mistake of the coach Kafarski in my opinion. Game without wings is very bad idea IMO. Lechia in this system is acquitting herselfs poorly, but she is very lucky. In this round Lechia not yet lost, but in my opinion the limit of happiness for team from Gdańsk already ran out and today Wisla will break the streak of Lechia. In the wednesday's match with Wisla Lechia didn't have too much to saying. Wisla footballers entirely dominated this meeting. Even though Lechia invested far more powers in that match, it Wisla all the time conducted the game. Lechia defence is fit very poorly. Fatally is playing righteous Lechia defender-Bąk. Bak is a very weak player. He often makes straight mistakes on the defensive, wingers of rivals easily are beating him, and he very rarely joins in offensive actions. Poorly also centre defenders are fit-Wołąkiewicz and Kożans, and left defender Mysona is also playing much more poorly than in the previous round. In the last league railway Lechia won on the away with Slask Wroclaw 2-1, however Lechia was lucky in that match much and she should high lose him. In that meeting Lechia goalkeeper-Paweł Kapsa was the best player of Lechia. Slask had the considerable majority, he created many really good situations, but Kapsa played phenomenally. Fatally played a defence of Lechia, which is recently in the really weak form. In the attack it was also not too good. Actions of Lechia were too chaotic. Coach Kafarski in the end found in system 4-3-3 place for Kaczmarek, however on left attack Kaczmarek isn't playing so well, how in classical winger position. As a centre attacker will play today Tomek Dawidowski, who admittely is playing recently well, but for him often happen poor matches. After his right side will appear Lukjanovs, who is in the weak form. I don't know what coach Kafarski can see in the Latvian, because in my opinion he is weak player. Lukjanovsi is sorting dynamics. Latvian often falls down and he is losing the ball. He is making much noise, but little from this benefit for the team. Fans, in case of the possible defeat, certainly won't be bad to footballers, since fans of both teams live for years in the great friendship :D PERSONNEL SITUATION Wisla will play today in the strongest composition, and in addition to team arec coming back Ba and Malecki, which could not play in the wednesday's match with Lechia. Ba is one from best, if not the best player Wisla in this round. In the match with Jagiellonia he played phenomenally. Małecki is one of the best players of Wisla. Recently Malecki is in the very good form and today with Paweł Brożek he will form the great duet in the attack. A return of these players is a great reinforcement for Wisla and Lechia will have the very hard task today. Lechia will play today in the strongest composition. SUMMARY Wisla footballers will play today on 100%, or else they will want to compensate fans for poor results in the last matches. Apart from that today a coach of Wisla-Henryk Kasperczam will rank the league debut and certainly appropriately will call up footballers. Wisla in this round is playing well, but she is lacking the effectiveness. Lechia is playing with system 4-3-3, without wing, what in my opinion is a big mistake of coach Kafarski. Lechia in this round is playing very poorly, but she is very lucky. Footballers from Gdańsk in this round not yet lost, but in my opinion today Wisla will break this streak. Both teams met in wednesday in Poland Cup. Match was held in Gdańsk and he closed with the goalless draw. Wisla played in that match much better and she should win. At least Wisla footballers played without two very, very important players and they saved up themselves for the today's match, it they conducted the game and they had the considerable majority. Wisla played very wisely. She long played the ball, what forced Lechia players to running, and in the opportune moment she was able to speed up. How I already wrote Lechia in this match very unnecessarily lost many powers. Wisla saved herself, but she played very wisely. Lechia footnallers often run nonsensically. Today it will certainly be apparently on the court. The freshness will be on the Wisla side. In comparing to the wednesday's match, to composition of Wisla is returned a double of best(at this moment) Wisla footballers-Issa Ba and Patryk Małecki. I think that Wisla from the beginning will attack the rival and she high will win this match.

  11. Re: Poland 19-21 March Widzew Lodz-Dolcan Zabki Tipp:Widzew Lodz(-1,5)@1,88 and Widzew Lodz(-2,5)@3,20 Stake:8/10(Widzew Lodz(-1,5)) and 3/10(Widzew Lodz(-2,5)) Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:20.03.2010 17:15 Today at 17:15 in Łódź local Widzew will be taking Dolcan Ząbki. Widzew is definitely best personally, financially and organizationally team in 1 league. Hosts of the today's match have 10 points of the advantage over the second team, but they know that after a few matches they can squander this advantage, therefore they are playing fully called up. Apart from that today's hosts appointed for themselves heavy for accomplishing a purpose:win all matches until the end of the season. Dolcan is a weak team which in the previous round surprised with good attitude. However in this round for footballers from Zabki is coming around bare differently. WIDZEW LODZ Widzew started the spring round superbly. At first Widzew footballers won on the awa in derby of Łódź with ŁKS 4-1. Overwhelming Widzew victory was fully deserved. Today's hosts entirely dominated that meeting and if they will play more effectively, they would still win higher. ŁKS is strong how to conditions of Polish 1 League team, which in matches at home is very strong, but Widzew are ahead of all teams in this league for 2 classes. In the last railway Widzew defeated on the away Warta Poznan 2-0. Widzew played great. Footballers from Łódź from the beginning imposed their style of the game upon rivals and they dominated the match. Widzew had the great optical majority, all the time he conducted the game and he created a lot of goalmouth situations. Warta at home is very strong team, but how I already wrote Widzew is in the phenomenal form. Warta had nothing to say in this match. Phenomenally functioned Widzew wings. The centre of midfield also acquitted itself great. Superbly acquitting itself a duet of attackers Robak-Sernas. Both they are in the phenomenal form and they great understand one another. This two would be a terror of more than one defence in Ekstraklasa... On the right wing Łukasz Broź is mad. Broź is in the outstanding instruction. Łukasz is fast, he has the very good dribbling and he much see on the court. On lef wing very well played nominal attacker-Grzelczak. His dynamic sideways of the court actions are creating much of benefit for the entire squad. Widzew has very strong wings and mainly thanks to the splendid conduct of wingers Widze is playing so well and offensively. In centre of midfield great are acquitting themselves Panka and Kuklis. Both are very well stopping actions of the rival and they often get down for playing the ball what is coming out for them very well. In great form is also a line of defence. In centre the best centre defender of 1 League-Bieniuk and Szymanek are a barrier not for passing for rivals attackers. Szymanek from the beginning of this round unexpectedly jumped into basic composition and he is acquitting himself great. All over sides excellent Dudu and Ukah, who recently is playing really very well. In the entrance is playing Mielcarz, who is playing very well. Widzew is playing fastly, combinative and very offensively. The game of Inhabitants of Łódź really can appeal. Grass in Poznań was in the very bad state, but in spite of this Widzew played very combinative and he has often played the ball "to one contact". Now Widzew footballers will be have