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Posts posted by Donkson

  1. Re: Super Soccer System

    Are the markets that efficient? I don't know but I think so.
    Although I haven't gone into creating a model like you and others have, I agree that the markets aren't efficient enough to prevent a decent ROI. Have you tried testing (and using) some filters to take out some of the less profitable bets? Like Andrew said, you might need to try filtering out a certain odds range, draws, away wins or something along those lines. Good luck anyway.
  2. Re: Tennis - Wimbledon

    I apologise for that spat with SayYesMoreInLife. It evidently pulled the quality of the thread down even further but considering the number of people who have been irked by him' date=' I felt it had to be done. Wishing you all the best for Wimbledon 2011 :ok[/quote'] I don't post much but I do read the forum a lot, you're 100% in the right imo. Disliked his posts immensely, anyhow, onto the best grand slam of the year!
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