more easily task. Grass in Łódź is in very good state. Weather conditions will also be far more better. To this Widzew will have the cheers of the audience on his side, and it is a very great advantage, the more so as in Łódź fans are able to support. It is obvious, that that's all is supporting Widzew, which will be conducting the game and by such weather and well prepared grass it is much more easily to attacking. Widzew will be able to play still more fastly and surprise rivals with combinative actions. Before the own audience Widzew is playing much better and today I am expecting the massacre. DOLCAN ZABKI Dolcan is in the awful form. In the finish of the previous round coach Sasal left the team and in the winter break he took down the best Dolcan players. Tataj and Lech decided about power of Dolcan in the autumn round. Now Dolcan must deal without them. In the first match of the spring round Dolcan in the awful style lost at home with Warta Poznań 1-2. Warta had the considerable majority in that match and she won fully deserving. Dolcan limited itself to the defence, however Warta with the great easiness created dangerous situations for scoring a goal. Today's guests played on the offence fatally. In the last railway Dolcan lost at home withMotor Lublin 0-1. Motor is the weakest team in the league, however Inhabitants of Lublin won this match deservedly. Unexpectedly Motor had initiative in this match. Footballers from Lublin created a lot of dangerous situations for themselves and they could win higher. Dolcan played hopelessly. Very poorly a line of defence acquitted itself. Footballers of Motor with ease have often beaten fatally had at their disposal Dolcan defenders. In the offensive the game of today's guests longed even worse. Dolcan wasn't able to create the goalmouth situation for himself. Footballers from Ząbki obviously lacked the idea for the game. Dolcan played very slowly and predictable. Only positive is Ziajka game, but today opposite Ziajka will stand up Dudu and Zajka will be have very hard task... Dolcan is a team of the own court and if in home matches today's guests are playing poorly this way, what will be in the away match... Grass in Ząbki is in the weak state. It facilitated the defence for footballers from Ząbki, because Dolcan footballers mainly focussed on defence. Today grass will be in the far more better state and Dolcan will have very hard task. PERSONNEL SITUATION Widzew will play today in the strongest composition, and Ostrowski is coming back to the team, however he will start match on the substitute's bench. Dolcan will play today seriously weakened. In the guests team won't play:basic defender-Korkuć and basic midfielder-Kostrubała. Dolcan doesn't have too many equal players in the staff and these gaps will certainly be for guests perceptible. SUBSTITUTE'S BENCH It is worthwhile looking also at the substitute's benches. Widzew has many players which after going up to the court can change the face of the team. Is aforementioned Ostrowski, who is excellent, like to conditions of this league player. Ostrowski is fast, he has fairly good dribblings and he is able to great hit from distance. Is also great had at his disposal Lisowski, who in the last matches played delicious. Is also Grzeszczyk, who he is able to phit from distance and to play very good perpendicular ball. On the Dolcan bench doesn't have players which after going up to the court could change fates of the entire match. Admittedly is Imeh, but he is in the hopeless form. Recently he is playing fatally, and the coach isn't able to reach an agreement with him. SUMMARY Widzew is in the definitely better form. It is team about at least class better than all remaining teams in 1 league. In two first matches of this round Widzew defeated two teams stronger than Dolcan at away matches. Both victories were fully deserved. In both these matches Widzew entirely dominated the match and he created quite a lot of situation for himself. In the match with Warta awful grass made it difficult for Widzew to fast, combinative game, however in spite of this Widzew footballers played fastly and nicely for the eye. Today grass will be in the excellent state, very good will be also weather conditions and in such conditions Widzew will have much more easily task. Dolcan is in the hopeless form. In the first matches of the spring round footballers from Ząbki in the awful style lost both home matches. Fatally is fit a Dolcan defence. The entire team is playing very slowly and predictable. Dolcan footballers aren't able to create the favourable situation for themselves. Doclan actions most often expire in the centre zone of the court. On aways Dolcan is playing much more poorly, and today additionally the team from Ząbki will play weakened with lack of the two important players. I think that Widzew will high win this match.

  12. Lechia Gdansk-Wisla Krakow Tipp:Wisla Krakow@2,20 Stake:6/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:17.03.2010 17:00 Wisła in the strongest composition. Admittedly Ba and Malecki won't play, but Wisla have the very wide and aligned staff and the lack of these players should not be a more considerable problem. Lechia also in the strongest squad. Both teams are treating this match seriously... Wisla is a team for the class better and if today she plays effectively I am expecting the massacre. Wisla in this round is playing well, but she is lacking the effectiveness. Today's guests in this round not yet won, what more-they didn't even scored a goal, but in my opinion today it will change. After the weekend a coach Skorza was dismissed,and Henryk Kasperczak, who years ago celebrated most successes with this team became the new coach of Wisla. Certainly Kasperczak will want to win in him debut. In the last match Wisla drew on the away with Jagiellonia 0-0. Wisla footballers played very well. From the beginning they imposed their style of the game upon rivals and they dominated on the court. Great functioned wings, Wisla created many goalmouth situation, but an effectiveness was missing. I will also add that Jagiellonia is in the delicious form and at the own stadium she is very strong. In earlier matches-with Arka and GKS Wisla also played well, but ineffectively. Today footballers of Wisla will certainly want to compensate fans for the awful round beginning. Lechia in this round is in poor form. Admittedly Lechia footballers didn't lost none of 3 matches played in the spring round, but the style of the game of footballers of Lechia is weak. In the last match Lechia won on the away wist Slask 2-1, but Lechia footballers were very lucky in this match. Slask played better, he had more from the game, but great acquitted himself goalkeeper of Lechia-Paweł Kapsa. He was the best competitor of Lechia in this match. Lechia was playing very poorly. Actions were very slow, the team lacked the idea for the game. Defenders are playing very poorly. Lechia didn't deal with pressing applied by players of Slask. How I already wrote in earlier analisys-Lechia is playing with system 4-3-3. What is a big mistake of the coach of Kafarski in my opinion. Playing without wingers is a bad idea IMO. Above all in this system in the team isn't taking place for Kaczmarek-best footballer of Lechia. Secondly Lechia is playing mainly with long balls what is being finished fatally. In poor form is, very unsteadily playing, defence of Lechia. In the offensive is also poorly... On the right side of defence fatally are playing Bak, and today opposite it will stand up well had at him disposal Kirm. The centre of midfield of Wisla is very strong and if Wisla footballers today will dominate this zone of courts, it for the victory will be for them very easily, or else playing without wingers Lechia will be forced to the game with long balls. I think that Wisla will win this match.

  13. Re: Poland 12-14 March GKS Belchatow-Lech Poznan Tipp:Lech Poznan@2,37 Stake:7/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:14.03.2010 17:00 Today at 17:00 in Bełchatów local GKS will be taking Lech Poznań. In this weekend Wisla and Legia lost points and Lech footballers are standing before a big chance for including the item of the leader of Polish Ekstraklasa. The mobilization in Lech's rows is intense. Lech footballers are in the phenomenal form and today they will do everything in order to gather 3 points. Bełchatów also has for every to fight. Hosts of the today's match occupy 5 place in the table and still are taking chance for European Cups, but today it will be very hard for them to stop rushing Lech. GKS BELCHATOW Inhabitants of Bełchatów started the spring round with two victories. At first they sensationally won at home with Wisla 1-0, and the week ago they won on the away with Piast Gliwice 2-1. GKS is playing quite well, but it isn't some blowing away style of the game . In the match with Wisla GKS was very lucky. Wisla dominated that match and if she played more effectively, she would achieve a victory. In the match with Piast today's hosts played quite well, however Piast had a few dangerous chances for scoring a goal. GKS prevailed in that match, but Piast played really very poorly. The pace of the match was slow, Inhabitants of Gliwice left quite a lot of vacancy for footballers from Bełchatów. Lech footballers won't certainly be doing it. In the attack Piast played very poorly. Actions were slow and predictable. Entire game of Piast was very weak. GKS Belchatow defence didn't have the difficult task, but in spite of it, Piast gained a few clear situations. Fatally played also Piast goalkeeper-Kwapisz what made easier task for GKS footballers. GKS has strong wings. On the left side Popek and Małkowski superbly cooperated with themselves, however today Popek will be missing. On the right side is mad Wróbel, who is in the high form, however today he will stand up on against of the best left defender of Ekstraklasa-Seweryn Gancarczyk and it will be hard for him. GKS demonstrated nothing special in the match with Piast. The pace of the action of Inhabitants of Bełchatów was weak, hosts of the today's match didn't demonstrate too many nice actions. They too often played with long ball with omitting the line of midhelp. GKS will play today with system 4-4-2. In the entrance we will see reliable golkeeaper-Sapela. In the defence:from left side-Małkowski. Małkowski is a nominal winger, but from the account of the lack Popek, he stayed moved to defence. In centre Lacić and Pietrasiak. On the right side Tosik. In the midfield line-on left side nominal attacker-Zakrzewski, who is playing on wing, because of moving Małkowski to a line of defence. Zakrzewski played on this position for 20 last minutes of the match with Piast, but he acquitted himself poorly. Zakrzewski is a typical attacker and in my opinion on this position he won't advise himself. The winger must be fast, dynamic and can well centre ball. Zakrzewski is other type of the player. In centre two excellent defensive midfielder-Rachwał and Gol. On the right side side recalled earlier Wróbel. In the attack Ujek and good hat at him disposal Nowak. LECH POZNAN Lech is in the phenomenal form. Footballers from Poznań are playing fastly, combinative and nice for the eye. In this moment Lech is best team in Poland. Today Lech has the huge chance to taking 1 place in the table and Lech's footballers will certainly give their all. In the last railway Lech defeated at home Cracovia 3-1. Cracovia is a very reliable team, but Lech entirely dominated that meeting. In spite of the awful state of grass at the stadium of Lech, Lech footballers played wonderfully. Many combinative actions, fast game, often to one contact. Quite a lot of actions conducted on the full rate. Lech's footballers great understand one another... Today the match will be played on better grass, and it is certainly favour Lech, which from the beginning of the match will put for the attack. In phenomenal form is a magic offensive quartet of Lech-Kriwiec, Stilić, Peszko and Lewandowski. This four is able to disassemble every defence in the country. Stilić from the beginning of this round is playing, as behind as him best times in Lech. Bosnian great understands one another with Peszko and with Lewandowski. He is able to play such an passes, that hands alone consist for the applause. Peszko is the best footballer in Ekstraklasa. His remarkable speed and good dribbling are great advantages of coach Zielinskii. Lewandowski is in the fantastic form. Both in the Poland representation and in the club he is soaring like on cue, and to it he is great fitting balls to friends from team. In the outstanding form is also Lech's defence. Lech will play today in system 4-5-1. In the entrance will playe Burić, who is in really high form. In the defence-on the left side Gancarczyk, who is coming back to the team after the short break. Gancarczyk is acquitting himself delicious in the defensive. Many excellent wingers weren't able to advise themselves with Gancarczyk. Apart from that Gancarczyk very often joins in offensive actions and the team is finding it very useful. In centre will play Djurdjević and Bosacki. In the previous match Arboleda received an injury and into his place is playing today Djurdjević. Djurdjević as centre defender is acquitting himself great, and to it he very well understands one another with Bosacki. Both are playing fantastic in the defence. They are also very useful by permanent fragments, because they are great playing head. On the right side one of best right defenders in Ekstraklasa-Wojtkowiak. He is well fulfilling defensive objectives and he is great acquitting himself in the offensive. In midfield they will play today:2 defensive midfielder-Bandrowski-Injać. Both are playing great. Bandrowski is running too two and he is able to get the ball back from the rival. Injać is also acquitting himself superbly. Before them-on left side Byelorussian-Kriviec who fastly acclimatized in Poznań and spinners with form. In centre will play Stilić, on the right side phenomenal Peszko. In the attack Lewandowski. PERSONNEL SITUATION GKS Bełchatów will play today without important left defender-Popek. Into his place will play moved from wing-Małkowski. In my opinion Małkowski won't advise himself on this position. If wingers are playing on aside of defences they often go too far up to the turnstile of the opponent, forgetting about the defence. And today Małkowski will have to deal with remarkable Peszko. Lech will play without Arboleda, but will replace him Djurdjević, who in centre of defence acquitted himself great. SUMMARY Lech is having today a chance for the assumption 1 place in the table. Lech footballers will leave for today's meeting very called up. Lech is in the phenomenal form. Magic offensive quartet of Lech-Kriviec, Stilić, Peszko and Lewandowski are acquitting themselves superbly and this quartes is able to disassemble every defence in the country. GKS is in the fairly good form, but Lech is a team for the class better. In the last match Inhabitants of Bełchatów won 2-1 with Piast. GKS prevailed, but it was rather caused by the awful form of Piast. GKS demonstrated nothing special. The entire match was very poor, and pace of the game was very vlow. Lech is playing fastly, combinative and nice for the eye. Stilić, Peszko and Lewandowski great understand one another. In GKS on the left defence will play nominal winger-Małkowski. In my opinion he won't advise himself on this position, the more so as today opposite him will stand up Peszko. I think that Lech will win this match.

  14. Re: Poland 12-14 March Slask Wroclaw-Lechia Gdansk Tipp:Slask Wroclaw@2,30 Stake:7/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:13.03.2010 19:15 Today at 19:15 at street Oporowska in Wrocław local Slask will be entertaining Lechia Gdańsk. Fans of both teams for years live in big friendship, but there will be on the court no preferential treatment today. Slask still is having a chance to European Cups, but today he must win. Lechia is taking the safe place in means of the table. The maintenance already has than assured, and about European Cups there's no chance. SLASK WROCLAW Slask is a typical team of the own court. At themselves Inhabitants of Wrocław are able to defeat everyone. Today's hosts started the spring round not too good. 1 point in two matches it is a result below expectations of Inhabitants of Wrocław. In the last railway Slask lost at home with superbly disposal Jagiellonia 1-2. Hosts of the today's match played well, but Jagiellonia played phenomenally and Slask footballers didn't manage to score even 1 point. Jagiellonia played very fastly and wisely. Defenders of Slask acquitted themselves quite well, but the pressure of the Jagielloonia was intense. Jagiellonia dominated the centre zone of the court, and it happened mainly thanks to the awful form of Amir Spahic-centre defender of Slask, who it isn't obvious why played in the centre of midfield. Today to happinesses Spahić will sit down on the substitute's bench. Very well looked an attacking of Slask. Although the defence of Inhabitants of Białystok was disposal great, footballers of Slask have often created for themselves dangerous goalmouth situations. Slask played fastly and combinative. Well functioned the wings. In the great form is Ćwielong, and just as well Madej is acquitting himself. In the attack very well acquitting himself Sotirović, who is working to the new contract. Today's hosts will play today in system 4-4-2. In the entrance we will see Kelemen, who is in the fantastic form. In the match with Jagiellonia he caught a few very difficult balls, and through the entire match he played very confidently. In the defence they will play:on the left side Pawelec, who recently is playing very well. In the defence he is acquitting himself great, and to it he often joins in offensive actions, running around Ćwielong. In centre will play duet of centre defenders-Fojut-Celeban. Both are excellent centre defenders. Fojut and Celeban are recently in the very good form. Peculiarly well is playing Celeban. Fast, well playing with head centre defender, is a real gem in the waist of Ryszard Tarasiewicz. Both from Fojut great understand one another and they are superbly cooperating with themselves. On the right side will play Wołczek, who is also in the great form. His cooperation with Madej is negotiating very well. In the midfield we will see today: on the left side-Ćwielong, who great integrated himself to the team. His outflanking actions are gave a lot of benefit to an entire team. In centre Sztylka and Dudek, who is coming back to the team and he will appear in the Spahic place. Before them playing Mila, who is recently in great form. Dudek and Mila are creative footballers with offensive mood. So one can see, that Slask will bet today on the attack. Behind them will play a defensive midfielder-Sztylka, who is able to superbly get the ball back from the rival. On the right wing will appear Madej, who recently is in very good form. In the attack we will see Sotirovic. He is excellent attacker, however he is susceptible to injuries. However when he play, he isn't leading it. LECHIA GDANSK Lechia is taking 6 place in table, however this team is in my opinion the most lucky around amongst all teams of Ekstraklasa. In the winter break Lechia effected no serious reinforcements. In the last railway Lechia drew at home with Polonia Warszawa 1-1. Lechia played a poor match and if a little happiness finished writing to Polonia Lechia footballers would lose this match. Lechia played very slowly and schematically. Footballers from Gdańsk played with long balls what was finished for them fatally. Poorly played a defence which made quite a lot of straight mistakes. Lechia didn't have any idea for the game and she focussed mainly on the defence. Polonia entirely dominated this match. Coach Kafarski for some time is placing the team in system 4-3-3 what in my opinion is a big mistake of the Lechia coach. Lechia is playing in this system without wingers, but the wing, how many times I already wrote are very, very important. Admittedly sometimes side attackers are descending to sides, but they aren't these are no wingers. In this system in squad coach isn't taking place for the best LEchia footballer-Kaczmarek. Kaczmarek is a typical winger and it he is carried out the game of the entire team. Now coach Kafarski isn't taking place in squad for him. In the entrance of Lechia we will see today Paweł Kapsa. Kapsa is good goalkeeper, however since when Mateusz Bak resigned from the team, Kapsa has no competition and it doesn't certainly serve him. Kapsa recently is playing a little unsteadily. In the defence they will play:on the left side-Mysona. My favourite player :D Mysona is excellent player, he is great in the attacking game, however sometimes he forgets about the fast return to the defence, and today Lechia mainly will be defending herself. In centre will play Kożans and Wołąkiewicz. Two of very solid centre defenders, but recently they are playing a little below expectations. On the right side will appear Bak. Bak is a very weak player. He is making quite a lot of mistakes in the defensive and he very rarely joins in offensive actions. In the midfield today a three will centre midfielders will play-Laizans, Surma and Nowak. They are very reliable players, but Slask also has the strong centre of midfield. Apart from that how I already wrote playing without wingers is poor move. In the attack they will play today:Buzała, Dawidowski and Wiśniewski. In the attack they will play today:Buzała, Dawidowski and Wiśniewski. They are reliable players, but none of them is a type of the footballer, who is able to win a match individually. PERSONNEL SITUATION Slask will play today in the strongest composition. Admittedly still Łukasiewicz and Gancarczyk cannot play, but Slask deal without them already for some time. Lechia will also play in the strongest composition. SUMMARY Slask at home is very strong, Lechia on aways is playing poorly. Footballers of Slask are in the good form. The week ago they played well, but Jagiellonia is in the phenomenal form and Inhabitants of Wrocław didn't manage to stop Jagiellonia. Great are functioning wings of Slask. Madej and Ćwielong are in the very good form. Slask today will attack from the beginning. In centre of midfield will play two offensive players-Mila and Dudek and the defensive midfielder Sztylka, who is in very good form. Great is fit also a defence of Slask. Coach Kafarski is placing Lechia in system 4-3-3 what in my opinion is a considerable mistake of the Gdańsk coach. Lechia is playing without wings what is an awful move in my opinion. In this placing in squad is not enough place for Kaczmarek- best player of Lechia. Kaczmarek is a typical winger. Lechia is recently in the awful form. In the match with Polonia Lechia footballers didn't have an idea for the game. They played with long balls and they focussed mainly on the defence, however the defence line of Lechia made quite a lot of mistakes. I think that Slask will win this match.

  15. Re: Poland 12-14 March Polonia Warszawa-Ruch Chorzow Tipp:Polonia Warszawa@2,25 Stake:7/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:13.03.2010 17:00 Today at 17:00, by the street of Konwiktorska in Warszawa, local Polonia will be undertaking Ruch Chorzów. Polonia was supposed to fight over the championship in this season, and Ruch was supposed to take the safe place in means of the table. However the football is unpredictable and Polonia is defending it oneself before the fall, and Ruch is taking the place at the lead of the table. It is very important match for Polonia. Polonia footballers are very strong personally and they should not have a problem with the maintenance, however if today they don't receive the set of points it will be very hard for them to get out of the decreasing zone. Ruch isn't already having a chance to European Cups, at least Inhabitants of Chorzów will certainly fight. POLONIA WARSZAWA Polonia personally is one of the best teams in Poland. However footballers from Warszawa, in the previous round, didn't exploit their potential and now remains for them heavy fight for the maintenance. Since when Jose Maria Bakero included the team, team changed for the better. Footballers started competing on a pitch. Spanish coach changed the face of Polonia. Polonia is playing above all very well on the defensive. Also an attacking game looks great. Polonia is playing fastly, combinative, to one contact. Wonderfully functioning wings, and outflanking actions are the key to success. In the winter break team was very seriously strengthened. Brzyski, Gancarczyk and Andreu came and entire this three has now certain places in first for "eleven" of Polonia. In the last railway Polonia drew on the away with Lechia 1-1. Polonia footballers played good match and with a bit of luck they could win it. Polonia impressed with the splendid play in defence. Footballers of Lechia weren't able to advise themselves with great had at its disposal line of Polonia defence. Defenders from Warszawa great stood and very well they cooperated with themselves. Strong line of the defence of Polonia was not to the passage. The entire team played very wisely. Polonia was able long to stay by the ball, she controlled the match. Footballers of Polonia dominated the centre of midfield and they forced Lechia to play with long balls. Great played wingers and side defenders. Dynamic actions of Gancarczyk and Mierzejewski posed a threat much beneath the turnstile of Lechia. Polonia was able to precipitate the game and to surprise the rival. Polonia footballers showed a few really nice, combinative actions played on the full rate. The chairman of Polonia is a very expressive man and in spite of the fact that it feels the great confidence for coach, loss point in today's match, can cost loss of the work for Bakero. Polonia will come out today in system 4-5-1. In the entrance we will see one of the best goalkeepers of Ekstraklasa-Przyrowski. In the defence:on the left side-one from the best left defenders of Ekstraklasa-Brzyski, who is in very good form. He is great cooperating with Gancarczyk and he often joins in offensive actions. In centre great had at his disposal-Dziewicki and Skrzyński, who will certainly wanted to seize an opportunity from the coach, who set him up today in place moved for the aid Jodłowiec. On the right side we will se Radek Mynar. Excellent competitor. He is superbly fulfilling defensive tasks, and to it he often joins in offensive actions. His cooperation with Mierzejewski is looking really good. In the line of midfield will play today:on the left side-very fast Gancarczyk, who is recently in great form, in centre-Andreu, Piatek and moved ahead Jodłowiec, who on this position acquitted oneself well completely. On the right side driving motor of the team-Mierzejewski, who is now in fantastic form. In the attack today will play-Golebiewski, who in last meetings showed, that he is in good form. At home Polonia is very strong. In the first match with Lech Polonia already appeared from the fairly good side. RUCH CHORZÓW Ruch is the revelation of the season. Team from Chorzów still is having a chance to European Cups, but in the winter break they effected no reinforcements, and personally the team is weaker than other teams fighting over leading deposits. Ruch is a typical team of the own court. Before the own audience Inhabitants of Chorzów are really strong, however in away matches they play much worse. In the first spring queue Ruch won on the away with Arka, but Ruch played poorly and he was very lucky. In the last railway Ruch Chorzow deservedly lost at home with Zaglebie Lubin 0-2. Ruch played fatally. Zaglebie didn't present itself best, but in spite of it dominated the meeting with Ruch. Footballers from Chorzów played without the idea. The game of the entire team was very slow and predictable. Fatally functioned wings. Hopelessly acquitted itself a defence line. One can see, that Nykiel doesn't like to play on the left side of defence, and Grzyb isn't also feeling best on the right side of defence. Today a visiting team will play with other system than usually. Coach Fornalik because of Niedzielan injury is moving the team to system 4-5-1. In the entrance we will see Pilarz, who will certainly have much work today today and I hope that at least once he will make a mistake. In defence-on the left side Nykiel, who how I already wrote not feelings oneself good on this position. It is a right-foot footballer and his nominal position are a righteous defender. On the right side of defence he played excellent, but because of the gap for walking away Brzyski he must play on the left side. In centre Grodzicki and Sadlok. Both they are excellent centre defenders, however recently they are without the form. Particularly Grodzicki, who recently is making quite a lot of straight mistakes and he is fatally standing. Sadlok isn't also playing as this way as a few weeks ago. On the right side will play nominal winger-Grzyb, who isn't felt on this position well. He is often driven up to the turnstile a rival and he forgets about the defence. In the line of midfield they will play today: on the left side-fatally had at him disposal Janoszka. Janoszka is sorting dynamics. Left winger of Ruch has the awful dribbling, he often falls down and he is totally without the form. In centre will play Pulkowski, Straka and Baran. Straka andBaran are very good defensive midfielders, Pulkowski isn't the best player and he plays rarely... Entire this three is defensive midfielders. In squad on this match we haven't playmaker. On right side we will see Zając. Zając is very fast and recently he is playing well, but today he will happen to square up to Brzyski, who is announcing that he won't let to play his former friend from Ruch. In the attack will play left alone Sobiech. At the game from the counter-attack he will be feeling very heavily. Sobiech is other type of the competitor than Niedzielan. Niedzielan is very fast and dynamic, and Sobiech is such a player which is able to hold the ball, clutter up back to the goal whether to fit the ball in with head. At the game from the counter-attack these advantages aren't needed... Ruch will have very hard task today and in my opinion Inhabitants of Chorzów will leave Warszawa without points. PERSONNEL SITUATION Polonia will play today without Trałka, however in the centre of midfield Polonia has many equal competitors and it isn't more considerable problem for the coach. The more so as to match "eighteens" is coming back Sarvas, and Trałka in the match with Lechia played poorly. Won't play also attacker-Ivanovski, but he didn't play already in the match with Lechia, and replacing him-Gołębiewski is acquitting himself very well. Ruch will play today without best attacker Niedzielan. Niedzielan in such matches how this was current the most important player of Ruch. Up to him was arranged entire game. His speed was a huge advantage of coach Fornalik, at the game from the counter-attacks. Now through Niedzielan injury coach must change the entire system of the game and in the attack will play left alone Sobiech, who at the game from the counter-attacks is in my opinion not very useful. SUMMARY Polonia at home is very strong. Team is in form, in the last match with Lechia Polonia played very wisely, she dominating centre of midfield and forcing the rival to the game with long balls. Phenomenally disposal are wings. Gancarczyk and Mierzejewski are in fantastic forml. Outflanking actions are avery strong point of Polonia, the more so side defenders are in good form. Polonia will come out for today's meeting very called up. Footballers know that the lack of the victory would make it difficult for them to stay in Ekstraklasa, and to it the Bakero coach could lose a job. Ruch is in awful form. Fatally is fit a defence, which until now was a strong point of today's guests. The entire team is playing slowly, schematically and without the idea. Ruch will play today without Niedzielan, who at the game from the counter-attack is for the team priceless. Today's guests are expecting to the defence and counter-attacks. In squad is no playing playmaker, and Sobiech at the game from the counter-attacks is worthless. In the defence because of walking away Brzyski it pursued into sizeable of refurnishing. Nykiel and Grzyb aren't playing on their nominal positions. On new positions they are feeling not too good what one can see with the rest after their game. It is worthwhile looking also at the substitute's benches. Polonia has Sarvas, who after going up on court can alter the face of the team. He is very talented playmaker, who is able to play great perpendicular passes, as well as to shoot from distance. He is very creative player and he can be very useful for coach Bakero. Is also attacker-Cortes, who in the last matches is going up on the court from bench and he is acquitting himself quite quite well. This footballer is acclimatizing in the team and with every week his form will certainly be more and more good. On the bench of Ruch we doesn't have the player who by the access could change the game of the team. I think that Polonia will win this match.

  16. Re: Poland 12-14 March Odra Wodzisław-Piast Gliwice Tipp:Odra Wodzisław@2,10 Stake:6/10 Bookmaker:Bet365 Starting date:12.03.2010 17:45 Today at 17:45 in Wodzisław local Odra will be taking Piast Gliwice. This will be meeting for proverbial "6 points". The winner of this match will much come closer to the maintenance, and the loser will be in a very heavy situation. The draw isn't giving to both teams too much. Coaches of both teams are announcing the fight for the victory. ODRA WODZISŁAW Odra in the autumn round was definitely worst team in Ekstraklasa. Odra was a built candidate up to the inheritance, however during the winter transfer window activists from Wodzisław effected many reinforcements. A few of them turned out to be great transfer moves. Brasilia, Cantoro, Kolendowicz and Onyszko are deciding about strength of the team, and in the match with Legia they presented themselves delicious. From new players certain places in basic composition also have side defenders-Velicky and Luksik. Both in the match with Legia gave a good performance. Basic composition was much refurnished and it is obvious that the team needs the time to get used to playing together. In the first match of this round (with Lechia) footballers of today's hosts weren't still coordinated, an agreement between individual formations was missing. In the match with Legia everything already looked definitely better. In the last railway Odra won on the away with Legia 1-0. Hosts of the today's match impressed with the valour. It could see that footballers very cared about the victory. Admittedly Legia had the considerable majority in this match and she conducted the game, but Odra showed that she was able to fight with everyone. Odra footballers impressed with the very good play in defence. Defence of Odra is in really great form and driving her goalkeeper-Arkadiusz Onyszko is in the phenomenal form. Delicious acquitted itself a centre of midfield of Odra . Cantoro and Malinowski dominated this part of the court. Both are in the great form. The duet of centre midfielder of Odra superbly stopped attacks by the rival, and very well dealt with playing the ball. Cantoro was a mind of the team. He showed a few excellent passes and through the entire match he acquitted himself very well. Very well are functioning wings. Particularly a left side, where phenomenally had at his disposal Kolendowicz is mad. His dynamic rallyes created much benefit for the entire squad. Quite well also acquitted himself right winger-Piechniak. In the great form is a duet of attackers-Bueno and Brasilia. Both very well understand one another. Brasilia in the first match with Lechia already appeared from the good advantage. In the match withLegia he played really great. He was very active, he much ran... Brasilia is fast and dynamic, he is able also to try shoot from distance. Footballers of Odra quite well acquitted themselves also in the offensive. Admittedly they have attacked rarely, but they showed a few nice, fast actions. The entire team played with the idea, he was able to surprise the rival... Odra will play today in system 4-4-2. The team from the beginning of the match will be trying to impose its style of the game upon the rival. In the entrance we will see phenomenal Onyszko. In the defence line:on the left side-Luksik, in centre Dymkowski and Kowalczyk. This duet is in the very good form. On the right side-Velicky, who in the match with Legia acquitted himself very well. On the left wing we will see great had at his disposal Kolendowicz. In the centre of midfield will play Malinowski and Cantoro which about I already higher wrote, and on the right side will play a shooter of the only goal in the match with Legia-Piechniak. In the attack, as similarly as in the last match will appear-Bueno and Brasilia. PIAST GLIWICE Piast in two spring queues got only 1 point. During the winter window the squad recruited a few interesting players, however these players are acquitting themselves so far very poorly. The most important players stayed in the team and the team from Gliwice will certainly be fiercely fighting for staying in EKSTRAKLASA. In the last railway Piast in the weak style lost at home with GKS Bełchatów 1-2. GKS had the large majority in that match and he could win higher. Footballers from Bełchatów dominated the entire meeting and they had the considerable optical majority. Piast wasn't able to advise himself with GKS footballers. Fatally acquitted herself a defence of today's guests. Peculiarly poorly played side defenders which made quite a lot of mistakes on the defensive, with ease they let beat themselves with GKS wingers and they didn't join in offensive actions. Admittedly the duet of centre defendersGlik-Kowalski played quite well, but today Kowalski be missing. Hopelessly played Piast goalkeeper-Kwapisz who made a mistake at both goals, and through the entire match played very unsteadily. Fatally also acquitted itself a centre of midfield. Zganiacz who was supposed to be a certain point of the team in this round is disappointing on the entire line. Muszalik also played poorly. Very well playedPiast playmaker-Wilczek, but he today won't play. On the right wing quite well acquitted himself Smektała. Left winger-Bisku[ played fatally. In the attack Olszar played the fairly good meeting, but today, without Wilczek for goals he will be feeling very difficulty. Piast wasn't able to advise himself with well had at its disposal GKS defence. Footballers of today's guests lacked the idea for the game. Their game was too slow and schematic. Today Piast will leave in other placing than usually. Coach Fornalak will place his team today in system 4-4-2. In the entrance will play Kwapisz who is in the hopeless form. In the defence we will see: on the left side-Szary, in centre Gamla and of Glik, on the right side poorly had at his disposal-Michniewicz. In midfield-on left side Biskup who in the last match played feebly, in centre Zganiacz and Muszalik, which are acquitting oneself much below expectations, and on the right side Smektała. In the attack we will see Olszar and Paluchowski however Paluchowski is acquitting himself very poorly. PERSONNEL SITUATION Odra will play today in the strongest composition. Coach has all players at his disposal. In the worse situation is Piast. In the team from Gliwice today a few leading players Wilczek is playmaker. He is one of the most important players of the entire team. Very creative, great understands one another from Olszar. He is able to play unconventionally, he is great dribbling and shooting from distance. His lack is a great weakness for Piast. Kowalski is a basic centre defender. Kowalski great understands one another from Glik and both are creating the excellent couple of centre defenders. Today Gamla will replace Kowalski and the centre defence won't certainly be functional so well. Iwan is a reserve midfielder, but his lack can also be significant. SUMMARY Odra is in very good form. The entire team is already well matched what one could see in the match with Legia, where Odra impressed above all with the will of the fight and splendid play in defence. Hosts of the today's match will play in the full squad and today to a maximum called up will fight for the victory in a match about "6 points". Piast will play without two key competitors. The team is in the weak form. Fatally a defence line is fit. Players attracted in the winter are disappointing on the entire line. Key to success for Odra can be a centre of midfield. Piast centre midfielders are in the awful form, and Odra has very strong centre of midfield. If Odra as similarly as in the match with Legia will dominate this zone of courts, it for the victory will be easily. Also rallyes of Kolendowicz can be the key to success. Righteous Piast defender-Michniewicz is in the hopeless form and Kolendowicz will certainly deal with him. Odra is playing the better football at the moment. Today's hosts are playing smoothly and with the idea. They have definitely better goalkeeper and better had at its disposal line of defence. Piast on aways is playing poorly. I think, that carried with the cheers of the audience Odra will win this match.

  17. Re: Poland 5th-7th March

    Korona Kielce-Polonia Bytom Tipp:Korona Kielce@2,10 :D Stake:7/10 Bookmaker:Expekt Starting date:05.03.2010 17:45 Today at 17:45 in Kielce local Korona will be taking Polonia Bytom. Inhabitants of Kielce are fighting over the maintenance and in such matches they must get sets of points. Polonia is taking the place inside of the table and the fall rather isn't threatening her. KORONA KIELCE Before this round Inhabitants of Kielce became very stronger thoroughly. Tothe team among others they were came:Zieliński, Kaczmarek and Jędrzejczyk, who in the first match of the spring round showed that they would be deciding about strength of the team. Coach Sasal took down also best competitors from his former club Dolcan Ząbki-Tataj and Lech. Team less only not important competitors who didn't have a chance for performances in basic composition, and they haven't often been located also at the substitute's bench of Korona. Korona is a team of the own court. Before the own audience today's hosts are playing much better than in away matches. In the last railway Korona defeated at home Jagiellonia 1-0. Hosts of the today's match played great. Korona dominated the match, she conducted the game and she had the considerable optical majority. Footballers from Kielce created many situation for scoring a goal and they should win this match higher. Above all a rapid pace of the game and great outflanking actions of Korona impressed me. Korona footballers showed a few really nice, fast and combinative actions. Reliable Jagiellona defence repeatedly didn't deal with attacks by Korona footballers. When Jagiellonia footballers left behind bit of open space for Korona, today's hosts great used it. If today, footballers from Bytom are leaving the vacancy for footballers of Korona, it can finish off tragically for Polonia Bytom. Footballers from Bialystok didn't deal with phenomenally had at its disposal defence of Korona. Defensive play of Korona footballers in the match with Jagiellonia was almost perfect. Defenders of Korona great understood one another, they superbly hid and they played very confidently. Duet of centre defenders-Stano and Hernani were great cooperated with themselves. Delicious acquitted themselves side defenders. Mijailović and borrowed from the Legia Warszawa Jędrzejczyk superbly joined in offensive actions, and on the defensive they acquitted themselves without accusations. Very well played also a duet of attackers Edi-Gajtkowski. Apparently, that both great understand one another. Their game in the match with Jaga could appeal. Today Korona will play in offensive placing 4-4-2. The Sasal coach is announcing that Korona footballers will be attacking from the beginning of the match. In the entrance we will see today Malkowski. Admittedly in my opinion Cierzniak who coach Sasal is seating on the bench is a better goalkeeper, but Małkowski in the match with Jagiellonia acquitted himself well. A line of defence remains the same like in the match with Jaga. On the left side great had at his disposal, newly graduated captain of Korona-Mijailović, in centre Hernani and Stano, and on the right side Jędrzejczyk, who week ago coeunted very successful debut in Korona. A bit a line of midfield will be changed. On the left side Sobolewski will play, who week ago acquitted himself delicious. His dynamic rallyes the left side of the court rained panic in defensive rows of rivals. In centre two really very well had at one's disposal midfielders-Vuković and Wilk. In the match with Jagiellonia they acquitted themselves very well. They performed quite a lot of good work in the destruction. They great ended actions of the rival, vthey very well stood. Both they are able to get the ball back from the rival and for them it is coming out very well. On the right side will play Jacek Kiełb. Week ago he changing Kaczmarek in 45 minute. Kiełb acquitted himself great, his fast rallyes with left side of the court posed big threat beneath the turnstile of rivals. Several times he very nicely beat defenders of Jagiellonia and he entered a penalty area. At the positional attack, which today Korona will be apply, Kiełb will certainly be more useful than less offensively disposed Kaczmarek. In the attack for the first minute will probably play Gajtkowski with Edi Andradina. On the bench we still have very fast Zieliński who before this round came to the team from Polonia Bytom. In the last railway Zieliński went the court up only in 89 minute, however in the sequence of these few minutes he showed, that he could quite a lot carry into the game of enitre team. His speed is a very big advantage of coach Sasal. Today probably Zieliński will go up to the court more quickly. Coach will let him into tired out defenders of rivals and it can be excellent move. Zieliński will certainly be very motivated to the match with former friends. POLONIA BYTOM Inhabitants of Bytom before this round seriously weakened themselves. Aforementioned Zieliński left the squad. Also aren't playing a brain and the team captain-centre midfielder Rafał Grzyb who signed an agreement with Jagiellonia and overlords of the club moved him to the team of Mloda Ekstraklasa. Nobody who could change the face of the team was attracted. What's more-none of new players is grabbing hold at the moment to basic composition. Atmosphere prevailing in the team isn't best. In the last railway Polonia Bytom drew at home with Slask Wrocław 0-0. Polonia footballers presented the truly holiday form. The match stood on the very low level. The pace of the game was free. Both teams lacked off idea for the game. The game of Polonia Bytom was chaotic and not-doed. Polonia played fatally in the offensive. Slow, predictable actions and the lack of the element of surprise. Even though defence of Slask wasn't in the highest predisposition, she with ease stopped attacks by rivals. In Polonia defensive it was also fatally. Hopelessly acquitted himself a righteous defender Kotrys,which repeatedly with ease beat Ćwielong. Not too well also acquitted itself duet of centre defenders-Killar and Klepczyński. Slask created for himself more goalmouth situations than Polonia Bytom. In spite of the slow pace of offensive actions of Slask, Polonia footballers were easily lost and they made quite a lot of straight mistakes. Agreement between individual players of defence line is lacked. The game of midfielder was also only mediocre. Fatally acquitted himself right winger-Barcik. Not too well also looks a situation in the attack. In the match with Slask Podstawek played poorly. Centre midfielders-Nowak and Kuranty acquitted themselves on average. One can see the lack of Grzyb and Sawala. This two in the centre(and Radzewicz) of the midfield of Polonia was a driving motor of the entire team. Sawala and Grzyb great understood one another and they had many offensive advantages. Kuranty and Nowak are looking much more poorly. They are limiting themselves to defensive tasks, more poorly they are standing and they are footballers for the class weaker than Grzyb and Sawala. To left wing Radzewicz is coming back, however by so well had at her disposal defence of tKorona, he will have the hard task. All the more so because for the help of the left defender Kotrys he not much can to count. On the right wing will play fatally had at him disposal Barcik. Admittedly on the right defence is Hricko who is one of best footballers of Polonia, both in the match with Slask he presented himself very well, however he is having 3 yellow cards in his account and he must think, because another yellow card and he will have to rest. In the entrance will play borrowed from Legia Warszawa Skaba. In the match with Slask Skaba played great, however mistakes often happen to this goalkeeper. Skaba will certainly have a lot of chance today for intervention, and I hope that he will make at least once mistake. PERSONNEL SITUATION Korona will play today in the strongest composition. Coach Sasal has all players at his disposal and the entire team in the peace is preparing to the match in a leisure centre in Cedzyn. In worse situation is Polonia. Still cannot play: important centre midfielder-Sawal and centre defender-Kulpaka. I will also remind that one of the best footballers of this team, centre midfielder-Grzyb, was transferred to the MLODA EKSTRAKLASA team. SUMMARY Hosts are in the definitely more better form. In the phenomenal form are defenders, great disposal are wingers. Very well a centre of midfield is acquitting himself. The entire team is playing very fastly and combinative. Impressing great outflanking actions. Coach Sasal is announcing that the team will attack from the beginning. Polonia will expect the game from the counter-attack, however she not much has with whom to frighten at the front. Same Radzewicz won't win a match for them, the more so as it is only his first match in this round and it isn't obvious or his form is equally good, like in the autumn round. Fatally is fit a defence, and the only bright spot of this line-Hricko must think rationed to cards. Korona at home is very strong. Polonia Bytom on aways is playing poorly. I think, that carried with the cheers of the audience hosts will win this match.
    :D :D :D :D Korona Kielce-Polonia Bytom 1-0
  18. Re: Poland 5th-7th March

    Lechia Gdańsk-Polonia Warszawa Tipp:Polonia Warszawa(+1)@1,66 :D and Polonia Warszawa@3,50 :( Stake:8/10(Polonia Warszawa(+1)) and 3/10(Polonia Warszawa) Bookmaker:Unibet Starting date:06.03.2010 17:00 Today at 17 00 in Gdańsk local Lechia will be taking Polonia Warszawa. Unexpectedly in the table much higher is Lechia. Lechia has the considerable advantage over the decreasing zone and she is not having to worry for the maintenance. Polonia which was supposed to fight over the championship unexpectedly must fight over the maintenance. Polonia have very large personnel and financial potential and than should not have a problem with the maintenance, but if they are losing points in such matches perhaps them to feel heavily. LECHIA GDAŃSK My favourite team in the autumn round achieved the great score, however in my opinion Lechia was very lucky and she should be in the table much more low. The potential of the team from Gdańsk is definitely lower than a table is pointing at it. Before this round left defender-Kosznik and centre midfielder-Laizans came to the team. Both they will enlarge the in the team, but faces won't certainly change the team. Team left best, in my opinion, Lechia goalkeeper-Mateusz Bak. However coach Kafarski seated him on the bench. In the last railway Lechia drew on the away with Odra Wodzisław 0-0. Lechia prevailed in that match and she should win this meeting, however it was rather caused by the awful form of Odra, than the good form of Gdańsk footballers. Odra before this round entirely restructured the team and the entire team didn't manage still to get used to playing together what one could see in the match with Lechia. Apart from that Odra is a team about at least class weaker than Polonia Warszawa. Lechia played poorly in the defence. Fatally played side defenders which with ease often beaten wingers of Odra. Average played two centre defenders-Wołąkiewicz and Kożans, who repeatedly made straight mistakes. Several times unsteadily intervened Kapsa. How I already wrote in my opinion definitely more better goolkeeaper was Mateusz Bak. Now in Lechia was left only Kapsa who doesn't have the major competitor in the fight against the place in first "eleven" of Lechia. Lack of competition, certainly doesn't serve him. In the offensive Lechia played a little better, however by so fatally had at her disposal defence of Odra it wasn't difficult. At least and here it is possible to have reservations. For the long term of time footballers of Lechia lacked the idea for the game. Footballers of Lechia weren't able to conduct the coherent actions. Actions expired on 2-3 applications, what footballers of Odra cut them in two all over. Footballers of Lechia have often played with long balls which with ease footballers of Odra intercepted. Feebly played Lukjanovs who today will run out in basic composition. Latvian is in my opinion definitely overrated footballer. Lukjanovs is sorting dynamics. He has the poor dribbling, he often falls down. He is making much noise, but little from this benefit for the team. Lechia is playing system 4-3-3 what in my opinion is a great mistake of the Lechia coach-Tomasz Kafarski. A three of centre midfielder and a lack of wingers are an awful answer. Lechia is playing without wings... At the front three attackers, sometimes to sides will walk Lukjanovs and Buzała, however they as wingers are acquitting themselves hopelessly. In this system of the game in the basic squad of Lechia isn't taking place for the two of the best Lechia footballers-Marcin Kaczmarek and Arek Mysona. Kaczmarek is a typical winger and his value for the squad is really big. The coach tried to point him on sides of the defence, but Kaczmarek doesn't like there to play and for him it is coming out poorly. Now Kaczmarek is sitting on the bench and he is going up the last minutes of matches. He isn't also taking place for my favourite player-Arkadiusz Mysona. Left defender of Lechia is sitting on the bench, because the coach is counting on Rafał Kosznik who in the match with Odra acquitted himself poorly. However today in the basic eleven then again Kosznik will run out. Mysona is much more dynamic and his rallyes with left side of the court posed the great threat beneath the turnstile of rivals. On the right side of defence is playing Bak. In my opinion poor player. Bak is focusing on defensive tasks and he rarely joins in offensive actions. He is lacking the speed and the technique. In the centre of defence, as similarly as the week ago will run out Wołąkiewicz and Kożans. Reliable defenders, but in the match with Odra they showed that they weren't in the highest predisposition. In midfield we will see Surma, Pietrowski who will replace Laizans and Wiśniewski who will take the place of Paweł Nowak. Wiśniewski is a typical attacker, if necessary the winger and placing him in the centre of midfield is a next mistake of Kafarski in my opinion. In the attack we will see today Lukjanovs, Dawidowski and Buzała. About Lukjanovs I already wrote. Dawidowski didn't train the period of time ahead of lyes and now he is slowly returning to the former form. However it isn't competitor who individually will win a match. Buzała it is a fairly good player, with the good dribbling, however he is lacking a bit of a speed and he sometimes plays too chaotically. POLONIA WARSZAWA Polonia is a team with the enormous potential. Polonia Warszawa could fight with such composition over the championship, but very weak autumn round foiled plans of the chairman Wojciechowski. However chairman remained calm and consistently building the strong team up for the next season. Before this round they came to the team-left winger Gancarczyk, left defender and centre midfielder-Andreu. Entire the threesome at once was punctured to basic composition. Since when Jose Maria Bakero included the team, Polonia started playing deciding better. For footballers it isn't possible will refuse ambition and the will the fight. In the last railway today's guests lost at home with Lech Poznań 0-3, however the style of the game of today's guests wasn't as weak how, a result could point at it. The match was run at a fast pace, and today's guests relating to such a top-class rival presented themselves very well. Lech was simply much more effective. Apart from that Lech's footballers are in the really outstanding form. Stilić, Peszko and Lewandowski are able to disassemble every defence in the country, and now he after all is still Kriwiec. Polonia was able, however to oppose Lech. Today's guests played fastly and offensively. In spite of the awful state of grass, they showed quite a lot of combinative actions. Polonia was able to longer stay by the ball and she had quite a lot of goalmouth situations. Above all impressed great outflanking actions. Gancarczyk and Mierzejewski are in phenomenal form. Both conducted quite a lot of dynamic rallyes which with Lech's footballers didn't deal. Very poor match ranked a Polonia goalkeeper-Przyrowski, however it is one of the best goalkeepers of Ekstraklasa and today he will certainly prove that the match with Lech was only an accident at work. On the left side of defence today Brzyski will play, one of the best left defenders in Ekstraklasa, who in the match with Lech showed that he was in the fairly good form. He great joined in offensive actions. In centre one of the best duets of centre defenders in the league-Jodłowiec and Dziewicki, who is now in the delicious form. On the right side instead of Sokolowski, who with Lech played average, Radek Mynar will play. Mynar is a definitely more better footballer, than Sokolowski. Radek is one of best players of Polonia. Excellent on the defensive and equally good in the offensive. He often joins in offensive actions and he is going round the winger round. In centre of midfield we will see Trałka, Andreu who for a lot of years trained in Barcelona and he is supposed to be considerable strengthening of Polonia and probably reliable Piątek. On sides will play highly recalled Gancarczyk and Mierzejewski. In the attack will appear Cortes who in the match with Lech accessed to the court in the second half and he played quite well. Now he a bit got used to playing together already with the team and his game will certainly be even better. Coach Bakero has the considerable confidence at the chairman of Wojciechowski, however chairman of Polonia is a very expressive man and the possible defeat in the today's meeting can cost Bakero loss of work. PERSONNEL SITUATION Polonia will play today in the strongest composition. Lechia will play today without leading centre midfielder-Nowak who must be out of the game because of cards. Wiśniewski will replace him, however he is a typical assailant, if necessary winger and in my opinion he don't play good in centre of midfield. SUMMARY Polonia is definitely stronger under the personnel account. Lechia is playing with system 4-3-3 which in my opinion very much harms the entire team. In the weak predisposition is Lechia defence. Through this system can;t play Kaczmarek. Coach is also putting on the bench Mysona. This two is in my opinion definitely best players of this team. Polonia has one of the best lines of defence in the entire league. In the phenomenal form are wingers and side defenders. Outflanking actions can just be the key to success today for Polonia. Side defenders of Lechia are in the weak predisposition, and very, very fast Gancarczyk and Mierzejewski, with the help of Brzyski and Mynar will certainly use it. I think that Polonia will win this match.
    :D :D Lechia Gdańsk-Polonia Warszawa 1-1
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